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 No.14387[Watch Thread][Reply]>>17121

Now that it's getting into fall and we're reaching the end of the year, I have something I want to say. This year was especially hard on me, a lot of bad stuff happened, but chatting with you sushis has been a bright spot in a dark year. I love you guys and the community we have here, and I had a lot of fun lurking the boards and watching the streams and hanging out and so on.

With that out of the way, did you sushis do anything this summer? Have some sort of vacation, try something new, or make a change in your life? Even if you didn't do anything special, what kind of things did you get up to?
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Winter is coming


>>14387 (OP)
>What kind of things did you get up to?
In January I restarted learning Japanese after years of neglect and have made considerable progress since then. My band and me played our second gig in summer. Other than that not much has happened this year.


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Summer is for enjoying the heat.


I refuse!
haet the heat


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Well, it's been raining since 7pm Friday night…. now it's a steamy kind of heat.


 No.4784[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post some solid gold oldies.
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randomly found this today


wtf, why is this so good?



Cutie Honey opening (1973)


Everything about this video is beautiful.


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 No.12005[Watch Thread][Reply]

heihei sushis :3
i want to start a diary and been thinking of what it helps u with as there must be less obvious things u only find out after doing it (semi-)longterm, maybe u'll recognize things others mention which didn't occur to u conciously before and it might inspire others to do the same, i for one can't think of any downsides, as even cringing at ur current self in the future should be worth it to see urself growing

to start off myself, as someone who never wrote their own diary, i think it'll help me get a clearer view of what's important to me, remember things standing out and to live the day more conciously without things sliding by all the time ^-^ (this paragraph is a lil double-y, i almost forgot to write it and shoved it in ^^")

i don't need tips on what/how to write, as i think it'll come naturally and i'll notice what's important to me over time and the beginning will probably be a little clunky, but feel free to write tips, i'm sure there r sushis appreciating it and maybe it'll ease someones first hurdles
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for when you can't decide if you want an open sandwich or regular sandwich.


Dear Diary,

It rained today and never really stopped. Also the buses came late today twice in a consecutive days.

I hate the wet…


you’re doing fine just stop saying “u” instead of “you” it‘s very irritating.


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Terrible week at work; issues and problems all the time. Argh.


Today when parking my car I managed to drive 5 cm into an unmarked driveway with 50cm tall grass. What I did not expect after returning from work was the owner running towards me calling me a stupid useless roll while waving an axe around because he was chopping wood to start a fire.

Ended up driving away. It's never a good idea to engage in violence with bare hands against somebody with an axe.


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 No.4909[Watch Thread][Reply]

what did i do wrong

where does the .75 come from
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What is even happening?


OP is doing long division to calculate 67/4. At the top you write how many times 4 goes into a certain place value (multiple of 10).

67 = 40 + 24 + 2.8 + 0.2, but OP forgot to separate the last two.


The three is actually to be divided by the 4 as well, where 3/4 is .75 (or if you like, 75% of a 1)


Oh, now i get it; thanks.


I can't math today; too hungry for pie.


 No.18675[Watch Thread][Reply]

hi sushi! i am a silly wanderer traveling from ib to ib. today alone ive been to a good 20+ of them but even ones that used to be active are dead silent. could you tell me about yourselves? any sushi lore? have a nice day <3
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Hello fellow traveller :3

I've been doing the same journey as you but most of the imageboards I've found are unfortunately dead -_- I prefer the slower nature of forums to discords/ircs so I'm motivated to find (and hopefully contribute) to a good community

Hope you find somewhere you like :D


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>any sushi lore?
There used to be a >>>/wildcard/ board. Almost no one posted in it, but the idea was really fun.

Yeah, it sucks. I want my sushifriends back.

Discord has the same (and more) functionality as imageboards. It also has a lot of bells and whistles to keep people coming back, plus there's considerable social pressure to have a discord account in the first place, so if you have an account anyway, why not join the server? Discord alo encourages more activity since it's an informal chat experience where you can quickly clarify and rephrase what you said, whereas on imageboards you have to think more carefully before you hit reply. The major difference, though, is that discord requires an account and isn't sushi rollymous, but one of the biggest blackpills to me is that no one cares about this, which sucks.

I think a lot of people, not just on imageboards, have been asleep at the wheel with discord. They mentally classify it as an IRC substitute and don't see it as a competitor to forums, even though it absolutely is. This is how you end up with a situation like what's happening with shogi at the moment, where almost the entire western playerbase is contained in one discord server, leaving people who don't want to use discord (like me) essentially in the dark concerning all modern theory and professional news.

