No.2942[Reply][Last 50 Posts]
I have major gender dysphoria and its certainly a drag on life, and I just want to rant about it, and you guys are all nice (oh yeah so fair warning this is just me going on about my problems, also this may be really long and I don't know if there's a character limit so this may be multiple parts).
I'm just never going to look or feel right, I don't think. Because I just happened to be born with this mental illness. As a kid, I always liked to imagine myself as a girl for some reason. In internet circles I'd pretend I was a girl, for no real reason other then preference. It wasn't like I was doing it for kicks, saying I was a guy after flirting with someone, i really just liked being a girl instead. I lived in a pretty liberal area, so I found out about trannies by middle school, and by age 14 i was pretty sure I was one. Unfortunately, I was a very early bloomer, and puberty hit me really hard. I was 5'10" at 14 and only kept growing, grew facial hair in middle school, broad shoulders, square jaw, everything. And I hated it as much then as I did now. I grew my hair out and to this day have real nice hair with perfect curls but that was kind of the end of things I actually liked about myself. With my frame, nobody ever really mistook me for a girl, even from behind. Guy friends I had that were super short or just feminine in general got mistaken for girls without even trying or wanting to and I felt really jealous. When I was 15 I started having friends call me "Abby" online and told them about some of this. I started getting that feeling of "being a women trapped in a man's body" people talk about as opposed to "being a man that want to be a woman," a change you don't really notice until it happens. That felt pretty nice. Every now and then, when I was home alone, I'd sneak into my sister's room and wear her clothes and look in the mirror for a while. I stopped because it felt like I was doing something perverted even though I wasn't attracted to women (more on that later), but it felt nice to take pictures of myself in dresses, even though I deleted them afterwards. but…yea. I just really hated being a man. Sometimes I would curl up and stare at all the hair on my legs and nearly have a breakdown over that.(Part 1/?)
101 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. No.5272
I’m pretty sure being trans sucks and the trans life sucks. You have to live with humiliation and people mocking you all the time or being blamed for plane crashes and child abuse. The tranny experience would be like being a Jew in 30s Germany, except with more social tolerance among a certain crowd. I wouldn’t want to be a tranny in 2025 or I would get the hell out and move somewhere else where I have a chance at a dignifying life.
no surgery will change your gender. yet somehow american doctors are more eager to try than to make you comfortable in your body? no amount of meds will revert your thought patterns, born structure or genitalia.
>>5275>no surgery will change your genderOf course not, gender is a state of mind. That's like saying no surgery will change your religion.
>>5276mind is mutable, peepee is not
I have studied the holy scriptures and I don’t see anything inherently sinful with transitioning. The only obstacle is technological. The technology isn’t there yet. It’s imperfect.