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This is the dumbest idea for a smartphone I've ever seen

Who? Who has ever said "I like my smartphone, it just needs a 5x larger and brighter flashlight. That's the only problem".


I've never thought about it before but the world smartphone is also really stupid. There's nothing "smart" about it really.

It's like calling an iPad a "smart computer" or something

They should've gone with touchphone


what would you call these phones that are basically computers in a pocket then?


n*rmie phones


crippled computers


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They're not meant to be a computer as they have other functions mostly focusing on communication, while the previously mentioned are meant for work environments.
There is 8 billion people in the world, let's not pretend you or me are special in any way whatsoever.


>let's not pretend you or me are special in any way whatsoever
Uh oh, you have to pretend to be superior or you will lose your based points.


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Between Chuck E Cheese tickets and acidic points, which will bring my husband(female) back?


Joke's on you, I am super special, Seira told me so. If you wanna' be an unhappy drone that's your own business.


Most people know more than you'd realize. They just don't need to show it.


what does superior even mean?


Blue collar workers will like it for sure.

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