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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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 No.15366[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How was your day?
Anything cool happened?
What's the latest hip thing that calls your attention?
Did you drink enough water?
Have at it!
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this made me laugh uncontrollably


got the job?


My interview is tomorrow!


Be confident and do your best!!


Stay frosty, marine.

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Poetry is the language of the heart, let's share poetry with each other and express ourselves! All styles welcome!


Grass is green with red cherry trees,
Sun shines and birds sing through my glass window,
Though somber feelings fill my heart,
And summer has its stormy nights,
Life is a blessing I can endure,
Life goes on in summer light.


Do not go gentle into that good night

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Are psalms ok?

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

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I am looking for my Canadian friend. He went offline almost exactly this time 3 years ago.

His name is 0x39. Other names he went by were Nick and turbotard and 疑惑 and lots of other kanji names that I can't remember.
He was very nice to me and was aspiring to be tea otaku. He sometimes posted on Lainchan a long time ago (maybe 5+ years ago?). He was studying computer science back in 2018. One time he went to a maid cafe in Japan (he said it was terrible).

Do you know my friend? How can I reach him?
I just want to find my friend again. I miss him very much. Please let me know if you know him, my email is in the email field!

The next bit is for 0x39 if he's reading this. It's top sekrit private!! So please don't open spoiler unless you're the real 0x39!!!!
Hi, I know I'm doxing you a bit, I'm really sorry. I'm just trying to find you, but I know maybe you don't want to be found. I'm so sorry for intruding. You disappeared at the end of April 2018, I never got to be a better friend to you. We only talked for a little bit. I knew you were going soon, you said you were troubled by things. I wanted so much to hold onto you tighter, but I didn't want to smother you. You slipped away. You said you might make a new steam profile one day, but I don't think that day has come yet. You were a nice person and I wished I could've helped you more when you needed a friend the most. But I got there too late. It was already time for you to go. It's always like that for me: late to every party. I remember, I told you that you should always try to say a proper goodbye to your friends, just so they know for sure. And the last thing you gave to me was just a little "so…bye I guess". I always felt that it didn't count, not when you'd left so much unfinished, friend.
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>a sexy cold-hearted genius hot dynamite ice queen chinese girl
Why am I feeling deja vu? You've posted about this before haven't you?


any of the old idlechan guys here?
archie pittman?


What's idlechan?


I have this fear that one day my online friend will just disappear without saying anything and I'll never hear from her again


As soon as we graduated high school, one of my friends passed away. I always see his Steam profile on my friends list when I log in and the number of years logged out is always slowly creeping up. It’s both comforting to see proof of his existence, and sad. I think it’s interesting that the internet both sentences things to perpetuity, and makes things incredibly easy to lose, both at the same time.

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ahh im not sure where to put this, so i hope the lounge is okay!! Father Pucci is one of my favorite Jojo characters (*/ω\*)


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yo nice art

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Write a letter to someone. It could be for someone from sushi or from somewhere else. It may even be a letter to nobody!
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I was wrong to make you cry those many years ago in high school. It's been about a decade since that time, and I've never forgiven myself for it. I sometimes have dreams of your face, and I try to apologize, but I'm never able to do it. It is one of the many things I regret in life. I'm sorry I never contacted you to say I was sorry, despite you being on my mind for so long. The years go by like seconds to me. I sometimes can't believe the year now is over 1/4 the way over.



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Isn't it a bit sad how, as we get older, you get to realize that work of fictions just exaggerate the feelings of the characters to have an interesting story?
Maybe we don't get to find a Romeo or Juliet. Maybe a Joe or a Camilla is ok.
Maybe exaggerating how someone feels towards someone else isn't the proper way to approach people. Perhaps someone mundane is good enough.
You probably reached to this conclusion sooner than me.



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I'll just make this quick.
You invaded my brain like a worm hosts an apple. And I can't go back.
I didn't have the best thoughts before you, I was a bitter person. But I want to go back.
I want to go back to an idiotic belief that I'd never be loved than to have had you come into my life. Where I was incredibly jaded against the world.
Because that belief at least didn't feed me with the possibilities of things going north and happiness flourishing in the end, despite chances of it just being in my head and possibly not happening. It didn't feed me with something that is there but at the same time it isn't.
It gave me only bitterness and despair, but I was able to sleep at night at least. And I didn't cry because of someone to whom I may not have meant anything. Or I might have meant a lot, but I'll never be able to know.
I wanna go back to having never experienced love. It just brought the worst emotional stages of my life afterwards.

