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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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 No.1640[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you have a neat web community or chat group you'd like to invite people to? Maybe want to drop your messaging handle and strike up some conversations? Do it here.

Chat/community/personal ads are no longer allowed on the rest of the site, except maybe on /hell/.

Important Note: This doesn't mean that you can't talk about communities or chat groups. You could, for example, have a thread where you ask people about web communities they visit. You just can't open your thread with an advertisement.

One post per service please! Duplicate ads may be deleted. This especially includes discord links. To make a permanent discord link, click on instant invite, go to advanced settings, and change the expire time to never. Dead links suck. If your discord link expires, your post will be deleted and you may receive a short warning ban.
447 posts and 144 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


the wikipedia imageboard


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 No.20102[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Learning guitar is like playing Osu.
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The more I play Touhou and follow Zun's little cult, the less I like it. But I will always appreciate the music and artwork fans make. Without them, Touhou would be just another piece of shovelware.


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Spent over an hour outside!


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I love the Mokous you post


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The Japanese and Asian fanbase can be pretty chill but yeah I feel you on the western fanbase. It's either super safe, politically correct lesbian shipping on twitter (which I kind of despise despite liking touhou yuri) or extremely edgy, right wing people who for some reason like black race-play porn and higurashi with sites like bantculture. I feel like it's still possible to have a good space for western 2hu fans but those two places are the ones I despise the most. I honestly kind of want to make my own site for touhou fans that isn't a miserable place like bantculture but still allows some funposting. Not a comfy post, sadly but I will post some comfy tewi to make up for it.


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Thanks, haha. It's kind of become my "fist" when posting here. The artist draws daily Mokous, so I always have a new one on hand to post.


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 No.4837[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I recently saw this video

I realized that I never learned how to play chess. Nobody in my family plays it anymore so I never bothered to learn. But after reading so many amazing stories about this game I really felt urge to learn it and get decent at it.
Couple of days ago I started playing regularly on lichess; I'm still really bad but it has been lots of fun so far.

Do you have any interesting stories about chess? Any tips for beginner like me?
Lets have a thread about comfiest game ever.
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Black to play
Y Hernandez Guerrero vs T T Hoang


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I feel like it's too hard to keep track of all the possible moves that I could make and my opponent could make and all the possible plans. Any tips for what I could do to improve in this area?


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 No.8722[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Do you usually have dreams? What usually happens in your dreams? Are you a lucid dreamer? feel free to share dreams you've recently experienced and have other sushi rolls psychoanalyze you
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I had a bunch of lovely dreams this night. This is in no particular order.

I was playing a new mario game, and I FINALLY 100%'d it, and Rosalina opened up a portal that looked like it was going to be a tribute to Mario Sunshine. I was so excited! I go in and it starts with, "dear mario…" you know that rest. It was all in the regular n64 graphics. There was the regular castle, but on the side was a giant dark cave. Mario was drawn to this cave, and I could feel some kind of evil presence in it, so I noped the fuck out of there before I went in there.

Another dream was a pretty simple one. I was in the bonus room listening to scary stories, and it was so scary that I had closed my eyes the entire time. I'm pretty sure it was actually scary, but I really just kept those eyes close. Also, a massive hurricane was going to hit, so everyone (including my family) were taking their dogs on a walk. There were a few dogs that got loose, though.

I had a dream where I decided to get naked at a fair and I had to avoid this girl and get my clothes back on. Weird dream tbh.

Finally, the most wonderous dream was that I was in this black void tyoe of room. It was like an apartment where you could see the kitchen and living room together. My Mom and Dad were there, but they really weren't my Mom and Dad. They were like, demons or void demons with unnatural smiles. I could tell they loved this because they had me where they wanted me. I kept asking them, "is this hell?", and I finally got the answer that, no, this wasn't hell, it was something different. My mother was leaning on me and I could feel a something like a tentacle on my chest. It was like someone who's gotten really close to you and is basically communicating that, again, "I got you". I ask them if they're my parents, and they said yes. In another room, I saw someone get torn in half by, funny enough, cream the rabbit, who then started counting his organs on the ground and eating them. I can't remember the entire dream, but that was the thick of it. It was like I was sent here for some kind of evil that I had done. I was sure to be tortured because I swear I saw or heard someone getting tortured already.

I kept waking up throughout the night.


I've been having a lot of unusual sexual dreams lately. Strange. I don't dream much at all.


Dreamt that I was in a party with old friends reminiscing of the past. We were all watching scary movie on an old TV in someone's apartment, I started a conga line too.

