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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Remember to keep it cozy!

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In the past I have been diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and more specifically social anxiety disorder.
It was so bad I couldn't even look people in the eye and I would start shaking whenever I feel like I am looked at, I would run out of classrooms at university because of anxiety attacks.
I can't remember what I was on back at the time.

I have now started a new course ( which basically guranatees a job ) and it's back. It's more under control because I am more mature and have learned to breathe, try to calm myself and distract myself but it still doesn't let me function as a human being. ( + )

I am too poor to afford therapy but my cousin works as a nurse. I have access to: paroxetine, citalopram, sertraline, venlafaxine, regabalin, tradozone and alprazolam.

( + ) I'm currently anticipating social situations and taking 0.50 of xanax ahead with like half or 3 quarters of an hour but this will not last me long because I'm developing resilience to the drug ( I used to take 0.25 ).

I exercise using the bodyweight fitness app whenever I can. I do not drink coffee, alcohol or energy drinks. I used to drink tea but at some point I realised black tea unsettles me and I kind of stopped.

My concerns are anhedonia and gaining weight because this happened last time.
I plan on informing myself for a few weeks first and I am seeking help.
If you can and want please share this post to communities which you think might me knowledgeable.

< this was crossposted from /ratsushi roll/ I am op >
<i t was also poseted on uboa and lain >


I'm in a similar situation. Anxiety is affecting my success in college and work. I know it doesn't make your situation any better, but just know that you're not alone with this kind of stuff.

All I know is the less I go out, the more anxious I get. When I used to have more of a social life, socialization was easier for me. The less you do it, the less familiar it is, and the harder it gets. It's like working out: you get bigger muscles when you lift more often. But if you take a long break where you don't go to the gym at all, you get in worse shape again. It's like that, but for mental health too.

I am currently looking into some sliding scale and medicaid places. There are free or sliding scale clinics that can help people who don't have a lot of money. Of course, your mileage may vary.

But don't give up. Try different methods of help, try to find supportive groups, try to reach out to resources that might be able to help you. Google local places related to counseling, mental health, sliding scale, medicaid, job help, etc. There are resources out there.


>All I know is the less I go out, the more anxious I get. When I used to have more of a social life, socialization was easier for me. The less you do it, the less familiar it is, and the harder it gets. It's like working out: you get bigger muscles when you lift more often. But if you take a long break where you don't go to the gym at all, you get in worse shape again. It's like that, but for mental health too.
This resonates with me. If I feel someone's presence is augmenting my social anxiety I just start a conversation with any excuse. If I'm in a class I take my time and talk with everyone. I don't even care, I do it so my anxiety level is lower.
>I am currently looking into some sliding scale and medicaid places.
I'll see If I have something like that in my country.
Don't support groups just turn into an echo chamber of misery ?


Do you like the Mission: Impossible theme?


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Try following the carnivore diet (meat, organs and salt) for some days to see if it helps. As Saladino shows a lot of times diet plays a huge role in mental illness, and eating just meat is the best form of elimination diet to check it.
I noticed how much diet was a part of my depression when I ate pizza after following it for some weeks. I had nightmares, social anxiety, stuttering and generally felt like a zombie.


Jacob Collier's most beautiful few seconds


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Play some fighting game OST music.


sushi roll that was from very very processed food. The carnivore diet has little clinical evidence, a diet full of very processed foods does have a decent amount of clinical evidence showing many negative effects, including some of the ones OP mentions. The mechanisms are starting to be understood as well.


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Guile's theme goes with everything


Need some music from Killer Instinct.


Maybe sushiroll can try to prepare by doing small controlled exposures with a professional or a trusted friend/family? Exposing yourself to the stress in a controlled manner will help you to associate a fear response to it less, and if they’re very positive may replace it with better feelings?

I used to be afraid to go out all the time because I was afraid people would hate and try to hurt me or something. What helped me recover was taking a walk to a nearby park and just siting there with people around for 5 or 10 minutes not thinking about anything (to avoid letting anxious thoughts start) and just watching the trees, closing my eyes and enjoying the sounds, etc. It can also help to find interest groups IRL like DnD, computer enthusiasts, etc. Being in a group of people with common interests feels less intimidating especially when they want you to be there. I also go to the gym at somewhat busy times and force myself to talk with people, that’s helped too.

I’m not sure since I haven’t done it personally, but I’ve heard that social videogames, imageboards like sushigirl, and voice chat can also help a lot. Maybe we should all make a proximity vc minecraft server and vibe together?

You’re not alone in this. I believe you’ll get out of that glass isolation! Remember that, and God bless you abundantly!


Stayin' Alive - The Bee Gees (Ragtime Rockabilly Cover) ft. Wild Bill

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