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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1676344917864.jpg (53.73 KB, 225x300, 18873.jpg)


Pretty comfy, but why does it exist?


File: 1676345999543.jpg (72.85 KB, 750x530, 1663542250818945.jpg)

Life doesn't need an explanation for it to exist.
We are what we are, find joys in the little things that happen, and be glad of them for existing.
Utilitarianism isn't an end goal, it's just a means to an end.


So I can kiss u



It all goes back to the great imageboard schism that divided an0ns in different camps as they all vyed to define imageboard culture in terms of their favorite trait. People claimed IBs were about anime, or videogames, technology, politikz, pr0n, what have you. We found a cozy space where all we wanted was pure unadultered COMFY, and so, this place was bkrn and grew where everyone who's weary of the constant bickering of meanies in popular bards could come and have a nice thread for a while, it's an oasis of comfy and qt anime girls.


The truth is that itamae found an abandoned computer on the roadsite, got high/drunk and put an imageboard on it.


Oh hey, that's the girl from Anne Happy.


I have an innate distrust of anyone who actively avoids word filters


File: 1676427311868.jpg (9.17 KB, 299x168, download.jpg)


That's a girl?!


I did it because op wouldn't understand if I typed sushi rolls but on hindsight it would've been better


Why do you exist huh?

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