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Hello frens.
I want to add a new imageboard to my repertoire. Why should I stay on this board instead of the dozens and dozens of other semi-dead boards out there? I am not even really sure if imageboards are worth it at all right now, since all of them seem to be dying.


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I don't think it matters if an imageboard lives for a long time or if it soon will die. I think the transiency of these kinds of sites creates a nice atmosphere, even tho the site might be gone tomorrow, and you'll never see the same kind of posts from those sushi rolls again. It is almost a relief to know that what happens will only be relevant now, and will never become an emotional burden in 10-20 years like my lame posts on phpbb style forums that are still there reminding me of all the flamewars I wasted time on.

I do miss sites like 199xchan, but I don't mind that they died, and there are always new sites to post on. I don't really mind it when a site lose their entire db (like lainchan). Having posted on imageboards for so long, I expect each and every thread to go 404 soon.

Certain sites have totally embraced the transiency and are only open for posting a few times a day, and do complete wipes after a few hours of being open.


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Imageboards are always short lived, since threads drop out from the end. If you value shortlivingance that much, you should probably think twice about joining 4chan/b/ again, since it is that quickly, that your post can be lost after minutes (it was like that, when I last visited that site).
You mentioned a few other imageboards. I have one imageboard, which I visit frequently and am looking for a new one. If you visit all that other imageboards (like lainchan), it is quite much time you need to invest in order to enjoy them all. I am not sure if I want this.


>Why should I stay on this board instead of the dozens and dozens of other semi-dead boards out there?
We're not trying to sell you something, if you like the sound of the description then lurk a bit and decide from there.

>I am not even really sure if imageboards are worth it at all right now

Take a break and see if you end up back here afterwards. You will probably be better off for it.


I like your approach, sushi. It blows my mind to think of just how alien something that simple has become to me.

I usually try to weigh the options in my decisions and fight my instincts. It's like being a contrarian towards yourself because you always go against your gut and you always reject your first choice.

I'll take a page out of your book for now. Chances are things are at the forefront of my thoughts for good reasons, maybe I should have a little faith in my subconscious.


what are some Google operators for finding imageboards?


These last couple days I had to fix a cooling system that is pretty much these two things (pics) put together. water condenses on the fan and it gathered rust and stopped working. Had to buy a spare from a computer repair shop, which lasted one day, lucky I'd bought two…

Er… tr msient boards, yes. That's a good thing yes. It's amusing when a board has 2- even 3-year old threads, even moreso when it's in 4chan!
I only come here and to lain and to 4chan. I've yet to find another one that is not /ded/. Wizchan perhaps but I am not allowed in there and while I do lurk sometimes I too don't have much to contribute. I like wizchan only because it's the only site with a hobbies board. Lainchan is all about politics where it used to be about hackerstuff so I just go in and shitpost these days. Sushigirl has too much Annie May for my tastes lately, but I still like the comfy vibe and some of the threads.


Sushichan moves about as fast as 4chan's wsg but the atmosphere is nicer.


A bit late, but this one is easy!

This is the best one but sometimes it's too long and messes up results:
"All trademarks, copyrights, comments, and images on this page are owned by and are the responsibility of their respective parties."

Can try these ones:
"tinyboard copyright"
"lainchan copyright"
"vichan copyright"
"powered by vichan"

Another approach is a bit backwards, you find generals and then go back to their homes:
"general" "pastebin.com"

If you want liveboard:
"meguca is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License"

You can also ask your frens!
There was a big PDF or something that some guy reviewed all the imageboards and spinoffs he could find like back in 2015-ish. If they still up and running since then, they must be pretty robust community, but you'd have to find that PDF or word doc or whatever it was!!



LOL yes that's the one!!!


I don't like the insinuaiton that an imageboard must have instantaneous responses to every post and threads that die within a week in order to be "alive."

Sushichan is culturally richer than diet twitters like 4chan or reddit, it's fun to post here, and you don't have to dedicate more than 30 minutes every couple of days which means you can spend the rest of your day doing something productive or enjoyable instead of having the entire day expended interacting in a rage-inducing skinner box of misery and negativity like you would on 4chan, reddit, twitter, or any other "alive" forum. The slow pace is lax, its comfy - that's why you should consider the so-called "semi-dead" boards over the "living" ones. It's better for your soul.

If you don't like the slow pace and friendly atmosphere though, then you should consider sticking to a faster one like the aforementioned.


>Lainchan is all about politics where it used to be about hackerstuff so I just go in and shitpost these days.
That's not completely true. There's some politics on delta and the more humanities focused boards but it's not flame-war tier. I only really post on lambda though so take my take with a grain of kosher salt.

Political discussions might be inevitable online given the all-or-nothing political culture that America has propoagated online. In spite of that however: if you disregard the need to be polarized and always disagree on every issue (to be red-or-blue without any purple), try to understand the opposition as though they were your own opinions, to not treat every political dillemma like a moral one, to support your claims, to argue with intellectual honesty, to not spill the soykaf and to be nice to each other, then political discussions online are actually very decent and informative. /pol/ should not be the model of what online political discussions look like. Please don't shitpost on lainchan sushi roll, that ruins board quality (you shouldn't do it here either for that matter). Please keep shitposting on boards like 4shit, thank you very much.


I've see a post like this on every slow board I use.

"Lurk moar" is a staple of IB+TB culture which is only honoured in the breach. It undestandable that the expectation for lurking is diminished: big sites run on cycles of memes that repackage their archetypal ideas/behavior into novel forms. If participation is shallow enough that you only need to memorize a few memes and how they evolve[1], frankly one doesn't need to lurk at all. Such sites encourage "participation is growth" mentalities.

I wish there was a better guide that helped people transition to the slow internet. Lurking especially. From "How long should I lurk to acquire board culture?" to "What should I pay attention to while lurking?", I've never seen a good (general) guide to netiquette on slow boards. Not that anybody CAN really regulate new rolls/sushi rolls. It feels as though we've just kind of resigned ourselves to Eternal September 2.0

[1] I.e. "v*rgin" begat "bluepilled" begat "cringe" begat "soyjak" begat "average fan"… ad infinum.




even wirechan has been really hostile these days. i don't know why but iirc that board used to be a little bit more accepting/apathetic than Lain typically is


Are there really that many imageboards out there? I don't see many. 420 recently died, the big ones are crazy, there's a number of boards with 3 users that barely last a few months. And then there is the handful I know that are half-decent. Textboards are a lot nicer, but the great majority are graveyards.


i was trying to go on 420 and it wouldnt show. i thought maybe it was - different number like 619 and eventually i stopped trying. it was cool pretty short lived thoughie.


420chan is gone, man …


Admin sold it to hotwheels. Supposedly it's gonna be back but man I don't know


I trust Fred to do it right


Wasn't hotweels the guy who made the shithole that was/is 8chan? Does that thing still exist anyway?


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I just discovered https://tinychan.net/

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