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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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File: 1642168856417.gif (6.93 MB, 498x598, david1.gif)


Thoughts on David?


Stand-up guy. One of a kind. Would take a bullet for him. Would let him fuck my me. Always there for anyone. Never a fuss. Doesn't bat an eye. Will pimp you out at the back of a Denny's. Cool as ice. Best friend of any one.

Yea real cool ass dude.


That asshole still owes me twenty five bucks from the last time we went out to eat.


You are so wrong…






Haven't seen him in years. I wonder how he's doing.


oh, David…


It was cool how he wrecked that giant.


That David? He's short.


Bought deo for David c:


kill david


Whoah woah woah! We may not see eye to eye with David, but that's pretty extreme! Think about what you're saying sushi roll!


Who is David?


I was too embarrassed to ask, but I have no idea who David is…


david can go fuck himself

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