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 No.14404[View All]

Last thread hit bump limit so you know what that means! Talk about how your day is going, anything interesting that happened recently, what's on your or just to say hi!
206 posts and 88 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Like seriously, whey the fuck do we, as the XY chromosome havers, have to be hardwired to lewd up XX chromosomes havers?
I wish I could be gay but that is unnatural, and would just ruin the chances of finding someone to be innocent with.
Besides most males that are gay are kinda silly, not like "bro dude" gay.
Man, life is a big doodoo. I wanna be a rock


You don't frequently interact with gay people at all, do you?

I wish you luck on your quest to become a rock, though.


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I had developed feels for men on the internet.
It is not a lie, the kindness things is already good enough for me to fall for them. But IRL they're not like these people. They're just way too stupid or disgusting or silly.
I wish gay men would act just like regular people, there was someone who was quite normal who I worked in college with, but sadly he had a fuckton of piercings on his face, which I find repulsive.
Also, the becoming gay part is a scary thing because that means you could just basically end up generating feels for anyone in your circle, which just ends up putting them off and repelling them.
Last but not least, gay sex is repulsive, and I personally think it's a huge cope for the fact none of the two partners has a working female apparatus. This is from someone who finds the idea of something like that appealing, but not the idea of dealing with women.
>Good luck becoming a rock though
Thank you sushi


An sushi roll I used to talk to has been silent for a couple of months, hope they are doing fine. As for me, going to take a walk later, then go meet with my psych again (get some shitty meds again which >will definitely work this time). Then I will do nothing. Maybe play a game or two, my steam library has dried up. I should go make another cup of coffee. It is nice and snowy outside. I do not even know why I am writing all this up, just a stream of consciousness. Anyhow, should be a /comfy/ day, hope it will be the same for all the sushis reading this. I always forget the domain for this board, then come back every few months once I remember it. Think that is all from me.


For some reason during work today I was feeling hornier than I've felt in years. I was dying for work to be over so I could jerk off. But then once work ended and I had dinner, suddenly that horniness was gone and I felt nothing but depressed again, no matter how much I tried to get that horniness back. I jerked off anyway, but I didn't enjoy it that much.

It sucks, because I was finally actually feeling something other than depressed, and I thought that might be a sign that my mental state might finally be recovering, but I guess not.


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Man, I'm so fucking tired of my feed recommending me shit from the incelsphere.
This fucking shit just ends up gaslighting you into neglecting yourself more.
I need more positive, abundance mentality shit on my feed, no sad garbage that wants to drag me to the ground with them


I just skip the algorithms entirely by using FreeTube.


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I don't think there is freetube on mobile. Newpipe always gets bugged


I generally like NewPipe, but you're right about it being hit or miss. It's been working well for me recently, but there are many times when it stops functioning altogether until multiple updates later, not even counting the time when Google tries to snuff it out.


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I should stop trying to put pleasing people above my health.
I made some awful dinner and i spent two hours in the bathroom. I'm not sure if I'll go to bed sooon


Why are people on imageboards so mean spirited? I used to think only the guys from the political boards were like this, but I've been realizing, every thread where there is discussion, one or both of the parts involved are completely unpleasant. And I mean really just being nasty to the other guy for no reason other than disagreeing with them.
And I've realized imageboards really are toxic environments, big time. The posters exude a visceral rage and hatred that really feels like poison to the mind when you read it. I wonder why I ever got into these sort of places and why I still visit them.
And no,I don't care about "safe spaces" or toxic positivity, I'm just talking about not being a completely rotten-to-the-core black hole of hatred and negativity just throwing as many insults at the other person just for the sake of it.
Now more then ever do I realize I really got to stop using imageboards altogether, because I really see little of value in there and the cost of reading someone else's mind poison far outweights the marginal benefits.
Not you guys, you are all really lovely, I just don't know if using sushi will make me want to tour the other chans eventually, as already happened.


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>And no,I don't care about "safe spaces" or toxic positivity
The fuck is toxic positivity anyway? Sounds like retarded shit just to guilt people into being sad as hell
>The posters exude a visceral rage and hatred that really feels like poison to the mind when you read it
There are chances that these people had a tough life and instead of realizing their mistakes, they out the blame on someone else.
Of course, not everyone is someone's own fault, but it isn't the world's fault either, you either have to deal with the world or not, there's not much to it


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I'm becoming dyslexic


> I just don't know if using sushi will make me want to tour the other chans eventually, as already happened.
No obligation to. I think "touring chans" is mostly something that people new to the scene do. You're gonna find a community or communities that you like and you'll stick there. That's fine.

love that pic


What did you make for dinner?


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Something gouged in oil, and then I had the stupid as fuck idea of eating some chocolate that has been in a hot place for many months afterwards.
It's been two nights and almost two days and I feel like utter shit. I thought the pain was gone by this morning but I try drinking some soda or a snack and I end up feeling like ass again. I stirred some veggies too but my aunt who is a nurse said that stuff like that is just gonna make me feel worse.
Things just suck overall and I really hate it. Been able to only eat rice with cheese now


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My friend invited me to a barcade.
While I think that is quite a nice thing, I've been thinking that I've been wasting a lot of money recently.
So now I'm in a dubious situation where I don't know if I should go with him or not.
Also maybe Law of Attraction is at play and I may end up coming across someone like this if I go but then comes the question, isn't a relationship expensive to maintain? I don't really go outside much and I don't have a lot of money so I dunno if it would be a good idea to have someone with me, I feel I can't provide anything


I used to go out looking for that special someone, not quite enjoying being around people but always with the hope of finding someone.
I'd never heard of a barcade, though, sounds fun. Idk if a NEET girl would spend much time outside but if that's the niche you might want to take your chances.
I mean, after all, if you don't put yourself out there there's little chance you'll find what you're looking for, right?
Look up other kinds of people, maybe? MtG and D&D clubs may be available.
I hope you find her!


