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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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 No.1640[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you have a neat web community or chat group you'd like to invite people to? Maybe want to drop your messaging handle and strike up some conversations? Do it here.

Chat/community/personal ads are no longer allowed on the rest of the site, except maybe on /hell/.

Important Note: This doesn't mean that you can't talk about communities or chat groups. You could, for example, have a thread where you ask people about web communities they visit. You just can't open your thread with an advertisement.

One post per service please! Duplicate ads may be deleted. This especially includes discord links. To make a permanent discord link, click on instant invite, go to advanced settings, and change the expire time to never. Dead links suck. If your discord link expires, your post will be deleted and you may receive a short warning ban.
New Rule(2/21/25): To avoid spam/bots and potentially illegal content, describe your community briefly, don't just drop the link.
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imageboard inspired by kc

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There aren't any blue foods, except a few fruits and artificially died foods.
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Do you know what the word "except" means?


my partner's dog passed away today. I really loved her (the dog), she was really special (the dog).


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i am so terrified of passage of time. it was almost half a year ago when i watched frieren and relayed my experience here. the mere thought freezes me. how come it was so long ago?


It gets worse every year. The older you get, the shorter each year seems in comparison to the rest of your life.


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Who cares, civilizations last longer than our lives, species last longer than civilizations, planets last longer than species and suns and galaxies and so on.
We're nothing in the grand scheme of things, may as well just seat ourselves comfy in this ride called life.
We are all going to the same place in the end.

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I love alcohol. I am drunk right now, sushi! I love drinking whiskey when alone… whiskey sour is out of this world. White Russian as well. What type of drink is your favorite?
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I have some potato whiskey I distilled myself, usually I just make as simple of grog as it gets, which is just a bit of simple syrup and lime juice added to the liquor sushi


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i'm gross so i either love chuhai or just straight up vodka. i've mixed the two once and it wasn't that bad but eh, i prefer them separately. i've also yet to try the vodka-based chuhais, i'm only familiar with the ones that are shochu-based.


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Man, beer is delicious stuff.
Had to have a sober year (meds you're not supposed to drink on), and while alcohol free beer can be good (best one I tried was Kronenbourg 1664 Blanc 0.0%) it doesnt hit the same spot.
Been on a spree of only having beers new to me since going off meds (with docs approval), nine so far. Have some fun stuff left on hand to try, first irish ale, first pilsner, first schwarzbier.
Feel lucky having beer as my favourite alcohol of choice, it being relatively inexpensive to explore lots of different styles and what have you. Whiskey is a nice change of pace but a bottle is such an investment.

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do you feel happy today sushi
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I'm pretty happy. I went out job searching and talked to the manager of a local Gamestop. He was a really cool dude and I got to know more about the job and stuff. He asked me my name and said he'd be on the lookout for my application. I hope that even though I don't have any retail experience, I can get the job. I don't want to be a NEET anymore, it's very depressing. I need to buy my own car so that I can start going to college. I want to be a professor someday, or something like that.


best of luck sushi!


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Thank you!


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i talked to a nice person today. i put time into my hobby. i am getting lonely but also a bit happy that i can still experience being carefree. but my roommate got sick recently and i also learned how great it feels to be someone people can trust and depend on. i might be a little confused. thats what happens when i am left to my thoughts for too long


i hope things get better for you and your roommate, sushi. also its nice that you put time into your hobbies. i hope you get better at them

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How do I fix my life after years of being a hikkineet? I don't have any marketable skills, no friends, socially incompetent, and incapable of managing my time. I seem to fuck up basic adult life skills and suck at everything. I want to have a job that suits my solitary personality but these offer no opportunities for exploring the world or climbing the social ladder. I don't want to be wasted potential. I want people to talk to and someone to love but I'm too goddamn brain damaged to handle basic social relationships. The fear of failure hangs over me like the sword of Damocles. I feel like I'm fucked.
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My philosophy is the best thing you can do is start. These things take time, but as you take on one responsibility it will eventually fade into another one and eventually you'll acquire more skills. Nobody is perfect, so you shouldn't beat yourself up for not having the talent and sociability you believe you lack. If I were you I would start off by finding an easy going solitary job: security and custodial jobs are generally a good option (especially third shift). Do this to dip your toes into this adventure of self improvement, then you'll have a better idea of where you want to go next.


