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/hell/ - internet death cult


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Hey sushi rolls, ever heard of Fotamecus? He/it's basically a spell/spirit/mindmeme/whatever that can speed up or slow down time for you. He's been really useful to me in my life lately.
23 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It sounds like you want some harry potter type of "magic" but it might help to think of magic as something that happens or is happening that you simply cannot understand. Think of showing one of those new LED pocket lights that throws out blindingly bright light to someone from even a few hundered years ago. It would seem like harry potter type magic.

This is something that is best you prove to yourself as that is the only true way to "know" something rather than mearly being "informed" of it.
>from a reliable source

Now then on to the "real" stuff.
Animals are more sensitive than most of the mindless drones you pass in your daily travels. Try projecting thoughts or feelings either from yourself or directly at the creature. See if the reaction matches your projection. Though you can also do the same with humans and have some real fun or not fun.

An anecdote that will "inform" you but not let you really "know" what is being said. One time when looking at a setting sun while in a certain state of mind I noticed it had some auras/rings around it. I wrote about it in a non dated journal for dreams and random thoughts. Some time later I was reading a book on shamanism where there was an illustration of a shaman tripping on ayahuasca as viewed by another shaman tripping on ayahuasca. The illustrated shaman had auras around his head. Even though the drawing was crude it had striking similarity to the auras I saw around the sun. Sure enough I go back to that journal entry and there it was describing something very similar to the illustration in the book. What does it mean? Something or nothing, it doesn't really matter to me currently but I found it funny how similar those two things were.


>I'm just not convinced that you can affect the physical world without using any physical means.
Entirely sensible. Theoretically physical magic is possible but it's not worth the effort by a long shot and so you basically don't see it. If it wasn't for the fact that I once met a guy who could do very weak magnetic fields I'd be very skeptical about the whole thing too. You can find a lot of accounts of people doing similar stuff, though I'm not sure how well it's been studied.

But you won't find many magicians who care about that. We are priests and mystics. Enlightenment is our goal, not parlour tricks. For most of my life I was a scientist, epistemologically speaking, and I've by no means abandoned that. I still accept the possibility that maybe this is all "just in my head" but then what isn't? Magic is a lens through which I may view myself. If it's physically real or not is entirely besides the point.

That said, mental stuff is a lot easier but then also a lot more difficult to provide proof of. My own "proof" (really I don't have proof but then I don't really believe anything) came from my teacher being able to discern my emotional state from the other side of the country but I certainly don't expect you to believe me. Frankly, if you believe magic is real because of what some sushi roll on an imageboard told you you're a gullible idiot. Trust in your own judgement.

Magic, to me at least, isn't about where you end up. It's not the answers that you get. It's the questions that lead you there. If you look at the world with open eyes and an open mind and come to the conclusion that it's all a deterministic (or probabilistic if you like the current conception of quantum mechanics) representation of abstract mathematics, fine. Great even. That's your answer and it's better than any I could provide to you. When I look at people like Newton or Einstein I see better magicians than I ever saw in magnet man.

>'alternative' science/medicine ideas
Bit of an aside but be careful with alternative medicine. In general be wary of those who go after your wallet, especially if you are sick and desperate. The science behind placebos is very interesting however.


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by spell/spirit/mindmeme/whatever do u mean uh yaknow drugs?


so, which one has the dick?
and which one gets it


both of them

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or somewhere else?



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This guy knows his bread. He walked quite a distance to get what he wanted to have, but in the end he reached the bread seller, so he could buy his delicious bread from a bread shop. He has nothing to regret while eating the bread. There was some hassle at work today, who cares? Not this guy. He is enjoying his meal to the fullest in the center of a dark and empty parking lot, only lit by this place, yet filled with delight about a gorgeous bread he just bought from the bread sellers bread shop. He likes this bread. He also likes this place in particular with the bread.
13 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


What if that's not really bread?


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Looks like good bread. Well roast.

pls, some sushi roll are posting on dialup


It's about time you upgraded your internet, joka.


nice philosophic text sushi roll. but the "dudeWithBread.jpg" kinda ruined it for me tbh.

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sorry I need to test formatting


theres a test board fam

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i'm monk
i'm hip about the death stuff
is this the right place


maybe i'll head to /feels/ actually that sounds like a better idea
they need the monk stuff probably


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You can't stop existing デス.

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Lainchan betrayed the sushi again. Affiliate links nowhere to be seen again.
14 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


appleman1234 seems like a chill dude, even if his name is a bit sketchy. At least he is active on the irc, which wasn't the case for kalyx in his final days.

Anyway, he said he wasn't going to change anything in the near future, so yeah.


i don't know him but appleman seems like a goofster and i like goofballing so hey long live tha lain chan

may kathyx live peaceful life of jimmy johns, macbook pros, ddr , and e-fapping


I don't know, he seemed like your generic computerey guy. Too boring compared to kalyx.


its back


Hey guys! A little sushi icon popped up in the upper right-hand corner of the banner, so I clicked it, and it brought me to this site! This seems like a wonderful board!

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Excuse me


Right this way sir

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Wasze doświadczenia z 432hz?
Osobiście dla mnie muzyka jest "lżejsza" ale ja tylko stroiłem więc nie można tego 432hz nazwać.


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otwieram chińskobajkową
anime girl thread


Is there not a polish chan where you plumbers can hang out?

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Mod hates fun


That's why they're mods

BTW undo come back pls

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