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/hell/ - internet death cult


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Do you have kids, sushi? Do you want them? Shaping the life of another human being sounds incredibly difficult, yet most people seem to just go with the flow. I think it would be irresponsible without thorough preparation, but even then, it won't make it less terrifying.
There are so many questions… What if the kid is born sick? What if I don't love it? What if my partner and I have a fallout? Isn't it selfish to have kids? Will I still get to enjoy life? Will my kids love me? How can I be a good parent if I'm not necessarily a good person?
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You can work on or with every single thing you listed.


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>besides i like loli so there is that motivation for me as well
I hope youre trolling but please never reproduce your fucking child should never be an object of sexual desire


balders rise up


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hell yea brother


I don't like the thought of having kids when I don't have a romantic relationship even. One step at a time.

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I hate it when guys come inside and don't the their shoes off. I hate captcha.

I hate it when people get drunk and leave puddles of puke on the street

I hate dogs they are scary and make too much noise

What do you hate sushi?
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I hate it when someone posts hell thread in lounge!!


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>What do you hate sushi?
when your hair gets all tangled after showers
CP spammers
when u hit your pinky on something real hard


I hate imageboards


I hate life

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 No.4152[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I thought of making this thread here so that I don't derail the place with things most people wouldn't like to indulge.
Sadness is something that can be a bit of a vicious cycle, indulge too much in it and you'll see it as your only refuge.
But, we do need to let it out sometimes. Come let out whatever is doing you wrong sushi
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A few months ago I had a health crisis at work, and had to leave my job. I spent the next few months studying and gaining certifications and licenses in several fields, so that I could get a job that is more accommodating to my condition. Unfortunately, no such jobs existed in my area. After several months of loading up my life expenses on credit cards, I'm now back at my previous job making less than a living wage. I just can't catch up to all the late bills, and the credit cards keep piling up. The power company shut off my electricity after failing to pay for so long, and once my apartment company notices, they can kick me out for failing to keep "liveable standards" since I have no power. I just don't even know what to do anymore.


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Well, first of all you need to to learn about personal finances and start tracking all your income, spendings and obligations. I only know of Dave Ramsey out of all resources in English, bet it is not hard to find more help on the Internet. Although I understand why you would do it, taking a loan to cover living expenses is a grave mistake and you are living the consequences. I believe first thing should be ensuring you have somewhere to live, so paying these the bills is a priority. Next is the interest. I would bring up your situation with your employer, or union if there is one at your workplace. If you are not already, consider working a side job on the weekends. You won't get out of this without sacrificing your time and energy.


I appreciate that you are trying to help, but I need to say that you have no idea what you are talking about. "Taking a loan is a grave mistake" as opposed to what? Being evicted? Starving? When you have no money, borrowing is preferable to homelessness. I have studied Dave Ramsey's course, and he's a jackass who thinks that investment now still works the same way as it did in the 1980s. He puts all the blame on people who borrow money because he wasted his credit on fancy cars and homes, as if people don't have real legitimate things that they spend money on out of desperation. I work in a kitchen, we don't have unions, we don't have pay raises, and there are no other jobs in my area. I've applied to 60 fucking jobs and had over 20 interviews, and there's nothing. I'm working 7 days a week, I don't have weekends. And I still can't break even because of how dogshit living expenses are right now.

Again, I really appreciate that you're trying to help, but you don't know what you're talking about. And neither does Dave Ramsay for that matter.


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My advice is perfectly valid, it is only your situation that is so utterly hopeless. Can't vouch for Dave Ramsay, I have no good idea what he exactly preaches.


god i fucking hate this character.

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this is all just a silly endeavour .. time to move on


you can't return to where you never left


i want to move on too.

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i deleted all my friends and even blocked my nb-friend.
now i can be calm and recover.


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nice! i have done that as well. the only habit disturbing my peace is compulsive posting but i am working on it. enjoy life op!!


