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 No.6173[View All]

What are physical features you pay the most attention to?
73 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Beautiful skin


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Breasts & Butts


High socks are so freaking cute


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Oh yeah


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Beards. Most people forget that beards are hair like their head, so they ignore any grooming methods beyond shaving every other week. Anytime someone has a well groomed beard it really stands out to me. I also only like beards in a really specif texture and range between thick and thin, so if I find that unicorn I take notice


That's nice to hear as a bearded dude who tries to take care of it


In men: tall, healthy/thick hair, a nice smile/laugh, good fashion sense, kind eyes, good facial structure and overall just looks like he takes care of himself (well-groomed nails, hair and teeth are essential).

In women: literally everything, women are perfect and every physical feature is endearing.


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First off: Fuck you very much, Seisatsu. I liked this site: I even had it bookmarked and lurked regularly. No more.

> General body shape (fitness)
> Anus
> Face
> Ass cheeks
> Breasts
> Vulva
If anyone is wondering why a woman's anus is my #2 consideration even over her face, only taking a back seat (pun intended) to the hambeast / misshapen uggo factor, then feel free to spend some time reading through the included images (second one in the next post). Even better, please take serious and effective action to combat rampant, anus-mutilating anorectal violence.


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Here's image #2 (because I ain't, as in most certainly am not, enabling javascript on a Seisatsu site just to post two images in a single post).


lol i thought it was like a normal interpersonal reason for u to be mad at seisatsu. i think u need to drink some tea and get some fresh air sushi! ur letting urself get stressed out by little things


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As I've pointed out countless times before, ultimately this is not about me. See also what I wrote about logically-fallacious diversionary tactics in the included image.
> little things
The anus may be "little," but it's also one of our most important body parts despite typically being very under-valued, commonly denigrated, and often intentionally harmed — as I pointed out in the "decadence" paste at the top of TAv6.

As for the implication that these things do not matter: That also is incorrect. Again from the "decadence" paste: Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is both rampant and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today.


im not reading that its too long and i care too little, sorry. i hope u find happiness in life :)


> im not reading that its too long and i care too little
Yeah, that's a common problem. It also doesn't help that far too many people have no desire to think seriously about various topics I've covered.
> sorry
It's not your fault; perhaps the presentation needs some altering. Or maybe I'm simply too damn early in caring about these matters. Many people at a societal level may just be forced to think seriously about them at some point, when the consequences of not doing so become impossible to ignore or suppress.
> i hope u find happiness in life :)
Thank you, I appreciate the kind thought. However, I don't see myself finding happiness any time soon, especially when it's tied to people addressing issues I've covered thanks to my admittedly-weird and seemingly-very-unusual strongest fetish. I didn't write about an aesthetic anus fetish in one of my pastes for no reason, that's for sure.

At least I can console myself with the knowledge that yeah, these things really don't matter all that much at least in comparison to various other issues humanity as a whole is facing. We may well end up wiping ourselves off the face the planet for various reasons, due e.g. to failing to mitigate catastrophic climate change; buildup of plastic micro- and nanoparticles among other things killing off various animals, plants, and therefore our food supply; potential for global thermonuclear war; etc.

Caring so much about matters that so many others wish to ignore, suppress, or even maliciously try to make worse perhaps out of spite hurts a lot, though.


Wow seisatsu's javascript is safe. Seisatsu is a great federal agent! To think of it, seisatsu's my favourite federal agent so far! Seisatsu is so nice to my reports and handles them very well!


Seisatsu a qt


The javascript matter is an insignificant triviality. The impetus for my initial comment is what Seisatsu did on another site (s)he owns in response to what I posted there along the lines of information I posted recently here.

I shall for now refrain from finishing up and posting my WIP explanation in the absence of more antagonism on Seisatsu's part, which I actually was expecting (perhaps my posts haven't been noticed yet). Somebody else could explain, but bear in mind that doing so might well derail this thread and go against this site's "comfy" atmosphere.


What site, T or something?



I would say most important part is the face, then her body type (should be chubby or "thick") and then third her ass.


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My libido is dead.
Just talk to me.


I'm an ass man. But it's hard to look away when nice cleavage is exposed right in front of me. I also pay close attention to lips.


This thread doesn't look like it belongs to the culture on /lounge/, maybe /hell/ would fit it better?


Im being very succint when i say toenail curvature is so top priority for me. If the toe isn't perfectly rounded or the nail starts looking obtuse or moreso a right angle that's just worse than a turn-off it's a pull the plug


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Same. Don't talk to me though, let's just cuddle.


I value face quite highly, but it feels like everybody does that

besides face, the things that really push my buttons in girls' looks are legs (thighs and ankles especially), collarbone, and hair. OP's pic is definitely my thing

I don't care much for ass or boobs to be honest

with a friend we coined the term "microfetish" to refer to "minor details but but big turn-ons". for instance I go mad when I can see a girl's Achilles tendons, all that part of the ankle, from the back :3


I really love it when spring comes and girls start wearing pants that expos just the angles, perhaps some calf, it really turns me on for some reason.


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I dislike girls being skimpy.
I like them wearing baggy clothes instead.


