>When do sushi rolls usually fall asleep?
Wake up early and sleep early.
Waking up early is fantastic, enabling you to be productive, finish what was left behind or just idle about.
Sleeping early on the other hand is the opposite, even if not troublesome most of the time; well, one thing is troublesome and that is somnolence! Specially because it is not perfectly consistent, it attacks as early as 21:00 or as late midnight, drowsiness is very uncooperative.
>falling asleep as the first rays of dawn start peeking in through your blinds
I can't do it, gotta have total darkness, tape over lights on electronics, everything. I used to work nights and had to totally block and insulate my windows to get any sleep.
I work during the day now and wake at 4 on weekdays so I'm not rushed and 6 on weekends so I can sleep in (for me anyway) and still get up early enough to exercise without encroaching on my day or run errands before people get out.
I work the graveyard shift (00-08AM).
I handle it well until ~6:30AM when I start getting a bit tired, sometimes sleepy in case I'm performing easy tasks.
It is easy for me to fall asleep at 9AM, waking up later at 4PM.
It felt weird at the begining, but got used to it in a couple weeks. Honestly, until I graduate and get another job, would not switch to another shift.
>>10401You need to take time off work before you burn yourself out.
You can concentrate your workload and have no personal time, that's fine, but it must be balanced out with time completely off work. e.g. 4 days on, 3 days off; or 2 weeks on, 1 week off; that sort of thing. You have to negotiate this with your boss.
Sleep is for the weak!
>>11570I rise before the sun
>>5327I usually fall asleep around midnight, as I have to get up early every morning.
I'm thinking about switching jobs though, one I have in mind would include night shifts.
>>14576dont go nocturnal if possible
>>5327I try to go to bed by 12PM. Naturally I'm a night owl so I like to stay up at night because it's so peaceful so it's a good time to reflect and so on… But I also find that waking up early can be empowering and makes me want to be more productive, because mentally I feel like I'm "ahead" of everyone else because they're sleeping while I'm already up and ready.
Cold is making me sleep earlier…
>>5534>9AM>4PMThat's been roughly my sleeping pattern for the past 5 years now. Sometimes I end up awake between 1:30 and 3:00. Before that I was at 6AM to 2PM for around 19 years. Things certainly seemed more balanced with the 6AM to 2PM schedule I had. I barely ever get to experience sunlight anymore unless I force myself to stay up all day during a day off which kills all of my energy for almost the entire next work week. I ironically try to powernap during my lunch breaks half of the time and skip meals a lot to attempt to balance anything out as well as to maximize my free time when I can.
>>14577with working 1st shift i normally sleep from 11pm to 7am on the weekdays. my gym closes at noon on Saturday specifically so i sleep usually from 1am to 10am or so on Friday into Saturday. Saturday into Sunday i sleep basically whatever i want since it's the only day of the week i can stay up late and sleep in late. catch me laying in bed until 3pm on Sunday mornings lol.
i used to work night shift for a couple years but honestly i think i prefer the more normal schedule of 1st shift. i feel more like a functioning human being when i wake up early in the day lol.