>>15354Oh, sushi roll. Sometimes so hated and sometimes so deeply beloved. I usually do not post anything here, and that makes me more of an alien to this place, so you don't have to take my opinion too close to your heart: my stances aren't that strong, except those that I have about the relationship between children and adults. These were strong when I was 8, when I was 14, when I was 18, and so they most likely will be until I die.
Besides, I also wanted to make the following point. While we, of course, can upkeep the *traditions of old*, the advent of new technology won't stop, and so won't the change it brings to humanity. The humanity has changed already, although I'd have a trouble describing in what way exactly it did so. Once upon a time, people wouldn't stare at their phones during a holiday dinner and would talk to each other, bringing in many guests, and many still do. Once upon a time, there wasn't an issue with porn because there were no cameras to catch and keep a detailed image of a person, and porn simply didn't exist the way we know it. The perception of fake erotic photos being published somewhere as blasphemy upon one's dignity is one way how the *puritan romantic mind* of the *old culture* tries to make sense of this brave new world that we're treading into. And it's poorly suited for processing that.
Although, you could probably make the case that humans always disliked evil caricatures and gossips of them as well as name-calling and exposure of their secrets, and that things are still going the usual way because fake lewds are simply a new annoying part of this list of things that, although their contents are not necessarily real, sometimes really make people feel terrible.
>>15361There is the classic problem of freedom for something versus freedom from something. Some people will do whatever, and when confronted, they say that they don't owe anybody anything, they say that if you don't like something, you could just go away or grit your teeth, and it's totally your fault if you can't or don't. Some people demand that every moral actor in the world be mindful of them, the whole set of their wants and opinions and what they might feel at each step, or else. As for the solution, it depends.
Sex doesn't have to b
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