Yeah but what about the muh-nee?


Find a niche job or just wage slave. There’s so many side hustles nowadays.


Find a niche job or just wage slave. There’s so many side hustles nowadays. Chances are you’ll find somebody through promoting one of your own passion projects.


Barcades are fun! The one near me just closed down, which is a shame. But yea, if you want to meet nerd girls, D&D is the way to go. Also Gunpla if you have a nearby store that sells them. Try attending group build sessions if they have them. It's a great way to meet people, girls and guys alike.

I don't often hit on women at bars, since usually I'm just with friends or coworkers. But it's not a bad place to look for love.


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Not sure if going to a group activity just to find girls is a smart idea. Most of the time it just turns out to be a sausage fest.
I think the smartest thing would be to go somewhere with my similar interests. Too bad most of my interest are meant for one person


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A girl with massive abs talked to me at the gym!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my gosh, I will sleep like an angel tonight!!!!!!!!!!


I once had a gf who wanted to get insane abs. I hope she did.


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Aaaand… I was right!
Haven't slept like this since High School!


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Went to the barcade, it was nice


damn I am jealous of you sushi roll


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You should be jealous if I got the bartender's phone number.
Thankfully for your health that didn't happen


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Oh shoot O just noticed you mentioned the abs girl and not the post about the barcade.
Sorry, yeah that may just be her being friendly and me reading way too deep into it like I always do. I should just focus on the gym while I'm at it.
Also, I post here way too often


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been a long few days - went on a date and then a punk gig the same day, visited my grandfather who lives in the countryside, had another night out where i attended a vigil for brianna ghey

i've spent all my energy and don't feel like doing anything now, even though i'm practically a neet now and am dropping out of uni


Any reasons as to why you're dropping out?


yeah man I just want a girl with huge abs to talk to me lol
also no such thing as posting too often!!!


i get sick of answering this but okay

depression, lack of work or anything to do in the place my uni was, swamped with work - felt like a waste of money in the long run


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Oh I see
Well I hope you manage things properly. Self discovery is a long marathon.


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These guys from the South (Indians, Bangladeshians, all kinds of Arabs, etc.), they are so touchy-feely with each other. It is not uncommon for them to hug and physically tease each other, and friends sometimes kiss each other on their cheeks when they meet. And it's not only their guys, the girls do it too! I used to live near a university in one of their countries, and I would sometimes see girls walking arm-in-arm with each other. So pretty! Considering how small-looking they usually were. Makes me wonder if I like children partly because people in Europe are relatively big and tall, and my mother's family is not like that. My mother is just a bit taller than Rise from YrYr, and she would sometimes get mistaken for my friend during the winter months when everybody wears a coat and you can't clearly see person's figure.


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Is it a bad idea to talk to the ex-gf of a friend? Even more so if she's still in his and my circle of friends?


I think it'd be pretty normal to stay friends with her, unless they had a particularly nasty breakup. It would definitely be a bad idea to get romantically involved with her, though.


What if things develop tho?


Then don't count on the friend continuing to be your friend afterwards.


Feel free to involve yourself with your friend's ex-girl sushi roll, but if I was him I'd feel as though you don't respect me or our friendship. Think about it in reverse: I'm sure you'd be at least a bit upset over a friend pursuing someone you've been with :/


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Was gonna go to a Bon Odori event, but the place is like 4 hours away, was supposed to leave my house at 3pm but I took a nap at 2 and ended up waking up at 5pm, it's raining outside, etc etc.
Fuck I just wish there was an event where I can just talk to people, this shit is worse than a damn job. I'll never have friends


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I'm supposed to be doing things but I can't for the love of me stop sleeping, I slept all through the afternoon


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I haven't been sleeping many hours as of late.
Say I go to sleep at like 2 am and wake up at 7:30. I feel I should be sleeping more but my sis said I should sleep less so that I have a faster metabolism and I can seize the day better.
I'm not so sure if this is healthy in the long run, considering that it is recommended to sleep 8 hours a day and I'm not even achieving that.


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Ants have invaded my kitchen. I think I've identified and sealed off the point of entrance. Sadly a few workers are now trapped inside. I suppose if they'll give up on trying to return to the nest there's enough little bits of food around for them to live if they can evade the spiders.


What's the bump limit in this site?


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The person that I love the most lurks this website but i don't know how to talk to that person without being a freak.
I thought I got over it, but it keeps popping up and I wish we could link up again.


When I was at home alone consuming youtube/anime/manga I just wanted to make friends. Now that I have friends at work all I want to do is be at home alone consuming youtube/anime/manga. Funny how life works


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My family are out for the week and the house is mine. I want to cross dress, wear a body suit all weak, and wear makeup and be kinky for a week for the first time, and I'm not sure what should I do now? I've never gone all the way and don't even know how to put on makeup.


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Do as much as you can. Try to watch some makeup tutorials or invite a girl friend to help you out with the makeup and stuff!

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