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/hell/ - internet death cult


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I hate it when guys come inside and don't the their shoes off. I hate captcha.

I hate it when people get drunk and leave puddles of puke on the street

I hate dogs they are scary and make too much noise

What do you hate sushi?


> What do you hate sushi?
- failing my own standards
- loud neighbours
- inefficient/bloated workflows


I hate it when someone posts hell thread in lounge!!


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>What do you hate sushi?
when your hair gets all tangled after showers
CP spammers
when u hit your pinky on something real hard


I hate imageboards


I hate life


I hate normalfags


I hate GGO.


I hate the taste of orange juice after brushing my teeth


I hate when my parents beat me. My wrist is too bruised to do anything now.
I hate how I'm starving because it makes me really cold and nauseous.


I thought I was the only one, same thing with clementines…


I hate presents.

When I give them, I've had a lot of stress before and in the end I always give cheap weird crap, because I don't want to waste a lot of money on something that isn't even appreciated. Even worse a bad present might impose unwanted responsibilities onto the receiver, like an unintentional white elephant.

When I get them, I have to display joy and gratitude, which I always have to force, since these emotions only come much later for me. Even further I noticed people often expect presents in return, which beats the whole concept of a present, basically turning it into a trade.

Present meta is completely busted.


It's supposed to be a fun gift exchange. But yeah if it's to people you don't care that much about and/or know that well it's not going to be great.


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I hate the internet
I hate personal computers (mainframes and supercomputers are ok)
I hate how everything you can imagine is documented and one net search away
I hate the hollow imitation of life experience that (non-fictional) media gives us
I hate being told what to do
I hate that everything takes money
I hate law
I hate suburbs





I hate every ape I see
From chimpan-a to chimpanzee
No you'll never make a monkey out of me


I hate “relaxing/focus” music compilations on YouTube that are mostly cheap AI slop. They all suck!

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