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/hell/ - internet death cult


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Beware of the cat traps!

Discussion of unsafe electronic products and safety practices. Especially in products interacting with pets, other animals and humans.

Moved from /silicon/ due to the upsetting content.


I had a burn on my leg from an electric heating pad. Apparently they sometimes can have bad hot spots in some very small areas. I also had a warming pad meant for cats which I used to calm my sick cat to make her feel better which sometimes but my mom would plug it in sometimes without me knowing and id find it got dangerously hot after enough hours passed when I measured the temperature (unless the laser meter read wrong) even though it isn't supposed to be capable of getting that hot. I would instead suggest something not electric to warm your cat or dog like a thermal reflective pad or something you microwave then cover ed properly so it can cool off instead of getting hotter and hotter.

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Do you have kids, sushi? Do you want them? Shaping the life of another human being sounds incredibly difficult, yet most people seem to just go with the flow. I think it would be irresponsible without thorough preparation, but even then, it won't make it less terrifying.
There are so many questions… What if the kid is born sick? What if I don't love it? What if my partner and I have a fallout? Isn't it selfish to have kids? Will I still get to enjoy life? Will my kids love me? How can I be a good parent if I'm not necessarily a good person?
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I don't like the thought of having kids when I don't have a romantic relationship even. One step at a time.


No, and to the second question, quite frankly, no as well.

As for my personal feelings on the matter, it only goes as far as I do feel genuinely bad about not giving my parents the peace of mind that their legacy gets preserved with me. So in a way, I do want to have kids at some point.

If I ever get to that stage however, I'll just roll with whatever the dice gives me and not think too hard about it. I feel like thinking too much about it beforehand is too much.


It's selfish to have kids if you want them and selfless to have them if you don't. This is assuming no negligent knocked up shenanigans.


What's selfish about wanting to have kids? It's how we keep society and our species going. There are plenty of non-selfish reasons to want kids.


>Do you have kids, sushi?
>Do you want them?
i dont but that might change
i am a weirdo though, like i often hear people wanting to get married and have kids ever since childhood. myself? i didnt want to have any sort of relationship since childhood, humans kinda freak me out. sometimes i meet a person i could tolerate but they are still freaky, i am still freaky
>Shaping the life of another human being sounds incredibly difficult, yet most people seem to just go with the flow
i think a good way to look at this is just kinda let it go
as long as you dont abuse them somehow, they will turn out okay. probably. even if they dont its good to think that you did your best
tho ultimately i think kids are both a luxury and are kinda out of tune with the environment in the modern world. there is no economic incentive to make kids - or rather, there might be but so far down the line the regular person like you and me probably wont bother - and there isnt enough societal support regarding providing for kids and their upbringing. the modern urban landscape is just horrible for kids
>What if the kid is born sick?
imo sick kids should be euthanized/aborted no mercy
this reality is difficult as it is, one makes it more difficult for oneself by deciding to raise a cripple and for the kid as well because they will just to have to deal with the handicap in a competitive environment and it will reduce their possibilities in life, which i find unethical to say the least
that said, if their condition is treatable to the point of no handicap or some insignificant handicap, they should get treated and just raised as a normal kid
>What if I don't love it?
you still can raise it or at least provide for it fair and square, consider the job done
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 No.1944[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Group screaming thread

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I hate it when guys come inside and don't the their shoes off. I hate captcha.

I hate it when people get drunk and leave puddles of puke on the street

I hate dogs they are scary and make too much noise

What do you hate sushi?
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I hate when my parents beat me. My wrist is too bruised to do anything now.
I hate how I'm starving because it makes me really cold and nauseous.


I thought I was the only one, same thing with clementines…


I hate presents.

When I give them, I've had a lot of stress before and in the end I always give cheap weird crap, because I don't want to waste a lot of money on something that isn't even appreciated. Even worse a bad present might impose unwanted responsibilities onto the receiver, like an unintentional white elephant.

When I get them, I have to display joy and gratitude, which I always have to force, since these emotions only come much later for me. Even further I noticed people often expect presents in return, which beats the whole concept of a present, basically turning it into a trade.

Present meta is completely busted.


It's supposed to be a fun gift exchange. But yeah if it's to people you don't care that much about and/or know that well it's not going to be great.


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I hate the internet
I hate personal computers (mainframes and supercomputers are ok)
I hate how everything you can imagine is documented and one net search away
I hate the hollow imitation of life experience that (non-fictional) media gives us
I hate being told what to do
I hate that everything takes money
I hate law
I hate suburbs

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I respect the authority of the Fujiwara and Ainu and the Takeda


what is this
it look like britain
but north american vibe


it's the main menu screen of life is strange 1 lol


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you know what's weird, i own the game, ive beaten it, i thought the tree models looked exactly like the models ingame, but the stark white cliffs in the image matches more with the cliffs of england (dover) than it does the PNW (see pic) and i didnt remember the school tower being that huge. im looking at more images and the perspectives ingame aren't really making a lot of sense to me when comparing with this img
anyway sorry for hijacking your thread op. i agree with,, that too, or whatever.


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I also respect the Fujiwara

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What if she has a Feederism temple

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Why aren't you on a vpn?

