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 No.8722[View All]

Do you usually have dreams? What usually happens in your dreams? Are you a lucid dreamer? feel free to share dreams you've recently experienced and have other sushi rolls psychoanalyze you
134 posts and 59 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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You can try, but there is the chance she might not want to talk things out.
You're lucky you got a good friend, why not try to go out with him more often? Spend more time with him and see what you two can do?
As someone struggling with those feelings often, I think that what triggers those memories and wishes of being together with her again, is being in a rut. Try to get to a better place to yourself, find yourself more comfortable, meet new people. It will all play out accordingly.
If she wants to talk things out, then let her. If you want to talk to her, go ahead. If she doesn't want to talk things out, you'll need to reach to that closure on your own


> If she doesn't want to talk things out, you'll need to reach to that closure on your own
I just want to voice myself, if it isn't going that way then the show must go on..


I've been dreaming of an old friend lately. We lost contact, but it seems they're still on my subconscious mind.


Dreamed about driving behind a car that had two motorcycles on the back, with the front wheel touching the street. Two people were riding on them with their backs against the direction they were going. Then the car hit a large bump and both got catapulted into the air and crashed into the railing. One of them survived badly injured.


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Best friend went to army and we lost contact. Had a silly dream where I was serving as well and entirety of some other allied military base came over to our base with a horde of village girls because one of those girls was getting married to some guy from our base. Commander of the other military base staged the marriage to assassinate our commander with an explosion. I noticed something wasn't right and jumped out before the building exploded, caught up with commander of the other base, knocked him down and we kicked him to death with our base's garrison. Rest of the dream was a political play because all command staff was dead and the other party couldn't leave our base for some reason, we weren't openly hostile to each other but it was apparent that both groups were plotting against each other out of caution. At some point I was done with us failing to uncover their plots or make a plan ourselves, so I grabbed an axe and bursted into a room where our and the enemy party were discussing something and started attacking a man three heads taller than me in the chest. He looked like Mike from Breaking Bad, but was much bigger, beefier and wider. He reminded me of Armstrong from Metal Gear Revengeance. Mike was unharmed after my attacks and looked down at me. I looked at my axe and only now noticed it was rusty and dull. Before Mike could punch me into the ground someone from my base jumped and kicked him in the head, yelling some kind of war cry and my allies in the group started attacking as well. We took Mike down and rest of the group had to retreat due to being outnumbered. After that we had a meeting where I was scolded for my lack of progress in gaining the upper hand on the enemy and was laid down from acting on my own. Position of leader was given to a short bald chinese man with a nickname "Chinaman". My memories of the dream after that are blurry, but I know it ended with me saving the girl from the enemy base and establishing peace with the act. I asked her if she'd like to stay with me or go back to her base and she laughed at me before going back. I spent rest of the dream watching sunset from roof of one of the buildings.

At early point of the dream, before the explosion, I found said friend's SIM card and put it into my phone. Later, his brother was calling, but I didn't accept the call because it felt rude to take calls meant for my friend and I was going to just give back that SIM card to him when I find him.
He used to have a brother IRL, but he died by suicide many years ago.


Had a nightmare that lasted for what felt like hours. I was sitting behind my PC, noticed a shadowy figure walking to my door and starting to unlock it from outside. I jumped towards my door, leaned on it with my shoulder and tried to hold the lock still. The figure kept tried to push the door open and I kept holding it shut, but whenever I tried to scream for someone to get help my mouth would just exhale air with no sound. Then I woke up, saw the figure walking to the door, jumped out of my bed and started holding it again, same story. Then again with the PC. First thing I did when I woke up for real was check my lock, what a stressful dream.


Lisa Becomes a Time Lord.
By M C
I can't remember the name.

