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Hey, let's have a Fall thread!
Do you like Autumn? Is there anything you like to do this time of year?

Autumn is my favourite season but it always feels like you can blink and miss the whole thing if you're not careful.


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There's been so much happening this autumn that I haven't had much time to appreciate any of it.

I will say however that hot tea spiked with some Bailey's feels especially nice at the moment, along with an unexplainable urge for grilling hot dogs in the forest.


Autumn is for pumpkin spiced dancing


I'm in the southern hemisphere, so it's spring but for my northern friends, has your autumn weather been atypical? Spring here has been super gloomy and moderately cold.


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>Do you like Autumn?
Yes, but it's somewhat hampered by my region. In my area fall is the weather swinging from extremely cold to uncomfortably hot, this is in a single day too, so it ruins the fall vibe. One thing about fall is veggies are super cheap now. Add on the fact this cheapness is veggies people don't usally use, cabbage, squash, misc, means they're super cheap. Only something you'd be into if you love to cook though
>Is there anything you like to do this time of year?
I have a relative who was born on Halloween, so they always a big jam during that day. My college is doing a bunch of free 'Halloween events' and they'll probably be doing some thanksgiving ones too.


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I have lived in a place where all the trees are the evergreen type my whole life, and I moved this year and there are lots of non-evergreen trees here so I am seeing orange leaves for the very first time!!!!!! kirei da ne!
a couple weeks ago it snowed here, and it was my first time seeing snow also! I took a walk in the snow and it was still dark outside when I left and when I was walking back the sun had come up, so I got to see all the rooftops covered in snow!


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Autumn Fall means Winter is Coming


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Autumn is here

That's a nice one by Dmitry Prozorov;


>Do you like Autumn?

I used to, back when I lived in my hometown. I could go for strolls through the forest and look at the leaves changing color.

Since moving, autumn consists of gray, foggy days. I don't think I've seen the sun once in the last two week. It's depressing.


Where I live autumn is called winter


We got snow the other day
Sad to see my favorite season going away


Winter is coming…


Blizzard coming in on Tuesday


Where I am, the trees take started turning on November. In the mountains, they turn earlier. I think it's more "Autumn-like" in the mountains anyways. I mean to go more, but my life's been taking over. Chilling in the mountains is way more important than anything else though imo.


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I wish I lived somewhere where the leaves changed. Autumn is very comfy.


Autumn is my favorite season. I'm lucky enough to live in a place with gorgeous fall foliage, and I also love the temperature being cool enough for warm drinks and dressing in layers.


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I just realized my life has finite amount of Octobers left.


Is it autumn yet? Hawt….


I miss autumn so much.


Autumn is my favorite. Summers here hit 115°F and it seems hotter every year.


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Autumn is beautiful. It allows you to contemplate everything, that did (or did not) happen during summer. It's also the start of the annual winter depression and revision of the soul, a time of preparation and transformation.


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pumpkin season!


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i can't wait :3


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i just checked and turns out the autumn here officially starts tomorrow. i guess i can wait a little


Autumn is here! Finally! Begone, the insanity of summer! But autumn is also the season of incurable sad thoughts for me…


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Why would you be sad during autumn? It's sweater season!


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It's still a bit hot around here and the leaves have yet to change, but I'm not giving up hope! I don't particularly do anything special for autumn, though. My cooking doesn't change, I don't really go anywhere, but honestly, it's okay. I take it a month at a time. During autumn, the temperature becomes more temperate: about 70F/21C. The trees do change a bit, but it's never really golden where I live. In my neighborhood, the trees are mostly green, but if you go to a wildlife preserve or something similar, the leaves are all on the ground and brown. So really, I think it looks pretty ugly. Still, the mountains near me are beautiful with their orange and yellow leaves. It's downright picturesque.




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I live on the equator so sadly although autumn is theoretically my favorite season, I've never personally experienced it. I desperately crave a time of the year where it's just the right temperature to layer up a little bit more, and where the air isn't too dry or too wet.

My family plans to visit Japan soon, and they plan to take me along with them, hopefully we'll get to plan the trip during autumn so that I can experience it finally.


Autumn is cool but it's the time of the year when the wind somehow always makes something get in my eye so it's hard to take it too easy outdoors.


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I love to have pumpkin spice tea, and work around the homestead. Lawncare and rearranging furniture is always a blast!


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For some reason, every year, I try to quit smoking in the summer and end up failing as soon as we get the first chilly day of autumn. It's pure clockwork. I guess the pleasant weather is a trigger.
It's been abnormally hot, though. I spent a good chunk of the usual cig money on a standing fan instead.


I feel as if autumn is simply the most attractive time to smoke. I think back to all of those people that like to romanticize the fall season with books, coffee, large tweed coats, turtlenecks. I think cigarettes simply play into that vision of autumn a little too well.


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I'd hope you would try vaping to ween your self of nicotine (not disposable, mix your own fluid)

But do agree with >>20009 I can fully visualize the scene they're portraying. The leaves are yellow/orange on a leafy US Uni campus and you clock your prof looking how they describe before class taking a drag outside with their coffee while some mid west-y emo-y type music plays in your ear buds in your beanie. I WANT TO GO BACK TAKE ME BACK (i was never there…)


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I've gone back into employment and these SLAVERS want me to work one day a week. I've been trying to live with this new reality but who knows how long I can last. Outside of that, I've been so busy being the best that I lose all motivation when it comes to enjoying my free time. I have no drive to be lazy… I haven't even been dedicating 1 hour to sushiposting like I used to…


I get sick without fail every autumn and this autumn was no different
But I only ever get sick during the autumn so every year by the time it's autumn again, I've forgotten how absolutely miserable it is to have a fever and be sore all over and be fatigued an hour after I wake up.

But yeah I like the autumn. I can sit outside and it's neither ridiculously hot nor freezing, and it's a good time for jogging, too.

>it always feels like you can blink and miss the whole thing if you're not careful

The temperature changes too fast. Autumn is supposed to be three months long but the actual comfortable temperatures only last for a month or so. Before then it's just summer but not so hot, afterwards it's winter but not so cold yet.

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