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ironic that im asking an imageboard how to get a bf, but its the only option i have left.

ive never been good at talking with boys, especially because im a NEET otaku and all the boys i think are cute arent even close to that.

im good at socializing in general (i think) but boys are always so judgy of me… i think im somewhat attractive but boys always say my nervousness is a turn off for them.

is there any way i can get closer to boys without being too shy?


>but boys always say my nervousness is a turn off for them.
really?? That's odd. Usually it's the reverse!

Jokes aside, You sound like you have enough confidence to recognize alot of good in you. Just gotta keep looking. :)

>all the boys i think are cute arent even close to that.

I think that barrier is limiting yourself on who you are allowing to try with. It can be a good thing, but don't be shy to try people that presents hobbies and interests that may be very different to yours.

Keep in mind you have alot of lifetime to spare for bf searching. Speaking from experience, I found my BF in a time I wasn't really looking for one. It kinda just… happened. Only shared a single interest and built on top of it together.


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Keep at it! You never know where you might meet someone. I met my bf on sushistream of all places! You'd expect a place like this to be girls only, but it turns out there are many boys, and they have [i]very[/i] lickable tummies!


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I wish I knew but I have a crush on my coworker and I don't know if he's gay or not so it's hard. I could ask him, but I feel that would be a rude question.


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Is that you on the left?
I think your coworker is into you.


I love you.


>a boy otaku probably won't consume the same media as you do
I'd like to point out that a boy otaku probably wouldn't like stuff like that pinterest link either.
At the very least, I'll say that as a guy whose interests absolutely include that gelbooru link, that pinterest link made me feel nauseous.


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Now, if you were to take a closer look at the contents of the third link, you would actually puke - if you really were that sensitive, that is. I'd assume that you must have been browsing the boorus with a lot of filters to not have gotten desensitized. Or not. On Gelbooru, it has already been some years since the default filter was introduced. And Danbooru refuses to show you anything unless you have a gold account.

On Gelbooru, neither yuri (210190) nor yaoi (116121) surpass the number of pictures with the loli tag (370500). Based on that, one could try to guess how popular these are. The problem is, the statistics is not accurate, as only explicit works get labeled as loli. So pictures like this https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=md5%3abc85e283be94c66289bc90641abb254c are not in the equation, although they matter.

The situation is curiously different on Pixiv: #ロリ [loli] (657,706) #腐向け [yaoi] (998,506) #百合 [yuri] (398,793)

Still, the proportions have the same order of magnitude. Which, I think, means that you're about as likely to meet a lolicon otaku as you are to meet a devote yurist. Although, the tagging is not accurate on Pixiv, either. Some of the early works of Sekiya-sensei don't have the loli tag, for example. And this one https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/40877271 doesn't have any tags at all. Besides, the tags mentioned above have synonyms and related tags which are sometimes used instead.


There's a pretty major difference in that everything on the boorus and pixiv are drawings. Admittedly I closed that pinterest link very quickly, but drawings aren't what I saw there.


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Well, the boorus have been silly with properly tagging stuff. Danbooru has nuked female_child tag. But left loli. How does it make sense to nuke the wholesome general purpose tag and leave the porn tag be? Weird people, they are. So, anyhow, I took a link from a photo thread on an anime imageboard instead, wondering if it would be a good idea to use it as an illustration or not.

Wouldn't seek is one thing, here I could agree, but wouldn't like is another matter. There are 2D purists, of course, who chant 3DPD at every relevant occasion, but for those who don't believe that PD is always the case, there is little difference between a well-made photo of a really pretty girl in dress and a good drawing of a pretty girl in dress. It's not like any of the girls are being whored out in the photos, after all.


I mean, there is some difference, but it's not the one that causes nausea.


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sushi roll what if we became bf and gf and we went to bookstores and coffee shops and shared cute dates a few times a week and spent the rest of our lives together being happy little weebs… :3 (pls give me ur twiitter or discord if u have it)


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>is there any way i can get closer to boys without being too shy?

You could always try over and over again until you get desensitized.


>You'd expect a place like this to be girls only, but it turns out there are many boys…

I didn't think that at all coming here, honestly. Still, I think it's better than assuming everyone here's a guy.


My point isn't that 3D is PD, but rather the fact that there are actual children whose photos are being used in a pedophilic context. There's a big difference between loli and actual pedo shit, and the link you posted is the latter.
I dunno, maybe I'm wrong and I just have too much faith in humanity, but I'd like to think that most people who are into loli art are still against the actual exploitation of children.


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I can see your point and I think I had addressed it.

> maybe I'm wrong and I just have too much faith in humanity

Oh, don't worry. Your faith in humanity is alright. Laws and law enforcement policies are being changed, users are being banned, chat controls are being implemented, payment systems put forth their new requirements, content is being censored and cut. Perhaps, one day you'll wake up to find the news that all the disasters have finally been T4'd along with every form of their Entartete Kunst.


It's a slippery slope. We already get hardcore CP spam on the board, so please keep that in mind, when posting photos of kids here.


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Yeah! To outsiders, we might look like a bunch of lolicons!


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I want to know this as well.
I met my ex off of an imageboard. That's pretty much all I know how to do. Maybe you could add me on disc, and we could chat some? it's onetruejim


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Whether the slope is slippery or not, the things are definitely moving in the wrong direction. Or so it seems to me from what I've seen and heard. For example, recently, Pixiv has stopped showing certain content for users from certain countries. I've also seen the news that some other Japanese outlet now has Visa and Mastercard temporarily disabled, so less money for the artists. During the past 10 years, even more countries have issued laws against those possessing the drawings, sometimes overturning previous decisions. The means and tools to actually enforce the laws have become more sophisticated and viable as well.


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Maybe in another afterlife. Maybe in another afterlife


Ask him if he's got a girlfriend.
Most of the time you can get a lot of info about his romance situation with just a question like that.


>im a shy NEET otaku
>im good at socializing
respectfully doubt
try to get a job
by itself it wont make you good at socializing but it could put your social skills to a real stress test
>boys are always so judgy of me
depends on the personality of said boys but maybe there are reasons for that
like some deep-seated personality problems, for example
i dont mean to discourage you or ruin your confidence but knowing the truth about yourself is useful
i wouldnt say things like that to people generally but you are an imageboard poster, and that is generally bad news in my book. i have seldom seen any mentally healthy individuals on imageboards. it is okay though, we all have our low points in life


why would a random imageboard be girls-only?
unless you mean amab girls of course
but this board doesnt look like that either


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Are you telling me that sushigirl.us posters aren't just girls who love sushi? No way!


no, this is the board for sushis who want to be eaten by girls
basically a pervy vore place


Since ur gay (although this applies to anyone looking for a bf/gf), just put urself out there and in the right path. Situationists describe how someone’s action and habit can be forced in the right environment (i.e. uve finally turned that noisy ass tv off, resolved your library fines, shut of the top lights, turned on the bottom lights, changed, and snuggled into a good psych book on the couch. U get the gist).
Put a bunch of effort into the right situation and path and this will be easier; indeed, this might even be a concomitant cure to NEETdom. you’ll be on ubuoa-chans’ ex-NEET recovery page in no time

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