Same way you go about progressing in an Rpg, If you don't have a source of income and need it to survive obviously get one, any job you can work comfortably for a short time may work, Depending on where you live even if you fuck up and act like a retard at work you wont or can't be fired especially if working in a student job like fastfood or a store, Don't punish yourself for your fuckups in social situations it isn't helpful to let these haunt you, Think about them and learn from them and try again.
Now that you have a job, and are developing your social skills through inevitable embarrassments you should start finding something to put your free time into, Ideally something you enjoy but that you can market and make money from in some way, Finding out what this will be might take a lot of trial and error or you might already know what you want to do, TRY to minimize wasting your time by doing things you've probably already been doing for years as a hikki e.g (Watching copious amounts of anime, playing videogames, jerking off , etc..)
Your body matters don't neglect it, get sunlight, eat well, exercise.
there are threads on this board about simple exercises you can do at home, going for jogs outside every second day is always good, if you're trying to lose weight though change your diet as that matters the most.
Every non disastrous fuckup is a learning experience Practice doing these "adult tasks", fail and fail until you succeed like beating a boss in a souls game, if you cant seem to get it right learn the basics of the thing you're failing at and work your way from there trying to debug your actions if that makes sense.
Once you've developed your skill to an extent that you're happy to show off to other people start doing so, this is highly subjective and depends on what you chose to put your time into so you'll have to figure out How to market your new skill.
Once you have some stability in your life you can go out and seek out serious romantic relationships.
Also don't completely dedicate all your time to one thing, Unless you REALLY like doing it, Otherwise take breaks every day, ideally at a scheduled time near your bedtime, Do anything that you find relaxing and enjoyable, bonus points if its a creative instead of consumptive activity.
The Friends part I cannot help with, Depends on what sort of friends you want and if you're willing to deal with normalfags.
Don't take this advice too seriously as I'm not much better off than you are, there is far better and more coherent advice out there than this but hopefully you can find something of use here anyways, Goodluck.
I feel like I'm too old for NEET repair, beyond getting a job of course.
>>21111> no opportunities for exploring the world or climbing the social ladder.How about you first get the basic stuff in check and then care about higher ambitions? Stay realistic! If you have problems with social relationships, you wont climb the social ladder anytime soon. Exploring the world is easier when you have a stable source of income. Then it's all about time management and getting your butt in gear for actually making new experiences on top of work and duty. Getting a bearable job with regular work time helped me a lot, although it's tough in the beginning. The struggle never really goes away, but such is life I guess.
Oh shit, why have people here internalized the slave ideology so much? There is nothing wrong with being a NEET, there is nothing wrong with leeching off society. The most successful people are always the biggest leeches, look at Altman or Musk. They don't feel sorry, that their wealth is based on theft, why should I as a NEEt feel bad, by playing like anyone else? If you believe that being a good citizen/normie wage cuck is somehow "the true life" or some kind of "self improvement", you are cucked beyond believe and you actually deserved to be exploited by society.
>>21172It is because some people have higher aspirations in life than sitting in a room all day and/or do not have someone to bankroll anything above that.
>>21172Difference between a leech and a grifter – the leech is open about taking resources for nothing in return, while the grifter convinces the marks that the grifter is providing something of similar value in exchange for the resources while actually providing something of much less value or no value.
Being a leech isn't sustainable unless you have someone to support you or have inherited a lot of money/property.