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I feel self-conscious about how fat I've become. I'm not huge but my stomach and chest puffs out a lot. I obsess over never being able to find a romantic partner because its so embarrassing. But I'm not sure how to get rid of the belly fat. There's so much advice online and you can't tell genuine truths from bullshit. I have no idea.

Right now I'm trying to eat less and move around more but something tells me its not enough. What's some good fitness info?


Momiji is a cute wolf! On topic, as long as you continue to lose weight, the belly fat should come off on its own. Doing specific exercises for specific fatter areas, like the abdomen, don't work, so don't bother.


Hi, I do not post on chans and I am ESL so sorry if I mess something up.
For one to lose belly fat you'll probably have to lose fat in general but this also depends a lot on your genetics, I'm not a dietician or very in shape but from my experience avoiding sugar, fat and other typically "unhealthy" things has been effective (You could do things like cutting out the fat from any meat you eat when you cook, Not eating foods that are deep fried or come coated in oil so avoiding potato chips and such, reducing or removing sugar from things like coffee or tea and not drinking sodas.)
As for exercise, if you have not exercised before try to take it slow and steady at first, do a full body warmup to prevent injury, Start lifting, Do compound lifts, squats etc, (Maybe a larger frame would make your stomach less noticeable it will also burn plenty of fat and build muscle on top of that) If you do decide to do this make sure you target all muscles as evenly as possible, So all the muscles in your legs, chest, arms, etc.
Resisting snacking and simply not buying any snacks as "treats" has been quite useful, I find that after an initial hour or so duration of hunger the feeling goes away and you no longer feel hungry and can go almost the whole day without feeling hungry at any points, Snacking however keeps you just full enough to where you feel constantly hungry and snacks lead to more snacks which lead to food, The longer you practice this the less hungry you should feel over time in general.

I cant really think of any fitness sources off the top of my head but try to avoid serious "gymbro" shit, As you could get seriously injured from taking poor advice, Also probably don't take any "miracle weight loss medicine" if it worked fat people would be extinct.

Sorry for the wall of text and the half-assed post But I hope you get something useful out of this. Goodluck I believe in you!


Are you sure it isn't your posture? A hunched over posture with your hips in wrong position can make your stomach and chest stick out.


Fat distribution is mostly genetic. But you can somewhat control it by burning calories in high quantity. Cardio is especially good for this, like running and biking. Also, try to cut down on carbs. Humans evolved to store carbs as fat because, for most of human history, we had to survive through the winter with little to no access to carbs. Now with agriculture we have carbs in abundance, but our bodies haven't fully adjusted. I don't suggest fully dumping carbs like the keto diet, but cutting down and replacing it with protein is a great start.


Fat distribution is hormonal too though so technically it can be altered. Genes can be altered through epigenetics as well.


Thanks sushi. Whenever I get the urge to snack I just drink tea intead. I don't know how to lift so I guess I'll have to ask someone to show me that at a gym or something. I'm too physically weak.

No I have a lot of belly fat.


genes can be altered by reincarnation, too.


take girlpill lol


Nah, more androgynous I could go for though. Would make me look younger.


I need to find some way to resist the urge to eat while I'm working. Whenever I have to do shit tons of paperwork, I feel like eating garbage food and snacks. I'm thinking of replacing it with water or something.


try vaping…


Always having water around works well for me, also having herbs around so I can snack on something strong tasting without it being a meal


Mastic gum. You mouth will be too tired to eat.


Hey op how are you doing?
Are you taking steps to achieve your goals?
Have you found any good fitness resources you can follow?


Just move, lift and run.


Uh… not well. I've limited snacks to once a week. I walk everywhere now and run. I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule so I can go jogging every morning but I'm still to anxious/not over hikineet social atrophy to go to a gym. The local one is always busy and filled with people. So I'm not really doing as much as I could be. The problem I'm having is I always feel hungry. So I'm supposed to cut down on calories, but people also say I shouldn't be feeling hungry either so I need to fix my diet but can't find reliable info on that.

>Have you found any good fitness resources you can follow?

Not really, I mean I read stuff online but have no idea what is genuine or not. I found a couple of old boxing manuals and they seem pretty solid but obviously designed for sports not flabby neets trying to lose it.



>still to anxious/not over hikineet social atrophy to go to a gym
If you have any friends that would be willing to go to the gym with you, it really helps and makes it more fun for your first time to do it with someone else, if you don't have anyone to go with then try checking the opening and closing times for the gym, On weekdays there shouldn't be many people around during working hours so 8-5/9-5 etc On weekends I find that not many people go in the morning or late evenings so 9pm onward, You could ask the front desk person at the gym what their least active hours are each day and just go then, Also once you actually start working-out you might find you get a boost in confidence as your body releases testosterone, might also increase your mood for a bit after exercising, If you've ran or jogged to near exhaustion you've probably experienced this before after you finished running.

>The problem I'm having is I always feel hungry

This probably depends a lot on how many calories you are cutting from your daily diet, If you started off eating around 4000 calories a day and then suddenly dropped it down to 3000 that's already a 25% calorie deficit so that could be an issue, If you have free time on your hands you could start counting your daily calories and trying to go on a lower deficit (This will take more time to get to a target weight) Here is a site you can use to calculate a calorie deficit https://www.fatcalc.com/rwl
If you don't have time to count your calories I find that eating more "Filling" foods such as lean meats, potato, rice, etc helps reduce hunger, not sure if that would work for everyone though.
>people also say I shouldn't be feeling hungry
If you're losing weight its inevitable to feel some sort of hunger really, but there is a difference in feeling genuinely hungry and just feeling empty, an empty feeling in your stomach isn't necessarily bad when you're on a diet, I think its normal but constantly feeling fatigued, having your stomach be in some sort of pain or discomfort and it physically effecting you isn't a good thing, if that's the case try making sure you meet your daily nutrient and vitamin requirements, and eat more nourishing/filling foods, (https://www.livescience.com/54248-controlling-your-hunger.html) according to this article eating a diet of high protein and fiber is filling.

