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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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currently on a zoom call doing remote e-learning. it's really daunting but the nice weather outside makes it better. i'm just a little annoyed today haha


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Is this a bot post? It feels like a bot post…


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I remember when the video-call of choice was Skype using P2P connections…

Anyhow time for a sweet break.


no, i don't think so- unless that is..


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Sweetness is my weakness


Based coffee poster


I love cheesecakes


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very cute


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espresso peps you up!


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Whatcha doing for the weekend?
Nothing illegal, I hope….


i have to bring my bike to a workshop, help an old lady install a printer, clean my place up and watch the euro final


i use the law to judge if something is worth doing. if it wasn't fun they wouldn't leave it legal. i just love complicated white collar tax related crimes.



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