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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Hope everyone is doing well, glad to be on this little corner of the internet :)


U too fren


Something about really intentionally taken photos of otaku merchandise in beautiful nature is really addictive.


I love nature.
Welcome to the site, btw.


I follow a few accounts like these on Twitter, they're really nice!
Me too. Thank you!


fumos are everywhere nao


Please share them :)


Very late, but here you go!


Forgot about some extra ones,

That's them all :)


The word "few" is a bit of an understatement, sorry 'tism moment :(


I love this. Thank you


you're welcome fren <3


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Hey hey hey people.


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hello fren


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The outside is nice place to be …. sometimes


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not when it's raining… a lot


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Canna indica is a flowering plant that grows out of big bulb-like roots called "rhizomes". The plants get quite large for something that dies off and regrows every year. The pictured ones are about 3 ft tall. Normally it flowers closer to July, but I guess the warm spring let it get started earlier than usual this year.

In some parts of South America, the Canna is cultivated as a food product. The rhizomes are starchy and can be cooked and eaten directly, or processed into a flour similar to arrowroot.

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