As for finding good resources to follow I think that the most reliable source of information would be things like scientific papers, studies, and general science based information,

Doing a quick search for some science journal papers on weight loss and nutrition I found these, Only skimmed though some quickly but I hope you can find something useful in these



This one is a search engine for medical journals, so if you have any specific searches you might find something useful here


unfortunately weight loss is gonna take time and consistency, could take up to 3 years to get to a point you wanna be at but if you keep working towards your goals you will get there eventually, being consistent is important, trying to better yourself is an admirable goal so don't feel too overwhelmed with all the conflicting info out there Over time you'll find what works for you and you'll start to see steady progress in your weight loss.
I hope you find at least some of this useful op And I wish you good luck in your goals : )


Something stopping me from working out is concerned I'd wind up looking more manly. I'd rather look more youthful in decent shape. I also have trouble losing fat weight beyond a certain point even if I carefully calorie count.


>What's some good fitness info?
Find some exercises that are hard, but not impossible. I recommend calisthenics, as they don't require much equipment and are relatively safe.

Train 2-3 times a week, not more, not less and keep it consistent, like Tuesday and Thursday are training days no matter what. Plan ahead for these days. Prepare food and be ready to not get much done on the day after.

Replace sweets with protein and eat within 20 minutes after the workout. Eggs are a great source and can be prepared and spiced up in various ways, so eating doesn't become a chore.

When I worked out regularly, I did it outside in a secluded area. There were some barriers I used for dips, lying pullups and to jump on/over. Other than that it was just running, pushups, situps, squats and lunges. On rainy days I skipped the situps, to not get a wet ass. A full workout took about 40 minutes or 3-5 sets with running as a warmup.

Write down your progress and look in the mirror after training. This will solidify your motivation and give you some feedback other than your sore muscles.


I wouldn't worry too much about that unless you do a lot of heavy lifting - a bodyweight and light weight routine (with plenty of squats and not too many push-ups) made me look less so


getting back a bit of shape is
90% diet
10% move your ass for a couple hours per day.

The trick of the diet is eat LESS of the bad stuff and stuff your face with veggies. Guaranteed to work but there is a bit suffering involved


haet veggies


make curry


What holds me back from exercising more is concern of making my muscles in my calves and thighs larger. I want them more lean not muscular like a body builder.


are you trolling?


people have different goals with their exercising, you can't shame them for that…


Your muscles will not massively change shape if you work out, unless you're doing strength training targeting them. Stuck to aerobic and resistance training and you'll be fine. Body builders do not look like that by accident.


Quick guide of what exercise is better for what if you workout 3-6 days a week:
1-3 sets of 1-5 repetitions that in total bring you to near your one repetition maximum (ORP, a.k.a.the amount of weight you can only lift once using all your strength): strength
This will grow muscle but not as much as much, it also requires more rest because you're always going almost all out.

3-5 sets of 8-30 reps. near your ORP (and eat a lot of protein and a calorie surpluss): muscle
The ideal amount of reps and sets varies per muscle but they are within this range.

I don't remember the amount of sets but it's >30 reps. near ORP: cardio.
A lot of cardio will result in muscle loss.

The main takeaway is that if you don't come close to failure you won't gain much of any of those.
Also muscle the hardest to get out of the 3 because it's the most energy inefficient and our bodies don't like that, this means that unless you want to gain muscle it's very hard to do it accidentaly.


Fitness advice? Don't skip leg day.


Let me clarify. First I'm not OP just in case any of you mistakenly thought that. Next I was saying my legs look oddly fat almost but I am not sure it really is fat or flabby large muscle or fluid retention or if it's just I have long calve muscles too which would be unfortunate for me since I just like leaner looking legs. It firms up when I flex so it definitely isnt all fat. I do seemingly have underdeveloped glutes though so it makes me think maybe my legs have the muscles developed out of balance as part of it. I have a BMI in the mid range and my ribs partially show so I am not sure if i somehow have too much fat in some areas and not others or what. I tried to use compression socks and elevation to make sure it's not just fluid retention which didnt do a whole lot. So I was wondering to myself if muscles can become more lean but more toned instead of just getting stronger, firmer, or larger. Not that is only part I can work on just it is one thing that bothers me more.

I haven't heard of the term ORP, I do not know what that stands for. I see it called 1RM I think. Reps of what though? Just in general you mean?


Oh, sorry, i typed ORP instead of ORM and yeah, 1RM = ORM. It is a repetition of whichever exercise you're doing for that exercise, so if you can squat 100kg only once then that's your current 1RM for squatting but it doesn't mean your 1RM is 100kg for curls (unless you have insane bicep and forearm strength).

As for your legs, seems complicated but you won't know until you experiment, you can work out without trying hard to tone the muscle, you can do a lot of cardio and diet to lose fat and see what happens, you can do calisthenics since it sucks for legs.


Do resistance training ie. lift weights

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