Getting dreams back ever since I got a job, hope this lasts for a while


I dream of a better tomorrow
Here's to 2025…


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Had a dream in which I got rejected by a girl. Why would my brain show me this… to strenghten me up? I know dating is a numbers game - try enough times and you will get some - but I don't think the prize is worth the effort.

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I love alcohol. I am drunk right now, sushi! I love drinking whiskey when alone… whiskey sour is out of this world. White Russian as well. What type of drink is your favorite?
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Haven't tried much whiskey, but if by bourbon you mean >50% corn in the malt, then I've drunk a few bottles of it. Jack Daniels has a very nice, balanced taste, I can see why it became the Coca Cola of whiskey world. Actually, I think I liked it more than Woodford Reserve.

As for whether it's that different from the regular blended whiskey, I can't really tell you much because I ended up buying almost exclusively single grain ryes. A love at first sip? Maybe, but the overall picture escapes from my memory somehow. What I can say is that both the ryes (except Lot 40, didn't like it) and the bourbons that I mentioned I remember more favorably than, say, Jameson and Suntory blends.

I'm considering a deviation from my current drinking course, but I think that I should first try the single grain whiskeys of other varieties (barley, corn, wheat), and only then start really exploring the world of the blends.


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Do girls like cocktails more than beer and wine?


Well it's been more than a year. What have you mixed up sushi?


i like a LIIT but bars these days have to be trendy and only offer wacky dumb cocktails.

i drink ale or cider otherwise.


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An Amaretto Negroni, or as I like to call it, a Barcelona. Equal parts London dry gin, sweet vermouth, and Amaretto. Pour and stir over ice, garnish with one Maraschino cherry.

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Where would you like to live sushi?

I would like to live in a cozy wooded area around 30 minutes away from town. I'd like a greenhouse to grow vegetables and herbs somewhere on the place too.

the inside would have to be hella comfy. Maybe a small A-frame style cabin? I'd like to have a firewood stove as well. As well as plenty of space to store my books!

What's your idea of cozy livin'?
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I want to live in a small spire constructed inside of a demiplane.

> Genesis

> Conjuration (Creation)
> Level: Sor/Wiz 9, Creation 9
> Components: V, S, M, XP
> Casting Time: 1 week (8 hours/day)
> Range: 180 ft. (see text)
> Effect: A demiplane coterminous with the Ethereal Plane, centered on your location
> Duration: Instantaneous
> Saving Throw: None
> Spell Resistance: No
> The spellcaster creates a finite plane with limited access: a demiplane. Demiplanes created by this power are very small, very minor planes.
> A character can only cast this spell while on the Ethereal Plane. When he or she casts the spell, a local density fluctuation precipitates the creation of a demiplane. At first, the fledgling plane grows at a rate of 1 foot in radius per day to an initial maximum radius of 180 feet as it rapidly draws substance from surrounding ethereal vapors and protomatter.
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just recently saw a video that explained why using containers as houses isn't a good idea


The guy in the video didn't use a shipping container although it is rectangular in shape.


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I would like to live in a tall tower with a deep dungeon. Alternatively a traditional, oriental wooden house would do just fine too.

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 No.294[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This was one of my favourite threads on the old sushichan. Post comfortable audiovisual experiences utilising the WebMatroska container format.

The audio is: Boards of Canada - roygbiv
The video is of San Francisco in 1905.
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This chan is very nice

Not all content is nice, but the chan is nice
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It's okay, man.


I love here and I don't know why.


i like how nothing happens and it might as well not be here


Peace in nature….


Its deceptive

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Another Crab's Treasure

Citizen Sleeper

Death Sprint 66

Dungeons & Degenerate Gamblers

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kind sushi ^_^


Danke, dude.


game pass for a month - hope it works


Anyone playing Marvel Rivals?


no loli peni parker, no way im playing.

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how would you describe your 2024? what will you remember it by?
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Then let's try to make some memories for this year!


Finished my courses, passed my qualification exam, and closed out the year with excellent research results.


it was kinda wild but i am less depressed now yay
hopefully it gets better for everyone around here and otherwise~


i became an even bigger otaku and now im more dead inside which is easily interpreted by external parties as more stable mental health

happy new year


The first half went well. In fact, the first half of 2024 was probably the most pleasurable time of my life. I felt like life was moving ahead, like I had a future in store for me. Then the second half came, disaster after disaster, tragedy after tragedy. Deaths, break ups, and increased family tensions. It's been painful. It's not the worst I've ever been through, but it's pretty close truth be told. Falling back into old habits, overall feeling unworthy and depressed, and just trying to get back on my own two legs again. I don't think 2025 will be worse than that was, but only time will tell.

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