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hi sushi! i am a silly wanderer traveling from ib to ib. today alone ive been to a good 20+ of them but even ones that used to be active are dead silent. could you tell me about yourselves? any sushi lore? have a nice day <3


Better sites are usually a lot slower than the big hubs like 4chin. This is a feature, they are not dopamine roulettes that provide a continuous stream of noise.
Sushi is a comfy place, themed after a sushi bar. We like to talk about comfy subjects and we avoid the usual topics and lingo of the big sites.
The same applies to other sites that you may have visited. Lurk for a while and get a feel for the tone of each chan, Check out the threads available, don't be afraid to reply to old posts, there are plenty of people visiting this site, we usually come once or twice a day in average.
Most imporantly, have fun! don't take things too seriously, this is the internet, none of this is real.


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Most of the community is on the discord. There's more posts there in a day than in a typical month on the boards.


What makes people prefer the Discord server?


I wouldn't say it's a preference so much as the format of an instant messaging platform makes it more "active". Also it sticks everybody into the same space, as opposed to the site which is made up of almost as many threads/boards as active users.

I think there's a case for smaller imageboards to focus their posting more on a single thread/board, I wanna say I've seen several sites where it's just one rather active thread and the rest of the board is quite barren


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Hello fellow traveller :3

I've been doing the same journey as you but most of the imageboards I've found are unfortunately dead -_- I prefer the slower nature of forums to discords/ircs so I'm motivated to find (and hopefully contribute) to a good community

Hope you find somewhere you like :D


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>any sushi lore?
There used to be a >>>/wildcard/ board. Almost no one posted in it, but the idea was really fun.

Yeah, it sucks. I want my sushifriends back.

Discord has the same (and more) functionality as imageboards. It also has a lot of bells and whistles to keep people coming back, plus there's considerable social pressure to have a discord account in the first place, so if you have an account anyway, why not join the server? Discord alo encourages more activity since it's an informal chat experience where you can quickly clarify and rephrase what you said, whereas on imageboards you have to think more carefully before you hit reply. The major difference, though, is that discord requires an account and isn't sushi rollymous, but one of the biggest blackpills to me is that no one cares about this, which sucks.

I think a lot of people, not just on imageboards, have been asleep at the wheel with discord. They mentally classify it as an IRC substitute and don't see it as a competitor to forums, even though it absolutely is. This is how you end up with a situation like what's happening with shogi at the moment, where almost the entire western playerbase is contained in one discord server, leaving people who don't want to use discord (like me) essentially in the dark concerning all modern theory and professional news.

I'm a big fan of the Wizardchan model. Oversimplifying a little, but they essentially started with one random board and then added new boards based on activity/interest. I think this is a good way to grow smaller boards organically and (potentially) end up with a more unique board configuration, instead of the usual small imageboard admin move of creating a bunch of generic hobby boards at the outset that no one posts in.

Be aware that a lot of "dead" imageboards can spring to life if you just start a new thread! Many boards that don't seem to get many posts still have a lot of visitors, it's just that everyone is waiting for someone else to take charge and generate some new discussion.


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Yes, there are. But I wouldn't say that the activity levels are all that different. A bunch of people greeting each other every day and small talk isn't comparable to the same number of long thought-out posts and microblogs.

>has the same (and more) functionality as imageboards. It also has a lot of bells and whistles to keep people coming back
On a technical note, yes. The dreaded gamer Slack actually allows you to change your mind, wipe your post easily, edit it and rephrase yourself. It strikes a balance between regular IRC chat (a fast mind-stream of thoughts) and your regular forum consisting of thought out essays.

>situation like what's happening with shogi at the moment, where almost the entire western playerbase is contained in one [guild]

Indeed. And there is the point. A single board, be it a website or on a webring, is an independent platform. Separated and isolated. And while that is awesome in some regards, it drives the majority of users away. They don't want a place to argue about shogi, to share shogi information; they want to meet humans who are into shogi while feeling like they are learning about shogi. And the product allows you to talk about shogi, sure. But it also allows you to form connections with humans. Without needing separate chats / stream events, like most boards historically did. Said product also (believe me or not) gives you much more control over your new-formed connections with others.

You do not feel like you are talking to users of a particular platform. You feel like you are talking to users of the greater network, in this sense the shogi guild becomes more of a hub than a forum. You 'can' talk to people from the platform and take them "home", even collect them on a platform of your own, at no additional cost to either side.

If your platform sucks because the admin hasn't updated vichan in 6 years or because it's suddenly infested with jailbait picture spam, you aren't forced to leave and lose everybody you met on there. You don't need to pay a domain and a server and a moderation team suddenly. You can very easily move. And have BOTH the freedom and fun of sushi rollymous communication and the community of awesome people who enjoy said communication. And that's what "modern" forums and imageboards inherently aren't.

[the rant about the majority wanting a glorified dating and friend-making service instead of an information sharing platform has been expunged as per moderation's advice]

There are 6 serious people and like 6 billion trolls on the Internet.


>Yeah, it sucks. I want my sushifriends back.
We are still here :P


Discord isn't rollymous; it's pseudonymous. This leads to a totally different culture, because everything is tied to an identity. It doesn't have to be the same as real life, but every account is going to have a persona associated with it. If I were to make a real life comparison, I'd say that Discord is the internet equivalent of going to a pub or hobby group meetup. It leads to the same experiences - forming bonds with other people, splitting off into subgroups, gossiping about other members, etc.

In contrast, image boards do provide a true rollymous experience most of the time. There may be some tripfriends who try to establish an identity, but outside of that you can only guess who was behind the posts. I would compare the imageboard experience to be closer to a masquerade. The problem is that there's no one to check invitations at the door, so too many problem makers get in to post illegal content, push political agendas, push commercial products, etc.

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