A vpn keeps you sushi rollymous on the internet.
It bypasses any school, home, office or country blocker.
It keep you un-banned from any website.
It keeps the government from spying on your internet activity.
It allows you to view region locked content from anywhere in the world.

If you like your freedom, I suggest you get a vpn http://sushi rollyourself.club
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This thread is sponsored by BrapVPN (give us your money), we protect your data so that your ISP doesn't see it. We do, and you have no idea what we do with it (give us your money), but you can trust us because we're taking a side on a made-up issue. But hey, Japanese Netflix amiright!!!! (give us your money)


all vpn are scum. and they keep your logs to give for fbi.


i had an expressvpn with like a years left of usage but as soon as i tried connecting here, it failed to connect somehow :( waste of my good money havent tried since then because reasons



>A vpn keeps you sushi rollymous on the internet.

lol, vpns don't help sushi rollymity as much as you'd like them to

>It bypasses any school, home, office or country blocker.

VPNs are good for circumventing blocks by a school, ISP, country, etc., and for keeping your traffic hidden to WiFis and MITMs and things like that, but..

>It keep you un-banned from any website.

No? Sure, IP bans maybe, but most services restrict IPs that belong to datacenters and most VPNs user datacenters. Most people have dynamic IPs anyway which makes IP banning pointless anyway. Even if none of that was true, what… how would this stop account from being banned I genuinely don't understand your reasoning

>It keeps the government from spying on your internet activity.

Governments can do more than just track IPs or whatever LMAO

>It allows you to view region locked content from anywhere in the world.

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A VPN is just a bonafide proxy at this point

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Hey, I just bought a VR head set but there are hardly any good games for it. Are there any good gender morph media or body swaps I should check out? So far I only found one Japanese body swap video filmed in VR180 (of a lesbian.)

I regret making the purchase like a dumb bourgeoisie, but am coping while I scour the internet for use cases. Metaverse and VR chat kind of suck, and I haven't found any other great VR games, but at least I can still use it to watch porn videos from the female point of view. (Which are mostly crap since they just lay on their back in the same position every time, and the camera doesn't move while performers do sex acts around them.)


Play VRChat, it's literally 80% men in anime girl avatars.


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Eleven Table Tennis and The Thrill of the Fight are two games that make VR worth it for me. Still returned it, as it would make me a complete shut-in. I bought a bike instead, to have a reason to go out.


what kind of headset do you have

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it's tea time


i really dislike you


I really dislike you more!!


i wanted to tell a rude guy to "suck my dick, black dragon roll"
he was white and i'm a girl

he would've been so bamboozled


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I was meant to turn all this footage I have into a mobie or at least a music bideo, but I couldn't even manage that, weh

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 No.4152[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I thought of making this thread here so that I don't derail the place with things most people wouldn't like to indulge.
Sadness is something that can be a bit of a vicious cycle, indulge too much in it and you'll see it as your only refuge.
But, we do need to let it out sometimes. Come let out whatever is doing you wrong sushi
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A few months ago I had a health crisis at work, and had to leave my job. I spent the next few months studying and gaining certifications and licenses in several fields, so that I could get a job that is more accommodating to my condition. Unfortunately, no such jobs existed in my area. After several months of loading up my life expenses on credit cards, I'm now back at my previous job making less than a living wage. I just can't catch up to all the late bills, and the credit cards keep piling up. The power company shut off my electricity after failing to pay for so long, and once my apartment company notices, they can kick me out for failing to keep "liveable standards" since I have no power. I just don't even know what to do anymore.


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Well, first of all you need to to learn about personal finances and start tracking all your income, spendings and obligations. I only know of Dave Ramsey out of all resources in English, bet it is not hard to find more help on the Internet. Although I understand why you would do it, taking a loan to cover living expenses is a grave mistake and you are living the consequences. I believe first thing should be ensuring you have somewhere to live, so paying these the bills is a priority. Next is the interest. I would bring up your situation with your employer, or union if there is one at your workplace. If you are not already, consider working a side job on the weekends. You won't get out of this without sacrificing your time and energy.


I appreciate that you are trying to help, but I need to say that you have no idea what you are talking about. "Taking a loan is a grave mistake" as opposed to what? Being evicted? Starving? When you have no money, borrowing is preferable to homelessness. I have studied Dave Ramsey's course, and he's a jackass who thinks that investment now still works the same way as it did in the 1980s. He puts all the blame on people who borrow money because he wasted his credit on fancy cars and homes, as if people don't have real legitimate things that they spend money on out of desperation. I work in a kitchen, we don't have unions, we don't have pay raises, and there are no other jobs in my area. I've applied to 60 fucking jobs and had over 20 interviews, and there's nothing. I'm working 7 days a week, I don't have weekends. And I still can't break even because of how dogshit living expenses are right now.

Again, I really appreciate that you're trying to help, but you don't know what you're talking about. And neither does Dave Ramsay for that matter.


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My advice is perfectly valid, it is only your situation that is so utterly hopeless. Can't vouch for Dave Ramsay, I have no good idea what he exactly preaches.


god i fucking hate this character.

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