I'm a big fan of the Wizardchan model. Oversimplifying a little, but they essentially started with one random board and then added new boards based on activity/interest. I think this is a good way to grow smaller boards organically and (potentially) end up with a more unique board configuration, instead of the usual small imageboard admin move of creating a bunch of generic hobby boards at the outset that no one posts in.

Be aware that a lot of "dead" imageboards can spring to life if you just start a new thread! Many boards that don't seem to get many posts still have a lot of visitors, it's just that everyone is waiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Yes, there are. But I wouldn't say that the activity levels are all that different. A bunch of people greeting each other every day and small talk isn't comparable to the same number of long thought-out posts and microblogs.

>has the same (and more) functionality as imageboards. It also has a lot of bells and whistles to keep people coming back
On a technical note, yes. The dreaded gamer Slack actually allows you to change your mind, wipe your post easily, edit it and rephrase yourself. It strikes a balance between regular IRC chat (a fast mind-stream of thoughts) and your regular forum consisting of thought out essays.

>situation like what's happening with shogi at the moment, where almost the entire western playerbase is contained in one [guild]

Indeed. And there is the point. A single board, be it a website or on a webring, is an independent platform. Separated and isolated. And while that is awesome in some regards, it drives the majority of users away. They don't want a place to argue about shogi, to share shogi information; they want to meet humans who are into shogi while feeling like they are learning about shogi. And the product allows you to talk about shogi, sure. But it also allows you to form connections with humans. Without needing separate chats / stream events, like most boards historically did. Said product also (believe me or not) gives you much more control over your new-formed connections with others.

You do not feel like you are talking to users of a particular platform. You feel like you are talking to users of the greater network, in this sense the shogi guild becomes more of a hub than a forum. You 'can' talk to people from the platform and take them "home", even collect them on a platform of your own, at no additional cost to either side.

If your platform sucks because the admin hasn't updated vichan in 6 years or because it's suddenly infested with jailbait picture spam, you aren't forced to leave and lose everybody you met on there. You don't need to pay a domain and a server and a moderation team suddenly. You can very easily move. And have BOTH the freedom and fun of sushi rollymous communication and the community of awesPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>Yeah, it sucks. I want my sushifriends back.
We are still here :P


Discord isn't rollymous; it's pseudonymous. This leads to a totally different culture, because everything is tied to an identity. It doesn't have to be the same as real life, but every account is going to have a persona associated with it. If I were to make a real life comparison, I'd say that Discord is the internet equivalent of going to a pub or hobby group meetup. It leads to the same experiences - forming bonds with other people, splitting off into subgroups, gossiping about other members, etc.

In contrast, image boards do provide a true rollymous experience most of the time. There may be some tripfriends who try to establish an identity, but outside of that you can only guess who was behind the posts. I would compare the imageboard experience to be closer to a masquerade. The problem is that there's no one to check invitations at the door, so too many problem makers get in to post illegal content, push political agendas, push commercial products, etc.


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 No.15614[Watch Thread][Reply]>>15963

Hope everyone is doing well, glad to be on this little corner of the internet :)
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hello fren


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>>15614 (OP)
The outside is nice place to be …. sometimes


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not when it's raining… a lot


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Canna indica is a flowering plant that grows out of big bulb-like roots called "rhizomes". The plants get quite large for something that dies off and regrows every year. The pictured ones are about 3 ft tall. Normally it flowers closer to July, but I guess the warm spring let it get started earlier than usual this year.

In some parts of South America, the Canna is cultivated as a food product. The rhizomes are starchy and can be cooked and eaten directly, or processed into a flour similar to arrowroot.


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 No.6652[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

(Didn't see a particular thread for this topic so making one) Anyone here married/have a family or otherwise older than the average imageboard user?

I hit 31 this year, have had a family for several years. Grew up and still enjoy chan culture yet somehow I've become trapped in suburban normie hell. It's a weird sort of loneliness. Anyone else know this feel?
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I turned 30 recently myself. I'm not too bothered about being older than the average poster since it's an sushi rollymous forum, and I don't think I'll ever grow out of imageboards. I've taken longer breaks before and I've tried everything from traditional forums to discord, but I always feel like I've come home when I go on imageboards. I find it very difficult to talk to people, even online, so this is one of the few environments where I feel comfortable enough to express myself. The feeling many of us have that imageboards are in decline has actually been good for me, since it's spurred me on to be a more active poster, even making OC and organising community events for another board.

I can't relate to the being married part, but it is what it is.


Cycling time for the oldies


That's awesome sushi! I wish I was as proactive as you!