Lost soul.


Depends if you live in a shithole or not. I have people from down south visiting here and they're amazed at how friendly people are compared to where they're from. They think people are trying to flirt with them in the street, and it's like no, that's just called being friendly to your fellow man lol


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To G,

I'm sure you've moved on at this point. I told myself the other day I'd try to move on so I can live my life where I'm at now. Though while this thread's here I'll clarify how I see things. I was supposed to be a friend to you, but unfortunately my narcissistic attitude in that relationship and the pressure my lack of patience put on you was toxic. Isolating you in a situation where preferably you should've been with anyone else. I've always had a habit of acting first and thinking later. It's how I am and unfortunately how things played out is a worst case scenario for such a thoughtless attitude. It's only my hope that for as destructive as that behavior was the cuts left behind don't run too deep. This letter probably won't reach you since this board is its own niche corner isolated from the broader web. That's fine though. If you're as strong as I'd like to believe then you don't need my thin words to reassure you of anything. Maybe I'm just here to muse on old memories.

take care of yourself,
from J

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Gimme the smile
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This is the dumbest idea for a smartphone I've ever seen

Who? Who has ever said "I like my smartphone, it just needs a 5x larger and brighter flashlight. That's the only problem".
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Between Chuck E Cheese tickets and acidic points, which will bring my husband(female) back?


Joke's on you, I am super special, Seira told me so. If you wanna' be an unhappy drone that's your own business.


Most people know more than you'd realize. They just don't need to show it.


what does superior even mean?


Blue collar workers will like it for sure.

 No.592[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

does anyone know any particularly comfy youtubers or podcasts?

i'm always looking for something comfy or interesting to listen to in my spare time, and listening to people talk helps me relax a lot.

one podcast i'm a fan of is the wisenheimers podcast which was two animators from newgrounds talking about stupid shit. it ended a while a go, but managed to be pretty funny and chill while it lasted.

i also some lets players like vinesauce, jontron era game grumps and another guy called manlybadasshero who mostly does horror game lp's, but i havent found anything as comfy as i would prefer.
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Maybe their “games in real life” skits? They’ve been around so long, even pre-youtube, the catalogue is almost endless.


I <3 cars




After watching so many moto-vlogers harass people on phones and hit wing mirrors I was delighted to discover FortNines content for a better side of bikers.

Genuinely fun and informative while being well balanced and produced. Truly, have these guys to thank for me riding today I'd reckon.


Comfy yet silly mostly nature show narrated by Ze Frank

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Spring has sprung, the plants are turning green, the early wildflowers are blooming. It's getting warm, but not too hot. This is my favorite time of the year.

Do you like spring?


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I really love spring, so full of opportunity.
Pic related, this is spring for me.


I do like spring! But it's short where I live.

I love the OP image. Zundamon and yotsuba to type beat


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Still cold, man. Time for the country to warm up.


It's been raining here often and I love it. Especially nice cold breeze on my cheeks when I take my evening walk.


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Rain make me cold and wanting hot soup.

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Hey sushis, how the hell do I get off the computer?

I spend practically all day browsing various boards and forums and doing nothing of value. I have a couple non-computer-based hobbies but barely any motivation. I've tried to make my computer time more productive (studying languages, programming, even just watching stuff or playing games) but I can never stick with it because to be honestly I hate the computer and everything to do with it.

I'm at the point where you could call me internet addicted, but it's mostly because I feel like I have nothing else to do. I could stop using the computer, but I have no idea how I'd fill my time. I guess I'd stare at the wall? My social life isn't too vibrant either and that doesn't help.

Has anyone else been here / does anyone have some ideas?
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Just Do It
That path leads to victory


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I had the same problem. Took up chinese cooking with a wok and it seems to work for me


1) you're supposed to put an actual email in the email box, not just the word "sage"
2) don't be a dick


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Leave while you still can!!

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