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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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so I just found this board and it seems very comfy, I'm moving to another city in about a month and have been very confused whether or not it'll make me happier or not.
I'm gonna ask the people I'm living with if they mind if I get a cat because it'll be the first time for me without a pet
hope I can make my living space /comfy/


we have a battlestation thread, be sure to post your room there!


i'm moving out to another city soon as well, and it'll be the first time i'm not living with my parents or other relatives.

hope i survive?


me too sushi. It's gonna be weird living somewhere where nobody really knows me but I think I'm going to enjoy it. Never had a cat before but I may just try to get one


wherever you go, there you are


A shame really, that's usually the part one tries to get away from!




yeah, I'm starting prenursing but honestly I'm probably going to change my major first semester. I plan on getting my bachelors and then doing the JET program, I'm taking japanese classes starting this fall


i'm >>5818 and yea, i just got accepted into a university a few days ago. i'm pretty happy about it but there's a lot of shit i have to figure out(especially housing) and classes start real soon. it's sure gonna be interesting


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My dinner treat


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Playing a comfy rpg


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Oh nom nom


cool sips


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Time for my lunch


Not all of us survived, unfortunately. After a suicide attempt(s?) and a brief stint of homelessness among five great and terrible years I ended up back living with other relatives before finally my parents once more.
Well, I survived at least (not to imply it's so fantastic to be alive all the time still, but sometimes good things happen, enough to warrant another day I suppose).

Yeah just consider there's more responsibilities to owning any animal, even a cat, than you may have considered by yourself. At the moment I'm just sticking to patting other people's cats on the way home from work (my record is three in one walk).

Also, moving to a new place where no body knows you is great! Ideally I would every couple of years, that's when things start feeling too settled. Even in this city of 50,000 I can't wander around the streets drunk and high on the weekend without a co-worker spotting me in the act.


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Exercise under the moon if necessary


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Physical activity is never a bad thing…


WIN at life. Do it!

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