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I did this about 1 year ago. Pushed most all friends and family away, under the assumption that I would be more happy not having these weird social obligations and rules I can't understand well enough. Always leaving me feeling awful after just about any interactions. I don't think I'm happier, but my life is simpler.

Oh was it rude that I didn't remember to bring up X when I was talking to them. Oh I haven't actually ever tried to talk to this person of my own volition. Oh I actually don't know what it feels like to like someone, every person is just tolerable.

Bar my parent and one friend with who we can, and have naturally stopped talking for a over a year come back to it and it's like nothing changed.


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Very cute artist. Thanks for posting.


Recover for what?

Solitude is like a drug, it can bring you closer to yourself or god, but it will also take you further away from anyone your ever knew in person. Cut off your internet too! This will protect you from disruptive influences on your venture into the yet unknown.


It's to emotionally disconnect myself. I was holding onto some people too strongly. I need to be distant, it's very important for my self-preservation, otherwise they could hurt me and stuff.
I think I'm getting better already, I feel like I'm distant enough now that I wouldn't be too hurt if they died or left me, even my lover.

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do you believe in strawberry elephant


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you believe in strawberry elephant
eye believe in myself

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I can't wait for winter. For some reason there are less people on the streets than during summer. I much prefer cold weather, because I can wear many layers and hide myself from the curious eyes.
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I personally prefer cold weather over warm weather.
If its a 90 degree day out you can only strip off so much before it becomes socially unacceptable.


It's the opposite in terms of population where I live because of the warm climate. But I still hate summer, if it was cloudy and rainy long enough it'd be fine though
I think if I acted like a california roll it would be unacceptable yet not surprising


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I live in a muggy forest city, but I have a preference towards colder weather. So I welcome winter, just because I can turn off the constant AC. I keep my apartment a steady 15C.


california roll


Autumn is the best. You get no people on the street, the nice feel of rain on your face and the occasional gust of wind to pull your collar up. Winter has no smell, but autumn has all the smell. In conclusion autumn is better than winter.

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y-you too




Uwa! >w<


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/what/ is more like a textboard but with file attachment features.


love is just another word for revenge

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so basically the idea is to have someone there who will listen to you complain about your dumb problems and comfort you and watch 90's anime with you on discord, but you'll never get to meet irl or know each other in dept.
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I've had online friends I get along with and understand, but it never eases the loneliness. Meanwhile I've tried to go out to meet people IRL who are supposed to be like me and either they aren't really or they just don't want to put effort into being friends and retreat further. Maybe I'm just not made to not be alone.


i talked with one, we ended up meeting eachother and just sitting next to eachother in the woods making jokes it was nice while it lasted he lives so far and he has a life. He had talked with so many girls before me he had so many girlfriends he couldnt even name them all. we have stopped talking as he just wants to only talk about how much in love he is with me and not anything else, it gets boring i want to talk about gamballing or game and repairing phones


chad steals my sushigirl again


i think you are talking nonsense

on the subject of sharing though, i suppose there are limits on what should be shared at least
also i am sorta opposed to using people for venting because… it turns into a habit
imagine that all you do is complain, and the other person cannot even help with the issues, and they like you so they want to help, how would that make them feel?
>show their true emotions
some emotions really shouldnt be shown perhaps, like, it's better to control and vent them some other way, like with redirection. and it's not like hiding emotions really works that well, you will show them in your voice and body language most likely, but your ability for self-control matters and is a positive trait. emotions come and go, but human relationships stay - though i suppose one could use others as emotional dumpsters if the others ultimately do not matter that much in one's life. it's not even about being selfish, more like about picking who matters

i suppose the take about emotional suppression not being a good way to deal is valid, but otherwise i cannot get behind it


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I had a similar situation except i'm a guy and I met a girl off 4chud, we got along pretty well and i ended hanging out with her and even became close with some of her friends, but turns out she didn't really like me back romantically

We still are cool but I can't help but have feelings for her in the back of my mind

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