>>20954Cultural Americanization has been going on for two decades now, in Japan it’s been going on since at least the 70s. In Korea, they were holding up “stop the steal” signs recently. All human cultures are slowly being crushed under the American jack boot. Uniqueness is basically illegal now and the American cancer spreads everywhere.
BLM protests in Japan weren’t a huge thing. The problem with BLM is it was a completely unprincipled Twitter “movement” that just became an excuse for dumbass behavior.
>>20957This just sounds like the worst trash.
>>20958Disagree. Boys are way cuter than girls but only for a short time. They grow out of it fast. Girls stay cute and sexy for longer. That’s what makes girls better than boys.
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>>20962It flows both ways; look at how much anime, nintendo, vtubers, etc. have influenced global culture. Japanese business models like "lean" are prevalent in middle management discussions on efficiency. Not to mention all the weird sexual fetishes that Japan keeps exporting to the rest of the world.
>>20964Really depends what you play - older games and indies? Then the Deck is the best way! Multiplayer or triple A titles? No way, Jose…
>>20963Japan’s pretty unique because it’s the only society that can compete with America’s culture industry. But it doesn’t exactly flow both ways. America influences Japan more than the Japanese could ever influence America. In much of Asia there’s this attitude that we have to mimic Western culture, that America defines a modern society and Asian culture is to blame for every social problem. In Japan you get this attitude too although it’s less extreme e.g. people blaming poor working conditions on a lack of individualism or bushido or Confucian values. Then there’s the fact that a lot of anime is now produced with an American audience in mind, so they end up pandering to popular American stereotypes of what anime is which dilutes the medium to a bunch of stock tropes and aesthetics.
>>20966Define "older", the Steamdeck seemed to be able to deal with modern games fairly well, despite the low graphics.
Haku-chan is so pretty. Tsumanne~! ☆
>>20960Like I had mentioned, I'm not genderqueer.
>>20963See how unpopular the type of people who are into that sort of stuff is in the west though. As big as it may seem online in an international setting, it's still a hugely niche demographic within the USA. Besides, while Japanese people try to keep up with the national trends and events in American media, Americans will either not recognize Japanese memes or they'll gain some niche popularity on otaku sites years after the height of popularity within Japanese internet. I've been getting notifications for days for answering a Japanese asking about a western meme (British/English rather than American) from curious Japanese users trying to keep up to date, even though the meme is over a decade old.
It's interesting to interact in more international settings online.
That said, I don't think most anime companies try to consciously appeal to western audiences as what westerners and easterners seem to have completely separate tastes in general (anime that become popular in the west is often full of spectacle, like a Hollywood film, which is why Trigger is so often quoted as a westaboo production company, compared to slower paced, more thought-provoking SOL content that will have a huge pull domestically but are often ignored internationally.)
Although, who knows. I could be wrong, but those are my two cents.
And before I forget, often times western producers in Hollywood will see Japanese media and steal the idea (Perfect Blue -> Black Swan, Paprika -> Inception, Kaiju films -> Cloverfield series, Mecha genre -> Pacific Rim). It almost feels a bit insidious, like in a "I can do better, I have a larger budget" sort of way. The large issue behind this practice is how whatever unique to Japanese media will be watered down and be presented to a global market as an American copy while the Japanese original will be ignored or forgotten to a larger international audience. I hate Hollywood.
>>20969> e.g. people blaming poor working conditions on a lack of individualism or bushido or Confucian valuesno one says this
>>20972Hollywood is a great example of international influence, any large budget project is made to appeal to a global audience. Same thing with Disney/Pixar.
I'm not even sure what "American culture" is. Gun-toting yee-haw cowboys? Eating hamburgers and kentucky fried chicken? Living in New York City and hanging out with your friends at coffee shops? Wearing cheap mass-produced clothing? It seems to me that a lot of things that are attributed to being "American" are more like generic secular industrialized society traits.
>>20974Good point. Yes, secular industrialized society traits, but where do these traits come from? What is their history? Our lives have gradually come under the sway of a secular-liberal cultural and political order that's origins are in 18th and 19th century Europe. As these values are enforced from the top, local cultures die out or get recycled and so the world is slowly becoming more and more one-dimensional and Westernized. Like
>>20972 said, stuff moves but it doesn't move equally.