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>Sexual attraction wise
I love tits, especially big ones, sometimes every bigger than big ones, huge even!
Then I also like dicks, I don't really care for size though but to be honest I find dicks on the small to medium size really attractive and really yummy. they are very attractive lol
Thighs are also good, i love thighs aaaa


I love hair and eyes, its usually the first thing i notice about someone and can make me blush hard especially if its hair over one eye. Just cute all around

Same I love baggy clothes


I think that if there's one feature that I most often notic in girls which both turns me on and has an aesthetic appeal to me, that would be the arms.
I also like legs, a lot. But legs have a bit more of a sexual appeal, arms are more "innocent" in that sense.


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Isn't this kind of topic a bit screwed up to talk about?
I think anyone can be attracted to any part of anything as long as there is an emotional bond in the first place.
I used to think that this and that would be ok, but the most endearing part of someone might be their care towards you.


Por moi it's whether or not the waitress has a rabbit on her head.

But IRL a huge backpack lost-cow-snail-girl is the best of course. I was glad to see there was a world in which she didn't die. Mayoi-ghost finding her mother's home was a real tear-jerker storyline.


I feel like a lot of people *are* socialized or predisposed to be attracted to certain things, and discussion of that isn’t inherently bad. If cute smiles make you really happy, it’s fine to talk about it. If you love how bangs look, that’s fine, too. All part of the human experience.

But there’s a fine line, and the answer is that it feels like shit, especially when collections of physical characteristics become commodified within pop culture. For *decades*, probably centuries if you count depictions of women in, like, baroque painting and stuff lol, women’s body types themselves are what have cycled in and out of style and are what women are socialized to want to “achieve” if they want to feel pretty. In the early 2000’s, it was being super skinny with 0% fat. Then in the 2010’s, it was the BBL and curves and etc that were in vogue. Now fashion magazines are talking about how curves are out and underweight figures are back in. Girls in some East Asian countries have it even worse where plastic surgery is even more mainstream. I would absolutely hate to grow up in an environment where the way I looked when I was born was explicitly sold to me as not good enough, and I would have to live with the thought hanging over me that I should save up money to have it forcibly changed.
I think most of us are desensitized to most of these discussions, and now I don’t really feel anything when people talk about the “perfect ass” or “perfect boobs” or whatever. Unfortunate but that’s how it is.

For me, it’s when I get in a relationship with someone and truly get close with them that I start to get turned on by super specific physical characteristics. In my last relationship, her style and fashion and the way she parted her hair were the charm points for me back then. But with my current boyfriend I’m slightly obsessed with his muscles and smile lol. It all comes secondary to me to the person, so I often wonder what life is like for people that approach others and try to date them by motivation of physical characteristics alone. How do you know that you’re going to get along? It’s such a huge time and emotional investment. No hate meant just genuine curiosity.


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Wide hips


I met a girl with nice eyelids. Reminds me of a plant I have.


> First off: Fuck you very much, Seisatsu. I liked this site: I even had it bookmarked and lurked regularly. No more.
Just delete my posts already, damnit. I want to stop occasionally checking this thread, wondering.


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Face, and face-related mannerisms. Then hair. Which is kind of odd, as I have some trouble recalling faces in general. There was this girl I used to have a crush on way back in highschool; I can't remember in much detail how exactly she used to look, but I recall quite well the specific, rather quirky way she used to blink while explaining something at times.


I'd like to think I don't mind physical appearance that much… It'd be hypocritical when I have a hard time being happy with myself. That said I like long and straight hair, being facially expressive and being really thin..


I realized I have a strong affinity for girls with large, sanpaku eyes recently.
I also find fluffy hair very charming.


Like this?


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Are souls physical? Do souls not exist and instead what we call a 'soul' is just the emergent behavior of the (physical) brain? If so then the number one thing I care about is having a kind and passionate soul.

Then a pretty face, then being skinny, then smooth skin, and then a curvy butt.


cute face and hips and tummy uwaaaaa


legs, specifically the calves.


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Like this?


power output of electric locomotives

wait why are you guys talking about human features? ew pervs haha
tho if i had to speak about that, i think i never fetishized any part of human body, except for eyebrows maybe, i love when they are natural and thick


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random youtube video but her nails are mesmerizing


> At least I can console myself with the knowledge that yeah, these things really don't matter all that much at least in comparison to various other issues humanity as a whole is facing. We may well end up wiping ourselves off the face [of] the planet for various reasons, due e.g. to failing to mitigate catastrophic climate change; buildup of plastic micro- and nanoparticles among other things killing off various animals, plants, and therefore our food supply; potential for global thermonuclear war; etc.
The fact that matters more important exist doesn't render the issues covered unimportant. Rampant anorectal violence along with factors facilitating it do have substantial societal effects.

As I wrote in the past elsewhere: There is no point to fighting for greater matters when humanity does not deserve to survive. I stand by that assessment.(ANORECTAL AVENGER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


>humanity does not deserve to survive
they don't even want to.


I've been obsessed with women's necks lately for some unknown reason.

I don't see it. The color is ugly though.

Incontinence was your downfall!


based anorectal pacifist

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