>>18272this is pretty neat. I wish it was a bit more active and /cozy/
>>17176Doubling this. Not only is this live chat with avatar, there's a BBS!
I'm loving it! trust me there's quite a bit here! Didn't expect to have this much fun
>>19203we had contacts thread somewhere on sushi, many people posted in it
>>19204Lol yea but I was thinking a dedicated board that encourages meeting sushi rolls might have potential. Most imageboards discourage posting contact to preserve sushi rollymity (I think?). But I want to help lonely sushi rolls and the imageboard medium seems better than the alternatives to prevent cliques and avoid predatory algorithms.
There would be a /lounge/ and an /ad/. /ad/ is self-explanatory you just post an ad for yourself. /lounge/ would be for chatting about w/e and if you click with an sushi roll you can crosslink to your /ad/ post.
I have other ideas too, like discouraging posting gender unless it's relevant. I get why sushis might think this whole thing is redundant though.
>>19205oh no I forgot about the word filter bc I mostly lurk. To clarify I didn't mean for my idea to only be targeted at sushi rolls.
>>19253You can join sushi discord anytime. Just relax and enjoy the conversation.
>>19254I actually didn't expect an answer and now I gotta work on building up courage to join
>>19203I like this idea. All of my friends online come from contact info threads on random imageboards, but they are pretty rare.
Gladly surprised to see Lainzine added to the affiliate section. I’ve been perusing that page for a minute
I wish there was a place online where you can have quality discussions on serious topics but I can't find anywhere. College and academic mailing lists used to be okay even if they were full of snobs and elitists and most are dead now. Everywhere its just noise and rage and more noise. 4chan /lit/, leftypol /edu/ and most subreddits are just unusable and filled with insane unhinged people.
>>19203You won't know until you try it.
>>19679I'm working on an imageboard that I plan to formally launch soon:
https://libpol.orgThe idea is to (in part) provide a hub for high-quality, non-insane, non-extreme discussion on any number of issues. As the name might suggest, the conceit of the site is prohibition of social rightists. Things left of liberalism will probably generally be permitted but I intend for the median poster to lean center-left. I want to discourage conspiracist, extremist, or authoritarian leftists from posting but moderation policy will mostly be focused on excluding social rightism.
Also, despite the name, I actually don't really want most of the site to be very political. I mostly want to sequester that to the /libpol/ board. The goal of the site is more about exclusion of a certain cluster of people than creating a political battleground or outrage-bait hub.
The board I'm intending to reserve for high-quality discussion is No.19716
>>19713Good luck with your board.
>the conceit of the site is prohibition of social rightistsUhhh… do you mean prohibiting stormf*gs? Because setting up a site where social liberalism is more or less enforced leads to a situtation where liberalism itself can't be challenged. You could make a fair argument that liberalism is also an extremist ideology too. The name /libpol/ isn't very encouraging. Do we really need another /pol/ type website?
>>19716I intentionally designed the site to contain contradictions. It's a /pol/ but I dislike politics and detest /pol/, it espouses liberalism and its administration is authoritarian and oligarchic, it's called libpol but allows non-liberal leftists, it hosts high-quality truth-seeking discussion and is explicitly partisan and biased.
Why? Just feels right. And I think a site in the vein of or coolword.funTLD is less likely to gain traction.
>Do we really need another /pol/ type website?There are really only two /pol/ type websites: /pol/ (and its satellites) and /leftypol/. I figure a third option that's somewhere in between can't hurt. That said, I very much understand and empathize with /pol/ exhaustion.
>setting up a site where social liberalism is more or less enforced leads to a situtation where liberalism itself can't be challenged. Critiques of liberalism will generally be permitted as long as they aren't from a socially rightist lens (like "it promotes degeneracy").
>Uhhh… do you mean prohibiting stormf*gs?Prohibiting both them and ordinary social conservatives. We may permit some "debate center-right/moderate conservatives" stuff in an isolated containment board, but I'm not sure yet. The main goal is definitely to keep out the far-right, but we generally don't want social rightists at all beyond the most moderate of ones.
(Obviously some otherwise apt people may have a few arguably socially right-leaning positions, so this is more an "I know it when I see it" personality heuristic than a strict policing of ideology.)
I'm aware the name is kind of confusing, but the current mission statement is basically "big tent left-of-center" (or "left-of-right"). You can think of it as nonrightchan, not enforcedliberalismpol.
>>19719Just go to for that.
its not a server, im streaming horror movies here if anyone wants to join.
site doesnt require you to make an account, its a VM. No.20109
I recently made a new /x/ themed discord server about magic and paranormal things, it has a media channel and a channel for books. Its a text server, no voice chat. No.20196
venting board and off topic discussions No.20197
>>20196Concept is really cool sushi roll, but you need to get janitors or moderators because in its current state i doubt many menhera will want to use it
No.20209 imageboard with a cool design. Brand new and kinda slow, but definitely something to keep tabs on.
brand new imageboard for rozen maiden fans No.20322
>>699222chan died and got revived
No.20479 neet imageboard for neets
The problem with most online communities is that they can either be interesting or be active, but never both.
Its sad how some of these communities barely last a year. I blame social media, Reddit, and Discord. The ultimate forum/community killers.
>>20480You probably know by now but the site has been back since the 12th
>>20479What happened to this one though? It had potential, same as Yuichan
>>14098It's down
>>14125Still alive and very active but mostly /pol/ stuff and weird shitposts by now
>>20609Most of the /pol/ stuff is one person. I'll see what I can do about it.
I found recently. Is a fairly new IB with bespoke board software. Has 2000s AIDs styling. The drugs board seems to have some number of the old 420chan userbase. Posts seem to be of reasonably high quality.
If Sei is lurking, admin-kun over there is eager to affiliate with other boards if you're interested.
A lainchan alternative for talking about technology and other discussions No.20843
>>20831I said bespoke but it's actually just a fork of vichan. Looks like admin-kun is working to heavily modify it into a forum IB hybrid, which will be neat
>>19713its really shit and easy to evade bans
the wikipedia imageboard No.21085
>>21072How is it free from degeneracy?
https://9channel.moeimageboard inspired by kc
No.21362—an otaku-focused fork of Meguca (realtime imageboard), designed for low latency, responsiveness, an improved interface, and, most importantly, fully functional supersynchronous simulcasting tools.
After a successful closed alpha, we're ready to open our doors to the public! To celebrate, we'll be hosting a special screening of 「The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya – Naoko Cut」on March 15th at 21:00 UTC.
Come say hi! (◜‿◝)♡
>>21362>females are not allowed You know females were relatively common on Japanese otaku boards in the 2000s right? The “there are no women online” is very much an American thing.