Lisa Simpson becomes a time lord, and transcends the concept of time. She is able to exist in the past, present, and future. I recall seeing a room with an ice floor with walls and many hallways. Then, I see a lot of typical psychedelic spiel. Lots of colors and patterns constantly moving. Then, Lisa is in a room with a peer practicing piano. The peer is a bit annoyed at being disrupted. I think at this time, Lisa joined a group with similar power or something. Finally, Lisa is killed and Homer avenges her death. He's on top of the plant with Lenny nearby. Below is Mr. Burns and Mr. Smithers. They say they won't be able to open up this metal box that they'll use to celebrate, but someone takes out a crowbar-looking thing and the guys cheer. Finally, on the ground with a sunset, Chalmers tells Skinner(?) that his job is a lonely one. You have power, money, houses (literally said), but you basically forsake having any real friends or partners. The episode closes out with Homer going into the box, which on the inside is vast and filled with a mysterious yellow goop on all of the insides.

M C is someone who's made a few dreams of mine already, and in the commentary, that being, the people in my head in my dream, have said they've liked a few of his works. Who is he? I forgot.

That was one of like, three of four dreams. I can barely remember them now. It's been like, almost two hours since I awoke. They were probably just as weird. RIP Lisa Simpson.


What if you were the (M)ain (C)haracter all along?


Had a dream about some nerdy girl asking me if I want to hold hands. Apparently neither of us knew what the deal with handholding was and we spent the whole evening not letting go despite trying to do things like use laptops or read books. The dream had no erotic feelings or context, but the act of handholding felt like the most intimate thing possible.


I was an android with a group of 2 or 3 other androids in a wasteland, possibly the surface of Mars. Our batteries were on their last juice and we were arguing what to do. Then a giant fireball flew into us and I woke up.


I founded my own martial arts dojo and got a nickname, that was a pun on hello kitty. After the training session I drove to the edge of a forest. It was raining and I went into the lush green woods. A short climb lead me to something like a small shrine. It had a pitched roof and the wood looked almost black in the rain. Next to it there was a plant with a long stem and round leaves the size of a foot on alternating sides. I took a look over my shoulder to check if someone had followed me and bent the plant down to somehow open the entrance to my secret home.

Then my alarm promptly ended the journey.


I appeared in some sort of cozy home "escape room" with my friends, solving some primitive puzzles and at the end being asked to cross a river without touching it and with no equipment at all.
After joining some pieces of wood together with a wire I attempted to walk the plank across but the whole concoction sunk along with me, leaving the presenter to burst in laughter.

I appear in some sort of cozy home "escape room" alone. Since I already know all the puzzles, I follow the step by step but then I notice that there are some men in radiant green uniforms welding a cube together. I ask them whether I could pass but they apologise and say that the way is closed.

After searching the whole basement area in panic I stumble upon a small kitchen with a doll dressed up as a gothic version of Nanny from Totoro inside. I follow her into a mossy dark green aquarium of sorts with a small steep path down at the left and an open cave opening leading to light and even more moss and yellow flowers on the right.

After obviously choosing the steep path into the abyss I get into a tunnel where a weird pixelated font flashes before my eyes telling me:

"You cannot pass
you need 10 🪙 to pass."

The next thing I remember is relaxing somewhere at a meadow working on a magical ring of healing when the grandma appears behind me and drops me an amulet with a dark bead inside. Before picking it up a popup appears in clear English: "The one who wears this shall be forever cursed with death." Noticing that I grab the amulet with a pair of sticks and throw it at the grandma. The grandma suddenly disappears, leaving only behind her clothing with popups levitating over it:

"Lucy's armour. May it protect the wearer from all illness and curse. With love, Maria~"


