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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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How to space animation based on the
A. The motion to be
B. Physics of the scene and objects, characters; mass and properties

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I am 20 years old and I never told my mom that I loved her.

Today is Mother's Day and I finally did it. Cheers, sushi!
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I made this thread two years ago. I have never said it again to her.


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Nice palindrome digits. Regardless, that sucks to hear. I hope your relationship with her is still good at least. That's the just important part, the I love you's are just certain verbal expressions of it.


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I do not think I will, but my mom is alright. We talk from time to time and it is all good. I am just not very expressive. Let's just hope she remembers and cherishes that one moment of my lowered my guard. Thank you for your concern, dear sushi. I wish you pleasant day, night or evening.


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That's good at least. I'm sure she will cherish it. Parents hang on to things like that, trust me.

I seem to have the opposite problem. I've always been quick to expressing my affection in a lot of ways. Things are getting good and stable for me though. People I can rely on are finally starting to get into my life.



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based on latest research


you could've gone alone, that's what alpha chads do


Well, last time I went out to meet somebody was half a year ago. In this time I only did groceries, and occasional walks.

Also Robert would have a good laugh noticing my double seats ticket to freakin' Fallen Angels of all movies.



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toki! sina sona e toki pona anu seme?

Toki pona is a constructed language, like Esperanto or Klingon.
But, unlike those it's absolutely tiny! If you're keen you can be fluent enough to chat in just a few days.

It's a wonderfully comfy way to communicate, and it can be great fun too.
There's a very active community, so it's easy to get practice, and there's new music, podcasts and stories coming out all the time.

The whole essence is simplicity, reducing things down to the bare necessities and getting away from all the confusion of modern life.
Kinda like this place.

Do we have any other speakers here?
Does anyone else want to learn more?

I'll be hanging around here to find out!
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This is the first time I see a toki pona thread kick off



mi kama sona lon tenpo sike pini tu. taso, mi kepeken e ona lon tenpo mute ala.
I learned two years ago. But, I used it for not very long.
tenpo pi sona mi la, toki mi li pona ala.
When I (first) learned, I didn't speak well.

sina ken toki tawa jan ante lon musi ni?
Can you talk to other people in this game?
ma sama la, sina ken.

jan mute li utala anu seme?
Do many people fight?
ona li utala ala, li pali kulupu e tomo pi sewi mute. tu, ona li lukin e moli ala pi moku ala.
musi ni la, ijo lon li moli e sina, taso sina ken ala moli e ijo.


correcting myself
tu, ona li lukin e moli ala pi moku ala.
replace tu with kin la

i though tu meant too/also as well as two for some reason


Teach me senseis?! Pony is a comfy lang for a comfy chan. Maybe we’ll all speak it one day?


For all you furries and weirdos

There is a great community of tokipona on VR chat

Where you can learn with others and also practise speaking or associated objects and things etc

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what would you like to see? we would be in one tech and cybersec
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it's too late! I'm gonna npm install all over sushichan and enter dependency hell!!!! :))))


I use Javascript exclusively on the front-end, like God intended


humans made pc though


God wants us to have fun installing packages ;)


You can look it up on google. ^^b

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Let's tell each other about strangers doing things that made you feel comfy.

Recently I went to the laundry room to clean some clothes. I like to hang around in the laundry room and play video games and keep an eye on my clothes because I don't trust people not to take them out of the machine.
Sitting at the table was a man wearing a US Marines (or some other military) cap, I guess he was a veteran but I didn't ask. He had a creaky old laptop on the table and was playing a Christmas themed hidden objects game.

Pic unrelated.
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Had a similar experience at a laundromat a few years ago. Similar setup, when I was at college I would use the laundromat, and I would bring my laptop and practice Skullgirls combos. I play with a custom arcade stick, massive thing that I've put some decent money into. As I'm playing, an elderly woman walked up to me and said "wow, that thing you've got there is just the neatest thing I've ever seen! It's like the old Pac-Man machines!" and I laughed and showed her how I play the game with it. She thanked me and left, and I just kept practicing my combos, but with a bit more appreciation for the game.


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There was a nice stranger dude who was really energetic about going to the convenience store and he opened the door for me, I guess maybe I felt good about that because I was feeling down after a uni exam that went horribly wrong, he cheered me up a little


A few years ago I was walking around campus caught in up a lot of thoughts and frustrations that didn't really matter. I saw some kids skateboarding in the parking lot and walked past them, thinking that they were a pain and that they were probably judging me as much as I was judging them. One of them stopped what he was doing, called out to me, and when I didn't respond called out to me again. He told me that he "Hoped I had a really good day". It was such a sweet, unnecessary kindness that reminded me that I didn't want to be the jerk judging kids and overthinking misery. Wherever that kid is now I hope he's having a good day, too.


When I go out with friends and family, it's usual places that are considered cheap eats. When to a new one and the services was so good yet homey. Wait staff treated us like a long-lost family rather than customers. It was a nice comfy feeling.

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Yesterday was my birthday and girl I wanted to ask to prom texted me that she will show up at my school.
Fortunate event. Got haircut and shaved myself, think I am good looking when I am fresh - you guys
even complimented me on face thread. I met her, few words exchanged and I asked her on spot. She said
no, because she had exams on her university, but I felt like she was going to say yes at first. Mind you, this was
the prettiest girl I know and I felt really confident talking so casually to her, knowing that everyone
was prolly looking at us. Later I heard that few guys had same problem, their girls just had to study for colloquiums.

Regardless, I felt really confident after that talk. I just wish I could have been always like that.
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I don't know any


>Later I heard that few guys had same problem, their girls just had to study for colloquiums
Oof that's a mood killer


holy fuck this is my thread from 5 years ago
still virgin, but kinda by choice


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You have to believe


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my brother left it open on his computer, anyone care to tell me what a guy who rides around in a custom motorcycle jacket with his name on the back is doing on such a girly forum??

posting something random from his pictures folder, idk what it is but i guess we'll find out together lol
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I missed when AI was just insanity inducing things like that, I really enjoyed just looking through it all and feeling my mind twist in on itself.


>what is this site


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Where do you see a tripcode?


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Beats me, I'm just some lost webring black dragon roll.


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…Oh yeah, forgot about the word filters….

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imma try it

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I always had feelings for moot….i just want to share my greentext fanfiction here.
Because it just….makes me feel better :)
Hope you guys like my greentext fanfiction.
>We have been friends since we were like 6.
>I'm 2nd moderator after WTsnack
>I'm coder on the imageboard 4chan after wtsnacks fired
>At some point, I started liking him as more than a friend
>sushi rolls on irc would joke about "wow just date already!!
>I was constantly at his house.
>He helped me to create my turkish imageboard
>After that we started playing smash competitively together.
>At some point, I started liking him as more than a friend. I was so confused because oh man I don't want to ruin our friendship. I don't even know how to tell him! Does he like me???
>sushi roll runs to the Confession Tree and wait for moot. he will then confess his love to him. If he confesses to moot, he will either accept his feeling or reject them.

>We've been dating for almost 8 years now.

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im sure moot will appreciate the fanfic




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amazing. brings tears to my eyes


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m00t is a slutty friendly lady boi though

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