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/hell/ - internet death cult


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In this thread, I'll post things that got no meaning whatsoever to waste time
15 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Cthulhu monsters really do be having names like African football players and claim it is not racism jfc 😤😤😤😤😤


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i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane i am going insane


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testing for webm support on vichan..


It doesn't work. I didn't hear the best song ever by the greatest band ever.

I'm gonna go surfin' now.

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I buy the gutar how do i tune tsrings i don't know what to buddy i don't know how to make the sound better. strings tuning help

Tell me what to do brother=

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Do you have a job?
how do you cope with capitalism. Feels like a losing battle to me, every single job I've had I have absolutely hated.

I know how to code but the idea of writing code for a living just feels depressing to me. The alternative is even worse. There's no winning move here, only bullshit for the next 40 years. FUCK
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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I got a job interview tomorrow
Don't wish me luck, with me SUCCESS!!


I don't mind writing code, what I mind is knowing my main contribution to humanity is that I help make a product that helps people make networks a little more reliable. It's just so nebulous. Like who cares?


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It's all about who you work with imo. I've worked at about 10 different companies, and my current is the best. Not because the job is easy, it actually sucks. But I like the people I work with, so it's actually nice to be around people I can talk with instead of being holed up at home alone.

That being said, I do NOT cope with capitalism. Fuck the US and everything it stands for. I can afford guns in spades but I can't afford medicine. It sucks.


You don’t cope with capitalism. But I do enjoy my work enough for it not to be a slog. It’s reasonably challenging, the company has good benefits, I like the cause, and my coworkers are kind. Only took 10 years off my life (it feels like) to get a degree to do it X(


how did you do sushi roll?
I hope you get it desu

what volunteer job do you have? how many hours a week is it? A volunteer job only seems worth it to me if it can:

- lead to a comfy job in the future
- actively makes you happier in the present

otherwise just seems like needless toil to me

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I haven't worked in over a year, how long have my fellow NEETs been NEET?


A year and 3 months, but it's going to end soon. Updates when it does.


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Forever. Okay that's a lie I got my GED when I was 18.




Super secret crossboard linking test >>>/lounge/14404


There is a >>>/test/ board, you know

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This is dead because nazi mods
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I told you man!
I told you not to ask!
There is knock on the do


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Didn't die from knowing.


Rei is cute in this picture but her poor trigger discipline ruins it for me.


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Will ruin our shirt too.



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Kpg refugees welcome. A continuation of our culture. Discuss the absolute hell that is Korean Pop Music, it's creepy fandoms and general insanity.
51 posts and 72 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Bomin my cute bf


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Golcha is my fave group, their discography is so good.. Another good comeback from them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZL5MYD9oRQ


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Sometimes, it's better to just let people like what they like when it's harmless, even when we don't personally understand it.

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Jerking off


G. O. D.


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D-hot as fuck!!!

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we need more greentext
>be me
>shit myself
6 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


what the FRICK


>wake up
>extremely horny
>want to fap
>touch dick
>its sore
i seriously need to stop masturbating so much


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>take car in for oil change
>hey your starter sounds pretty bad, you might want to get that replaced
>…but we don't have the part here so we'll have to order it, we'll call you in 3-4 days when it's in
>2 days later
>car won't start
>shit, really don't want to have to get it towed
>let's ask the google
>people suggest hitting the starter with a hammer
>can't reach it because it's behind other parts
>open and close the hood a few times instead
>try starting again
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>go on sushichan
>read silly billy greentext–
>never touch penis again



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The one on the left almost ruined my New Year's Eve
The one on the right reminds me of friends and happy good times.
I go with the one on the right


pink hair means she is lesbian


I only just recently found out that the same mangaka made hitoribocchi and mitsuboshi colors. He also has a new one coming out called "I'm looking for zombie", I wonder if it'll get an anime adaption too.

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When everyone that ever talked to you has harmed you
How do you develop a way of talking to others without running away at the first glance of awkwardness?


I'm still trying to figure that one out myself.


u need a disjunction of past n future performance

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