I was at the grocery store with Ragnvaldr from Fear and Hunger, we were buying a ton of food, but the shop worked in a peculiar way - you go to shelves with photos of food, pick up cards with image and name of product you want to buy, then later give them to the cashier and they'll bring that food from the back. We gathered a few handfuls of cards and were waiting in line, but that tall rabbit from Amazing Digital Circus and his random friend cut us in line.
I said something like "Yo, friend, I don't remember you standing here before" and he looked in the other direction, acting like he doesn't hear me. I got angry and thrown him onto over my hip and onto the floor, but in the act all the grocery cards I prepared fell out and splattered all across the room, that made me even angrier, so when he stood up I thrown him down again and started putting him in leg and arm locks. When I let him go people in line and the cashier told me that it's not that big of a deal, I don't have THAT many cards.
I go "OH YEAH?! WHAT'S THAT THEN" and start showing them random cards I pick up from the floor, they have pictures of a character from some story and their name, cashier and others help me understand who those characters are and sort them into categories.
Then I pick up a weird card, character description is just "?!!", the picture is just some random pink mess and the name is Niiksi-11. I ask in irritated tone "The hell is Niiksi-11?" and everyone starts looking at each other with confused looks. Cashier asks me "What's Niiksi-11?", I show him the card, he screams and I lose consciousness.
When I woke up I was lying on the floor of that same shop, but lights were out and people were all crowding together and looking at me with terrified expressions on their faces. I looked around in confusion and one of scared customers whispered "Paradox…", I asked him "What paradox?", some kind of explosion occurs and I lost consciousness again.
When I woke up again I was on the floor in some kind of cellar/bunker, only ~half of customers were with me and Ragnvaldr explained that they already called the rescue company that takes it's fee by taking all rescued people as slaves. We had a console and watched broadcast and messages stating ship's arrival and our last chance to recall the rescue request. We did not do that and the console started showing logs of battle between the rescue ship and Entity 8. In the end, the ship defeated Entity 8 and Ragnvaldr told me it's not a bad fate to be enslaved by this company because they will just enlist us in their army to fight against similar creatures.

From my feeling, when people were afraid of me in the shop I was both the Entity and myself at the same time, but when I spoke we separated.


In my most recent dream, I talking to someone about doing Judo


I dream of mustangs…


Today I was rushing to the community place at my place since there were burglars trying to rob it out of the nothing that there was. After a while of finding nobody we surrounded the basement exit (that for some reason leads outside, is 10 feet in the air and looks like a gate to hell) and opened said gate.

Two younger men jumped out of it, a smaller forward-leaning man with short dark hair and a bigger chunkier man with lighter brown hair. Both tried rushing through us all without a weapon, the chunkier man with a phone in his hand. I managed to grab his phone and started sprinting away with it as the man was getting through the barricade. Thanks to my knowledge of the layout of the place I was able to gain a huge lead. And then I was suddenly sent to the Shadow Realm.


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I had a dream that I was in this place called, I think The Black State or something.

In this dream apparently there were restrictions put in place that would control everything about your life. My grandparents acted on these restrictions and would force my entire family to go along with it.

I could only eat staring straight forward, because I had to be able to see my mother in my peripheral vision in case something happened. I was eating, I think like pelican jerky or something? It tasted and looked like maple bacon.

I think there was some kind of sentry going back and forth across my vision.

I was at school. At school and on the playground, kids would often break down from these restrictions. It was the only place where they weren't restricted. But they were still being watched.

Teachers and other faculty members would watch each kid carefully. They'd see how you interacted with people, how popular you were, etc etc. And also, your popularity seemed to be determined by how white your teeth were.

Before I woke up, the dream shifted into the perspective that this was all from the past from Mr Garrison from South Park.


Walking towards our home with people who apparently were my family. Got stopped by a large pack of bullies who wanted money from us, told them to fuck off. They got our location and later raided us. Fought off few. I tried to call for help, but was too emotionally shaken up to manage that. Had this dream before.


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Lately, I've been wanting to take up running. I struggle with social anxiety, poor health, and living in a big city makes it very challenging for me to just go and do it. Last night, I had a pretty interesting dream. I found myself moving through a crowd of people from the past. Suddenly, my fingers became entangled in the very long hair of a girl I used to talk to. People around us accused me of doing something terrible, and I started to back away. It was incredibly stressful, but then I realized I could just run away from them. Mind you, I didn't sprint away. I remembered that beginners should keep the pace slow, so I just trotted away from the angry mob. LOL.


