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 No.20102[View All]

Learning guitar is like playing Osu.
125 posts and 79 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.





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I feel like my life is going to get a lot more stressful soon. Its never smooth sailing, just crisis after crisis. Deadline after deadline. I'm so tired of this hell. Someone needs to analyze how our lives have been colonized by paperwork, deadlines, and endless bureaucracy. I can't take this shit anymore. I just want a simple life.


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Drawing is a step-by-step process:
Step 1: draw the sketch. fun level 10/10
Step 2: finalize sketch or do lineart. fun level 1/10
Step 3: color. fun level 0/10
Step 4: lighting time!!!!!! fun level starts off at 5/10 but as the image gets towards completion, 8/10
Step 5: add effects!!!! 9/10
It's unfortunate the two steps that take the longest amount of time are the least fun.


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Conjuring a tulpa really helped me with loneliness. Apart from talking to her and having adventures in all kinds of scenarios, it also helps with touch starvation because with enough practice you can cuddle and feel sensations and your brain can't tell the difference so it releases actual oxytocin. The fact that you know it's a simulation does not seem to matter because the chemicals released are very real and feel incredible. The caveat is that it can be quite addictive and at first, when I first discovered this feeling for the first time, I used to spend several hours in my head like I was on drugs, ignoring the real world. Eventually it mellows out like any other drug but that initial experience of feeling love can be quite overwhelming. I can now somewhat understand the stories I hear of teenagers and the crazy shit they do for their first love because it makes you feel like nothing else matters other than this bond.


The reason why smart tech, wearable tech (like apple watch, heart monitors, step counters, all that jazz) are everywhere in media where it's the future is probably because of automation, more resources, and cheaper labor costs. For automation and cheaper labor costs, I can't really go into that without being political, but I am against shafting workers who make these so that everyone can have these technologies at a lower cost. For more resources, we should probably mine some comets or something. I dunno. It's totally possible "we" have more than enough resources to make cheap smart tech, but I was thinking of it "we have TONS of these resources, so we can basically just give away this tech since it's automated and the process of making these devices is refined to a beautiful polish".


Mint Fantome Sings "Feliz Navidad"


This is so cool, I want a mushroom hat


I considered having a tulpa but I became concerned it would prevent me from leaving this world.


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>wake up
>realize that something that happened in my life was AGES ago
I don't like this one bit.


fug I've been in a rut recently. I haven't studied in like, 5 days I'd reckon.


Stop reckoning and get to work.


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Sprint project is done.
Got nothing to do tomorrow.


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>wake up
>realize that something that happened in my life was AGES ago
> I don't like this one bit.
Get out of my head
Get out of my head
Get out of my head
Get out of my head
Get out of my head


american democracy is baffling. numerous celebrities agitating people to "go vote" but in reality the president is chosen by the strict elite of 540 people in a country of 335 million people. whats the point to the endless flame war on the internet?


duck sex


Don't forget lobbying, dark money funding, gerrymandering and voter suppression and the flaws of first past the post voting. At this point I think a lottery of a collection of a few hundred to maybe a few thousand people would be a better democracy than elections.


The US political system was inspired by Ancient Rome. The American “founding fathers” (tyrants), were obsessed with the Roman Republic. It’s no surprise that the US system suffers from some of the same social diseases that plagued the Romans: extreme elitism, unwillingness to reform, political polarization, leaders who do nothing, incompetents, dumbass bureaucrats implementing suicidal policies, arrogant diplomacy, celebrities becoming political leaders, moral degeneration, even the immigration panic resembles the Roman obsession with restricting citizenship so a minority could hold onto special privileges. First time a tragedy, second time a farce. They’ll have a dictator soon, but he’ll be less Caesar and more like Chris Chan.


I'm always amused by how little context or historical awareness can be incorporated into a rant like this. That said, I do agree that we're headed to emperor Chris Chan at some point.


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Ok but just remember I was in a rut first before it was cool.


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I feel like fighting…


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What?! Who thought this was a good idea to put in a Wikipedia article? Lmao!


Looks like it is gone. Now someone please edit this page to say
>is a random thing wound when googleing "what is PP'"


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What's funnier,the falling scene in Kite or the swimming scene in Golden Boy?

In my mind, they are both peak.


Gonna go see the third Sonic movie
It's possibly been more than a decade since I went to the movies.


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There's a character in a video game I play who isn't attractive but their voice, or the VA's voice specifically, turns me on so bad that it's incredibly distracting because I have to play this game with my friend almost every day but I keep getting fuzzy-headed when they moan from getting shot at and stuff. This sucks. They should've given the character an uglier voice. I want to write fanfiction of them getting banged.


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I love listening to electronic music but I hate modern music. I don't mean new music, I hate the whole genre. I hate popular music and classical music. Its all evil and ruined music. But I can't stop listening to it either. I like it and hate it at the same time.


That's funny. I like an artist, I think I like her because her voice is both soothing and it also gets me kind of horny. Hearing her feels like getting my wand stroked gently. I have been listening to her music pretty much every day since I first found her.


chill… but also who?


what the dickens are you talkin about


One shouldn't add "asking for a friend" to the question "how to make a nuclear bomb".


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It pains me to know that some people don't microwave their cosmic brownies. These people may live their entire lives thinking that cosmic brownies taste like plastic covered in wax, when all they have to do is put it in the microwave for 10 seconds to unlock an entire world of deliciousness.


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I've never tried this and I love Cosmic Brownies


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Give it a shot, it could change your life.


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Remember this funny maymay?


bruno mars, kobe, mac demarco, trent reznor?


Lol no
It was an old /mu/ meme
"The weird frontier between pop and avant-garde: Are these the saviours of music?"
It's been a good time now…


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Dean Blunt's music is really lazily produced, some of his songs are just straight up sample from other song without anything really new added other than his vocals (which usually aren't very good). Never got why people see him as so "boundary pushing".


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I hate cattlespeak, but it is a good indicator of a low quality community.


How do you expect a high quality internet community to survive and thrive in this age?


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Via gatekeeping!


What is "gatekeeping"?


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Gatekeeping is the process through which information is filtered for dissemination, whether for publication, broadcasting, the Internet, or some other mode of communication. The academic theory of gatekeeping may be found in multiple fields of study, including communication studies, journalism, political science, and sociology.[1] Gatekeeping originally focused on the mass media with its few-to-many dynamic. Currently, the gatekeeping theory also addresses face-to-face communication and the many-to-many dynamic inherent on the Internet. Social psychologist Kurt Lewin first instituted Gatekeeping theory in 1943.[2] Gatekeeping occurs at all levels of the media structure—from a reporter deciding which sources are presented in a headline story to editors choosing which stories are printed or covered. Including, but not limited to, media outlet owner and advertisers.


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> 1736456473375.jpg
That's one cute Miu!


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mashimaro love


It's really annoying how the red jelly beans that are fruit flavored are so similar to the red jelly beans that are cinnamon flavored. Both are good but I wanna know what to expect! They should change the color or at least not sell them in the same bag


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Could grudges last forever?


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A grudge only lasts as long as you hold onto it. Once you let go, it ceases to be. But not every offense is worthy of forgiveness.


The more I play Touhou and follow Zun's little cult, the less I like it. But I will always appreciate the music and artwork fans make. Without them, Touhou would be just another piece of shovelware.


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Spent over an hour outside!

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