We are all having our lives colonized by increasing bureaucratization and rationalization (e.g. gender and sexuality labels that are now endless and define people's role in a faceless soulless structure) and the consequence is snuffing out real difference and making everything conform to monolithic models. I don't even know what I'm ranting about anymore. I'm just sad at globalization spreading certain cultural values while destroying other ones.
>>20976Yeah, it is unfortunate in some ways that global culture is becoming homogenized. But at the same time, we also have unprecedented access to other cultures through the internet. 50 years ago we couldn't even have this discussion. If the internet remains open and available, it may be inevitable that we eventually approach having a relatively unified Earth culture.
Then we can all get online and complain about how Spacians are ruining the solar system.
>>20986> But at the same time, we also have unprecedented access to other cultures through the internetOn one hand, the internet allows one who doesn't fit into the culture of his land to live a more fulfilling life. On the other, doesn't it also lead to a person, who would be happy with his local community, becoming enamored with what he can't experience IRL where he lives? It may well be a major reason for the loneliness epidemic in our supposedly well-interconnected age. When people who would be your friends live thousands of kilometers away, all scattered across the world, you can't hug them, you can't fuck them, you can't share jokes over a beer, you can't live through what would make your life happy and worth living.
And that's just half of the problem. It's also problematic if people around you would find your cultural divergencies disgraceful.
I think that Sei once said that some things that people post here may cost him his friendships. But do you really have friends if you always have to keep your true nature hidden from them? No.20995
Is it strange that I'm attracted to girls when I see them on screens but when I go outside I can't find a single person I'd find attractive and have no interest in getting near them? I think my people skills have degenerated to a really bad level. I can't keep up basic contacts with people. How do I improve from this?
>>20995I feel (slightly) HEARD. A lot of the girls in my state are unfortunately not pretty to me. There are pretty girls out there, but MAN, it feels so good to hear someone say the same thing. I once went to Ireland and all the girls there were really cute. It was in that moment where I realized it's not really me. I also have no interest in girls romantically and honestly, sexually, so it's not like I can help you get a girlfriend. Maybe work on your people skills by experience? Think of it as a skill and when you're able to hold friends and conversations, you're ready? It also might not even be just you. A lot of people aren't as socially adept as they used to. Also, maybe keep multiple contacts and if you lose contacts, don't sweat it? Just keep going and learn from your mistakes.
Me, on the other hand, whose brain has adapted to the lack of friends, will not be doing this for I have lost my mind. Thanks for reading, though.
>>20989The decline of local communities is definitely an issue. Like you say, online "friends" isn't really the same as having friends in your area.
>>21006>I got prodded about my sexuality because I don't like yaoi the other day. Why are people like this? I get questioned about my sexuality all the damn time. I don't know what answer to give but it seems like its become a standard thing to ask before dating. I like yaoishit and yuri so people think I'm weird.
>>20996>I can only enjoy it in manga form. My heart is completely numb.Similar. I feel almost nothing from irl people but find stuff in media attractive.
>>20998I had a ball like that. Just the right mix of stiffness and bounce with squish. I miss that ball so much. Gl sushi! Find the ball! Take it home this time and make sure nobody steals it.
>>21021I'm bored. I got tons of work done but now I don't know what to do with myself.
Ricing was a bad idea. I have visually messed up my entire system. What a pain in the ass.
>>21040Linuxspeak for making your desktop look pretty.
There's a celebrity who keeps stalking me. Guys, don't do that.
>>21040>>21044To further explain, it came out of the word "ricer", which was originally used as a derogatory term for Japanese motorcycles (because rice = Asian hahaha amirite guys?)
Then people also started using "ricer" to describe an economy car that had been custom modded to look sporty without actually doing anything to improved the performance. This was an Asian stereotype, and often done on Japanese make cars. Around this time "ricing" also became used as the word to describe someone turning their car into a "ricer".