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I have dreams that are either about romance, architecture, or night terrors that I'd rather not get into because uncomfy. Usually the romance and architecture ones seem to merge. I had a dream recently about being in this mansion on the water intentionally shaped like a boat where I would have nice, cozy times with this girl I really like and been talking to (outside of dream). We would cuddle in the night, and occasionally invite our friends over for karaoke and movies that were projected on this huge living room screen and make nice dinners in the kitchen together. It was really surreal but I honestly loved the dream and have been cherishing it in my head for some time since I had it.


That sounds wonderful, I hope this warmth stays with you.
Many years ago I had a dream like that, and every once in a while something reminds me.
Even now, the strength of feeling it evokes amazes me.


Me again, I guess I was thinking about that dream, and how I'd explain it to someone.
I realised to explain the feeling fully, I needed to explain a little about someone in it, and in exploring that I realised it was a feeling I'd carried with me more than half my life, and never mentioned.
So here you go rolls, the rambling secrets of an insufferable fool.
We met in the first year of high school, which where I'm from means around 14 years old.
We grew to be pretty good friends, and in time I developed pretty strong feelings for her. I didn't think she was interested, and I valued the friendship, so I kept it to myself.
Over time we drifted apart, took different paths in life.
She ended up dating an exceptionally dull classmate, at the time it was a bitter feeling, but I moved on.
Through talking out those feelings, and some similar ones in return I ended up very close to her then best friend, now one of my closest friends.
We both moved away to study, and drifted further still. We met up a few times after that, but she wasn't the person I once knew.
The last time we spoke she was utterly preoccupied with money, and virtue signalling to her fancy new friends. The dull classmate had dumped her, and she was now dating a guy with very wealthy parents, and who was absolutely smitten with her, but had all the personality of a damp paper towel. She was telling me how great everything was going, but it felt so forced, so unnatural.

I'd been going through a bit of a low patch myself, and I sort of expected the meet up to bring back some pangs of youthful yearning, of tragic unrequited love.
But instead it was just sad. To see the wonderful little weirdo I used to know leading a life I know she would have once found abhorrent. Aspiring to things I don't think she really wanted, and settling for easy conveniences over following her passions.


Sometimes I wonder, what if we had got together all those years ago? I doubt it would have lasted, but perhaps it would have set her down a different path. Perhaps could have held on to the wonder and beauty she used to see in the world, and made peace with who she was, instead of reshaping herself to another's mould.
But back then I didn't really know what was coming, and the suspicions I had I didn't really credit.
I'd have been going against what I thought was best for her then in persuit of my own teenage horniness.
And if things had gone my way from the start, might I have ended up the same way? For sure my experience back then shaped who I am today.

It's all very presumptuous of course. I've no good reason to believe I know what's best for anyone. But what I wouldn't give to find out what might have been.
In recent years I've come to realise she's probably pretty autistic and didn't really know how to make sense of her feelings and others advances back then.
The life she was living when we last met was perhaps a mask she adopted to fit in with the people she saw as successful.
I hope it's not that simple, I'd much rather believe she really is happy with what she's got. But it's hard to believe…
And of course, that was years ago too. Perhaps she has moved on, and found herself. That would be the best outcome.

That's kind of what the dream was about. It came to me a few years after that last meeting.
There has been some kind of apocalyptic event, I don't know what exactly, but there was noone around but the two of us.
We were working on a farm, planting potatoes and digging channels for irrigation. It was hard work, the sun was fiercely hot, she was complaining constantly and I was finding it harder and harder to put up with.
Somehow we made it through the day without screaming at each other, she asked me what next, I shrugged and wandered off. We found ourselves on the roof of a big warehouse, looking out over the work we'd done as the sun began to set. Just kicking back and taking it all in. After a what felt like forever, I turned towards her. She was still looking out at the sky, but with little smile, and a light in her eyes like she'd finally realised what it was all about. That wonderful satisfaction of a job well done.
And that's where it ends, that feeling, the feeling of sharing that feeling, of finding it in someone you least expected, of finding out someone you thought was gone was there all along.
Absolute bliss. It gets me every time, stronger than any real memory I can think of.