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30yo and married here. I visited my partner on another continent and he proposed. I emigrated, and now we live together with 2 cats, no kids.
I used to read image and text boards a lot in my teens. I mostly stuck to 4chan but after moot sold it off I stuck around on 420chan (rip), lainchan, arisuchan (rip), and so on. I've been lurking sushi for a couple of years and posting very occasionally, and I recently discovered Letterbox, too, which has a comfy vibe.
Imageboards (other than 4chan) feel like they trend typically older, imho. Younger people tend to stick more to Discord, mainstream social media and the fediverse seems pretty young trending too when you look at the instances that aren't the biggest mastodon servers.
My partner has a well paid job and I have a low end part time job so that I can get out of the house and socialise. Making friends in another country is hard, and I find more solace in posting online and chatting with my friends from my home country more than I do with people in this one.


nice bragging.


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 No.18604[Watch Thread][Reply]>>18613

Life is good, I even met a snail today.
But there's always room for improvement.
I've realized all of my remaining vices/addictions/distractions are online, so I'm trying something. Using an outlet timer, my router will shut off at 7pm every evening.

This still gives me some time after work to check in on websites I like, download any new anime, and check in on any online friends. But it won't let me spend an entire evening listlessly browsing or socializing just for the sake of socializing.
I'm hoping this will lead to me living more of my ideal life, which is primarily offline and alone. I think it will also encourage me to use my time on the internet with more purpose and motivation, and less guilt.
I'll let you know how it goes.

I'd also like to ask, what does the internet mean to you? What role does it play in your daily life? What would you do if the internet was much more restricted? What do you think this snails name should be?
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I've been gradually drifting away from the internet lately. I have a handful of small, niche, comfy, slow, and rather minimal communities (mostly plaintext) not unlike sushigirl which I browse during the day whenever I need a break, but because they are slow, there's nothing keeping me there for long, and I go back to my activities. For the most part I use the internet to look up stuff on wikipedia, wiktionary, etc, and to download books.
Even though I use the internet less and less, I am still very much a netizen and I like to be part of this digital culture of sorts, but I try to keep it healthy and not get dragged into the shitfest of the modern web. My tablet has the factory version of chrome which can't open cloudflare, recaptcha, etc.

The snail's name should be Endymion


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>>18604 (OP)
i have been banned from 2 imageboards before, i feel like im starting to learn something but im still not sure


I see the internet as a place to unleash my creativity (coding webpages) or as a place to have comfy discussions (places like sushichan) about the things we like, how our life is, and a place to try and make each other happy even when we're in a dark place in our lives, with fun discussions and memes.


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To me, the internet is a medium through which a computer called client can ask a computer called server for something. There are decentralized distributed systems, but they are not all that popular.

To me, the internet is galleries of videos and pictures, repositories of software, music, articles and books. Stocks, tickets, rent, shopping, taxes and other administrative matters. Means to share media and talk. Discussions that would otherwise be hard, if not impossible, to hold. Worries and hopes, joy and pain that would otherwise be impossible to share, and find understanding. Although, impossible is too strong a word, probably.

> What role does it play in your daily life?

Vital. And mortal, if that makes any sense.

> What would you do if the internet was much more restricted?

Move to where it's not as restricted yet, so long as it is easy and not costly. Otherwise, bypass the restrictions, so long as it's technically possible, not too costly and not too risky. Otherwise, do nothing. I probably can't fight it, I barely have enough energy to keep myself up in a stable state. I can only archive what shards of the world that I'm used to remain.

> What do you think this snails name should be?

Fall. When I first looked at the photo, it seemed to me that it was taken during that time of the year, although it's spring outside.


Thanks for all the replies, they are very helpful.

Forcing myself offline a bit this week was great, with the right motivation behind it, it really did lead to me having better days. Before I had felt like I needed to be online all the time, but I really didn't. I don't think I need to adhere to the strict time cut off of the internet in general, but it's a good 'kick in the butt' option and was a great reminder that I'm not truly dependent on it.

I haven't seen Zukertortendymionfall since.


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 No.10266[Watch Thread][Reply]

I did the favourites thread and wanted more charts to fill out so here we are. Made this one, I know there are others floating around but they seem to be made by dating sites for people who laze around all day by the computer. That's not you, right?
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This is entertaining


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figure i'd do this again just to see the differences now


Love this thread!


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Favorites are hard, since they shift all the time.


 No.16784[Watch Thread][Reply]>>16841

Fridey night!


Es taco Tuesday


Happy Friday sushis!


Spending this Friday night Bocchi!



Dance Dance Friday

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