They probably started using "ricing" with regards to anime-themed Linux mods that look fancy but don't change performance, again because of the Asian association. At this point I think it's more broadly used for any sort of fancy but not particularly functional mod.
3 mins into a regular keyboard battle with a Reddit atheist and I decided I'd rather drink orange juice and read a book instead. So I got some AI bot to automate my replies. He didn't notice and I got three chapters read.
>>21052for context - installed new Nvidia drivers and my GPU temperate kept on rising under no load
Ever since I return to college I've had to deal with others picking on me for being religious. I think I now understand why Hayao Miyazaki is so cranky and hostile. A tradition he loves (hand drawn traditional anime) is dying. Most people see no value in it. And yet we go on living.
collecting stocks while you're young(er) that are just meant to accumulate in price so you can sell them later is the equivalent of a squirrel saving nuts for upcoming winter. I mean, you could give those stocks to your kids before you die, but it's not like you're "rich" or anything. You could a few million and stocks, but still make like, 40k a year.
>>21073The erosion of any common belief in a higher power has contributed to vitriol and hatred. There isn't a common bridge between different groups of people anymore. You can't intervene and appeal to Christian brotherhood like MLK did because now nobody believes in it and those who do the loudest are degenerate right wing culture warriors who just like the Crusader trad aesthetic despite not understanding anything about Medieval Christianity even.
>>21081>racism I hate discussing this subject. Not because it isn't important, but it goes nowhere and sucks. I have to deal with enough of it irl. You can't really critique anything on 4chan. Virtually every board is a horde of general threads, ragebait, and reposts from Twitter-Reddit, not to mention bot spam. There's neither discussion nor fun there anymore. Its just boring. Ideally, a good community doesn't need heavy handed moderation because the culture by itself encourages and discourages certain types of behavior. If enough people behave with sincerity and kindness, newcomers are less likely to want to cause trouble. The problem is this doesn't scale well as a site gets more traffic and stops being a niche group and there are always retard kids and spammers.
I had a moment of clarity today at work. My coworker showed me the argument she was having in the comments of a political facebook post. She was arguing with some random person, who was calling her all types of horrible names based on just her opinions. She was very level-headed and honestly funny with her responses, but I just kind of realized she was talking to a brick wall. There was no way to tell if she was talking with a real person or an AI chatbot, and it kind of didn't matter. The truth is, she took time out of her day (albeit, work time) to respond to this rude comment. And I realized… I would have done the same thing. She's 40 years older than me, but yet I would have fallen for the same trick if it was on a social media app that I use (so, YouTube, the only one I use).
I think I learned to be a bit more mindful of what I read/post on the internet. I've learned that arguing online doesn't do any good, for me or for anyone else. It's one of those things that feels like it scratches a certain itch, but it doesn't. As long as negative comments exist, I'll have the itch to respond to them. So maybe the answer lies in myself, not the internet. Maybe true peace is only achieved once I realize that we're all better off not arguing with strangers on the internet.
But idk.
>>21083To be honest, even as someone who believes in a higher power, I would be okay with a secular higher-order principle or virtue that unites people instead of dividing them and leading to a sense of meaninglessness. I only worry because under a naturalistic atheist paradigm, it becomes nigh impossible to appeal to any higher-order notion as it is a metaphysical appeal eschewed under naturalistic atheism’s logic. This isn’t so much “atheists cannot be moral” because that is the opposite of the truth as atheists oftentimes do have a strong sense of morality, but this is more in defiance towards the logical conclusion of this paradigm which is nihilism. What worries me is we are going to uncritically and unconsciously dive so deep into our technocratic, rationalistic, and scientific worldview that we are only concerned with what can be directly observed and applied (which means conceptions such as morality and shared human dignity become obsolete).
As for what you were saying about the right-wing: I completely agree with you. Their problem is they are reactionaries. They do not care about the ideologies they proclaim to align themselves with. They care about Christianity as a means to react against secular liberalism, not the ethos of Christ’s message (which oftentimes goes against their behavior). It also reminds me how seven-eight years ago many of them were obsessed with Ted Kaczynski, but when it came to climate change and biodiversity loss they would pretend it was the stupidest idea ever.