Of course, now it's outside my head it reads less wonderful, and more narcissistic fantasy…
Am I just projecting my own feelings into a memory of her? Probably.
But I think it's worse if it's true, if she really is faking a life she doesn't believe in and I'm just leaving her to it.

I should get in touch and see how she's doing.
I don't know if she'll appreciate it, but I'd rather be a well meaning embarrassment than a indifferent memory.


Apologies for the blog post, I typed the whole thing on my phone in the tiny reply box. It was so long (or perhaps so self indulgent) the server wouldn't accept it in one go.
I don't really know why anyone would want to read it, but I do know one of the things I love most about this place is reading the little pieces of themselves others share, without any real reason or reward.
Touching fragments of humanity, floating in a big cozy soup.

But, finally, I have made it back on topic.
The last dream I can remember started with my next door neighbour climbing in my bedroom window to ask me where I got my alarm clock because he really liked the sound. I explained it was from Lidl, and I'm not sure if they still sell them. I offered him mine, but he declined. We both had a cup of tea, I let him back out the front door and went off to work.
It seemed a perfectly casual interaction at the time


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I dream of vidya when the year gets colder…


I fell asleep while sitting up, and I kept on having a dream that my face was at a bad angle, but I couldn't do anything to stop it. I could move my hands, but not raise them any higher to help support my head. And my neck itself was immobilized. It was kinda scary, almost like a half-awake state.


I dreamt I was on a swing with my sister and her husband and I was slowly losing my memories. While I was basically becoming a vegetable, there was a song playing in my head. Also, I was slumped down the entire time. Same dream, different circumstance, I was in a house and this little rodent or weasel thing kept biting my ankles, so I squished it with my foot and threw it in a sink of hot/boiling water. As I looked at the sink, it turned red with the weasel's blood. Even dream me was like, "that's a horrible way to die!" So yeah, pretty normal dreams, I guess.


>pretty normal dreams, I guess.
no those are definitely bad enough to be classed nightmares I think


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For some reason, I always tend to dream about being in corridors inside big houses, mansions, hotels, corporate buildings and such. They feel a bit "liminal" at times, especially if it's about old places. Sometimes I dream about recurrent places that only exist there, and everytime I dream about them they remain the same, the only thing that changes is the context of the dream.

I feel those dreams are a reflection of how my subconscious perceives my life, as if most of the charm and bright it had is not there anymore… I used to have very colorful and epic dreams before, dreams that used to make me feel hopeful and inspired, now if I happen to have one of those big dreams they tend to be about catastrophes, chaos or lovecraft-like phenomenons…

Sometimes I feel they just reflect how narrowed my worldview has become, as it's also a feeling I have towards the internet, where everything feels just too sterile, artificial and banal. What happened? When did everything turned so empty?

In some way, that's why I'm here, with hopes of finding that charm once again.


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I always dream when my sleep is interrupted. This time I had a long continuous dream full of different characters and events, but one thing stood out. A woman was wearing a beautiful dress of my mind's design. I don't think I can describe it anymore, but even in the dream I was taken aback by how stunning she looked. She asked me which earrings looked better as she exposed her breasts…


I had a dream where evil Superman was trying to kill me, and Wonder Woman tried to fight him and weaken him with kryptonite, but it didn't work because it was jade. Then, Superman strangled her while she was making noises that were like her lungs were filling with water and she was trying to cough it up. I ran away before I could see him kill her, and I was trying to go to this bridge that's over lava before he could get to me. I got to the bridge and he had caught up to me, and I decided I'd rather burn in the lava instead of being killed by him, and he almost caught me before I plunged into the lava. I could feel the burning as my flesh was being melted off. I had become a skeleton, and in that pool of lava, years passed. Then, I woke up.

I don't remember the other dreams, but they were quite normal, I remember.


This means you are extremely afraid of men in power, and possibly been in a relationship where the premise of control was its entire purpose.


