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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]
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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

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Hey sushi! What's your favorite bug?
My favorite bugs are moths! (spoilered the image for sushis who don't like bugs)


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would have to be isopods, assuming they count as bugs in the first place


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Ooh I love isopods! Don't worry, I think they count :) . Also, all insects are crustaceans if you squint hard enough https://youtu.be/yu-OIMJL1Hw?si=ciQFs66zv9JwzwTM


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I liked to play with these guys when I was a kid.

Now I don't have any favorites, but if I had to name some, it would be bumblebees. Although, they aren't exactly bugs.


that's a really cool bug, sushi!


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Mine would have to be the Backwards Long Jump from Mario 64!

(but seriously, bumblebees and cicadas are goated)


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I love butterflies, just seeing the little common white ones fluttering about always makes me glad I went out. They also are respectful and don't come into my house uninvited like many other bug friends.


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the 'pods are very active today


all isopods are gey and for gey sushis


fireflies, pretty cool.




Moths are adorable


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Black camel spiders, probably.


those are rad


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candies! omnomnomomnom


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I love how Elegant Spreadwing soars through the skies and I love how Red Wood Ant works so hard to support her family and I love Monarch Butterfly's regal presence and I also love that Viceroy Butterfly always tries to dress like Monarch Butterfly but with a small twist to set her apart and I love Marbled Orbweaver Spider's elegant tapestries and I love how Cellar Spider keeps my bathroom safe and I love watching Southern Plains Bumblebee twerk her big fuzzy butt and I love it when Clown Isopod twirls her bright orange skirt and I love getting high off of Deathstalker Scorpion's venom and I love Azure Darner's brightly colored tail and I love how Werneri Isopods' long skirt poofs out over the ground and I love listening to Carolina Mantis' sermons on Sundays and I love Guinea Paper Wasp's elaborate art projects and I love how Hercules Beetle can carry me like a princess and I love Pill Bug's lightly misted woodchip-fragrenced balls and I love Green June Beetle's iridescent shell and I love the songs that Evening Cicada sings for me and I love Black Camel Spider's wide toothy grin and I love Harvestman's long pneumatic legs and I love how Black Saddlebags is always willing to help carry things around and I love Blue Morpho's radiant wings and really,


I guess I just love every single thing about every single one of you…! I love every single one of you from the tops of your antannae to the tips of your thoraxes and I love how Canadian Tiger Swallowtail has a fierce attitude that belies her gracious appearance and I love Seven-spot Ladybird's decorative coat and I love Rosy Maple Moth's vivid complexion and I love watching Leafcutter Ant carry giant sails of vegetation and I love Dogbane Beetle's iridescent cloak and I love how Red Admiral flits about in a commanding pattern and I love licking Rock Honey Bee's sweet sticky feet and I love listening to Atlas Beetle's stories about world travel and I love Great Purple Emperor's bold dress and I love playing tag with Four-spotted Chaser and I love Carmine Skipper's pretty pink body and I love Harlequin Beetle's raunchy jokes and I love listening to the five heartbeats of Common Earthworm and I love drinking Dairy Cow Isopod's breastmilk and I love Yellow Garden Spider's signature zig-zag weaving style and I love sniffing Green Stink Bug's farts and I love Caligo Owl Butterfly's big beautiful eyespots and I love cuddling with Narrow Stingless Bee and I love the way…


what the heck ww


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thinkin about building a home for some cool millipedes


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a cute jumping spider I saw at work today
look at his beautiful green chelicerae!


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Porcellio Hoffmannseggi babies!

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