> no opportunities for exploring the world or climbing the social ladder.
How about you first get the basic stuff in check and then care about higher ambitions? Stay realistic! If you have problems with social relationships, you wont climb the social ladder anytime soon. Exploring the world is easier when you have a stable source of income. Then it's all about time management and getting your butt in gear for actually making new experiences on top of work and duty. Getting a bearable job with regular work time helped me a lot, although it's tough in the beginning. The struggle never really goes away, but such is life I guess.


Oh shit, why have people here internalized the slave ideology so much? There is nothing wrong with being a NEET, there is nothing wrong with leeching off society. The most successful people are always the biggest leeches, look at Altman or Musk. They don't feel sorry, that their wealth is based on theft, why should I as a NEEt feel bad, by playing like anyone else? If you believe that being a good citizen/normie wage cuck is somehow "the true life" or some kind of "self improvement", you are cucked beyond believe and you actually deserved to be exploited by society.


It is because some people have higher aspirations in life than sitting in a room all day and/or do not have someone to bankroll anything above that.


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Difference between a leech and a grifter – the leech is open about taking resources for nothing in return, while the grifter convinces the marks that the grifter is providing something of similar value in exchange for the resources while actually providing something of much less value or no value.

Being a leech isn't sustainable unless you have someone to support you or have inherited a lot of money/property.

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 No.16199[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I really wish more poeple would be present. I often come hoping for reply or new thread but it seems like nobody is there anymore :(
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Make the thread sushi roll


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It is better to post and fail than to have never posted at all>>20746


The audience here is fine…


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It's nice and quiet here


why would you want newcalifornia rolls to flood the board anyway…

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 No.6173[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are physical features you pay the most attention to?
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random youtube video but her nails are mesmerizing


> At least I can console myself with the knowledge that yeah, these things really don't matter all that much at least in comparison to various other issues humanity as a whole is facing. We may well end up wiping ourselves off the face [of] the planet for various reasons, due e.g. to failing to mitigate catastrophic climate change; buildup of plastic micro- and nanoparticles among other things killing off various animals, plants, and therefore our food supply; potential for global thermonuclear war; etc.
The fact that matters more important exist doesn't render the issues covered unimportant. Rampant anorectal violence along with factors facilitating it do have substantial societal effects.

As I wrote in the past elsewhere: There is no point to fighting for greater matters when humanity does not deserve to survive. I stand by that assessment.(ANORECTAL AVENGER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


>humanity does not deserve to survive
they don't even want to.


I've been obsessed with women's necks lately for some unknown reason.

I don't see it. The color is ugly though.

Incontinence was your downfall!


based anorectal pacifist

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 No.294[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This was one of my favourite threads on the old sushichan. Post comfortable audiovisual experiences utilising the WebMatroska container format.

The audio is: Boards of Canada - roygbiv
The video is of San Francisco in 1905.
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Animated gifs are fine too?


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Grace Kelly


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No, but your autism game is strong i give you that. I've seen you posting them fighting game gifs for years, what will you do when you run out?


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how are you holding up sushi
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How did your assignments go, Hope you're doing better now


This is the life. I wish I could just get a new job and it's just the same thing in my life.


I managed to get them all done and read through most of that book too, enough to fake knowing about it. As soon as it was over, I ended up getting three more assignments dumped on me. I'm just gonna take it easy for the next few days.


I'm feeling blue.


da ba dee da ba di

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currently on a zoom call doing remote e-learning. it's really daunting but the nice weather outside makes it better. i'm just a little annoyed today haha
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Whatcha doing for the weekend?
Nothing illegal, I hope….


i have to bring my bike to a workshop, help an old lady install a printer, clean my place up and watch the euro final


i use the law to judge if something is worth doing. if it wasn't fun they wouldn't leave it legal. i just love complicated white collar tax related crimes.



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