I don't dream much anymore, but I usually dream about kissing hawt (2d) bishies or being chased by something terrifying


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Last night I met with the boys, we talked about girls. I guess this prompted a dream about one with whom I went out to the prom. She was cute, smart, but quite introverted. In the dream she was a total tease though. She pointed out something I was insecure about, then said I should have made a move on her.

When natural urges (to be bullied by a cutie) are acting up, that means I am healing.


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I dream of Jeanie


The other night I dreamt that I sucked big boobies.


Ah, the booby sucking dream! People can misinterpret their emotional state on similar physical contexts, ex.: You feel flushed going out on a date, which you think is due to attraction, but going home you become queasy so that really you discover being flushed was due to sickness. To this extent, what you might consider an inherently salacious dream was not the cause of itself; but in actual fact it was the needing to urinate. You had a boner while you were dreaming, and for men the urgent need to pee can sometimes correspond with a hard-on. What can be said is that it says nothing about your sexuality or luckiness; what those boobs were filled with was urine, so you’d also find yourself festering in wet sheets if one happened to drip or pop.


I was dreaming of so many things like being in a beautiful city (but there were no parks??!) with beautiful architecture, but it was prone to floods. My dad had to drive through the flood. Another dream, I was nekkid, got some clothes, and eventually went into an elevator where it went out of control and flew through several buildings. I eventually got back to the city to find out that I was in debt and needed to go to court.

Wow, such good premonitions in my life. Surely, my life is going hunky dory.


I had this horrific dream where I was a diplomat of a space station country in low earth orbit and I was sent as an ambassador to Gensokoyo and asked to do a press conference but begun stuttering and couldn't think of what to say beyond ranting about Yankee imperialism, the evils of Chang'e's illegal occupation of the lunar surface, and space program technical cooperation. Then for some reason, its revealed I am actually trapped and have no way to go back to the station and can only radio my family when its overhead, which due to the station's orbit is like every 3 days. Eventually I begin loosing my mind and having visions of the Moon and delusions that everynight a hidden group of men keep rearranging the world and moving my stuff around when I sleep.


I dreamed I bought an intercom. It was small and heavy with an extendable antenna. When I tried it out I received some police conversation and answered "alright man, but first I have to finish this beer". Then the police came to the house I was at, so me and my friends started to throw furniture out the window.


I had a bunch of lovely dreams this night. This is in no particular order.

I was playing a new mario game, and I FINALLY 100%'d it, and Rosalina opened up a portal that looked like it was going to be a tribute to Mario Sunshine. I was so excited! I go in and it starts with, "dear mario…" you know that rest. It was all in the regular n64 graphics. There was the regular castle, but on the side was a giant dark cave. Mario was drawn to this cave, and I could feel some kind of evil presence in it, so I noped the fuck out of there before I went in there.

Another dream was a pretty simple one. I was in the bonus room listening to scary stories, and it was so scary that I had closed my eyes the entire time. I'm pretty sure it was actually scary, but I really just kept those eyes close. Also, a massive hurricane was going to hit, so everyone (including my family) were taking their dogs on a walk. There were a few dogs that got loose, though.

I had a dream where I decided to get naked at a fair and I had to avoid this girl and get my clothes back on. Weird dream tbh.

Finally, the most wonderous dream was that I was in this black void tyoe of room. It was like an apartment where you could see the kitchen and living room together. My Mom and Dad were there, but they really weren't my Mom and Dad. They were like, demons or void demons with unnatural smiles. I could tell they loved this because they had me where they wanted me. I kept asking them, "is this hell?", and I finally got the answer that, no, this wasn't hell, it was something different. My mother was leaning on me and I could feel a something like a tentacle on my chest. It was like someone who's gotten really close to you and is basically communicating that, again, "I got you". I ask them if they're my parents, and they said yes. In another room, I saw someone get torn in half by, funny enough, cream the rabbit, who then started counting his organs on the ground and eating them. I can't remember the entire dream, but that was the thick of it. It was like I was sent here for some kind of evil that I had done. I was sure to be tortured because I swear I saw or heard someone getting tortured already.

I kept waking up throughout the night.


I've been having a lot of unusual sexual dreams lately. Strange. I don't dream much at all.


Dreamt that I was in a party with old friends reminiscing of the past. We were all watching scary movie on an old TV in someone's apartment, I started a conga line too.

Getting dreams back ever since I got a job, hope this lasts for a while


I dream of a better tomorrow
Here's to 2025…


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Had a dream in which I got rejected by a girl. Why would my brain show me this… to strenghten me up? I know dating is a numbers game - try enough times and you will get some - but I don't think the prize is worth the effort.


I had a few dreams, but I won't go into them much except for the last ones. First one, I was in South Korea in a huge tunnel with other people on a conveyor ramp that's made for people. Think about the ones in the airport. It leads to a few place like this cute little shop. I finally go for lunch for some Baozi and I manage to pick up the buns with a chopstick perfectly and eat it without spilling the juices inside. I've never even eaten Baozi buns and I suck with chopsticks.

Second dreams. I was playing Minecraft on a boat… It was a modded playthrough, and I was in survival mode. So, to get the boat to stop, I needed to stop the engine by removing the soul sand that's placed near the engine that makes it move. I did that, and I'm in the water. Then, when I'm in the water, an egg appears in the water. An egg that looked like a giant ender dragon egg. When it hatched, I'm pretty sure there was a message saying, "get back in the boat!" It was too late, and I believe it was called, "The Hunger"(?) dragged my from the boat into the water and sent me THERE. I only figured out later what it looked like later when I was in creative mode. I remember it was black, for one. I think it looked like a squid or something like that. I never got a good look before I bolted. But I remember the next time I saw the egg it hatched from, there were three of them this time.

So, I go to snatch another boat, but this one was much larger this time. It was made of prismarine blocks, wasn't fully solid (think of like, a cylinder where every other wall, there's a gap. So it goes wall, gap, wall), and it was partially submerged. I managed to fly fast enough under water to get to the little engine, but instead of taking the soul sand out, I place it to where the boat goes downward. Then, I grab hold. Bad idea.

Next thing I know, I'm being propelled deeper and deeper into the ocean until it's all black. I feel a coldness as I look around. Then, the water stops, the boat is gone, and I'm still falling. I can feel the air around me as I start to see… purple? I go deeper until I finally rich the bottom, and the text reads something like, "THE BENEATH" or something. I've been here before, and I felt the same feeling of needing to desperately needing to get out. Like I was in serious danger. However, this time, I was in creative mode, so it wasn't as bad. I still felt the need to LEAVE though. There were malformed zombies and skeletons fighting in the streets when I was there. Some were purple or blue while some were elongated. It was weird. Like everyone there was malformed. There was a house nearby that I never went into. It actually looked alright. The one thing that really defined "The Beneath" was their king. He came flying in, and everyone sat in fear of him. He wasn't that special, just a really big Guardian that spoke with a booming tone. When I looked around, I could see malformed humans in swimming suits. Like, think of a crackwhore whose skin sags and looks close to death. Anyways, the dream ends there. Pretty good dream, ngl.

If there's anything I've learned, its to not go in the deep water, and certainly, do not swim downwards until you can't see the light.


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I had a dream that cute little kitty was snuggling next to me in bed as I was sleeping. It was really nice dream.


I had a dream where I finally said that I graduated from college. That's huge because I have had a bunch of dreams of being in a classroom or being in school. I hope now that I said I graduated in that dream, those school dreams will stop. One can only hope!


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Had a dream that I was at a carnival, and there was a waffle stand. So I waited in line three actual days just to get a waffle, and once I finally got it, I got a fork, sat down, then woke up. I was so mad.


I had a dream that a married friend of mine had an affair with me. It was all kind of sudden. I had no intentions of having sex with her, but she initiated and I didn't stop her. In the dream she had an ideal body for me, and I wasn't able to restrain myself from her. It wasn't real, but I still feel a bit weird about having that dream. I'm not even attracted to her in real life.

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