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/hell/ - internet death cult


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we need more greentext
>be me
>shit myself
6 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


what the FRICK


>wake up
>extremely horny
>want to fap
>touch dick
>its sore
i seriously need to stop masturbating so much


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>take car in for oil change
>hey your starter sounds pretty bad, you might want to get that replaced
>…but we don't have the part here so we'll have to order it, we'll call you in 3-4 days when it's in
>2 days later
>car won't start
>shit, really don't want to have to get it towed
>let's ask the google
>people suggest hitting the starter with a hammer
>can't reach it because it's behind other parts
>open and close the hood a few times instead
>try starting again
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>go on sushichan
>read silly billy greentext–
>never touch penis again



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The one on the left almost ruined my New Year's Eve
The one on the right reminds me of friends and happy good times.
I go with the one on the right


pink hair means she is lesbian


I only just recently found out that the same mangaka made hitoribocchi and mitsuboshi colors. He also has a new one coming out called "I'm looking for zombie", I wonder if it'll get an anime adaption too.

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When everyone that ever talked to you has harmed you
How do you develop a way of talking to others without running away at the first glance of awkwardness?


I'm still trying to figure that one out myself.


u need a disjunction of past n future performance

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this is the official ylilauta embassy on Sushigirl! warm welcome to all!
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when i saw the image i first though it was nigeria with mr krabs drawn over it


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idk, looks more like Libya turned on it's side to me


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finns are shit people


You made me remember the tune. Raspberry Heaven will be my first thought on waking and unconciosly fitted to everything for the the next week. Damn, I'm humming it as I type and trying to sychronize my typing fingers to my humming.

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Scared me during a company call. Not nice!


I still don't see ot what is it?


A little guy hidden in the doorframe, click the image and zoom in.


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ah, here's the one I was looking for

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 No.743[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What other sushi rollymous imageboard sites do you frequent?
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uboachan, lainchan, sushichan, danger/u/, and 4chan (but only /s4s/, /w/, and /wg/ – sometimes /tech/)


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Dreamchan was a nice place to chill, but I think it has finally been shut down after growing periods of inactivity and the BO's health problems. It was one of the few chans where people weren't toxic and you didn't have chuds throwing racist shit all over, but you had chill people talking about what they were nostalgic for, their dreams and aspirations. It was one of the only image boards that had a positive and constructive environment, and I'll miss it.


Frankly… I wish there were feminist imageboards.


crystal cafe or lolcow.farm exists.


i recently discovered a neat board called rotting angels of the omnipotent eye (www.rottingangels.org/boards.php), it has a really small userbase as it looks like it just started yesterday but definitely something to check out

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 No.2034[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Why are you sad? What are your troubles?
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>I feel like I know what I need to do; it's just difficult to put into practice, but I will persevere.
In this position, the only advice is JUST DOOO IT. You can start being a better human any time. Ganbatte, sushi.


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There is not a single day I don't idealize suicide


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I'm really tired. Time doesn't stop, friends move forward with their lives and I'm still stuck in the same place.
It's been years and I'm still the same. Nothing has changed and at this point I don't know if I should bother


That sucks :(


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I have schizophrenia. And I'm so tired of being treated like an animal for it.

My closest friends will intentionally antagonize me and bait me into pointless arguments, telling me that I'm just a crazy schizo while they all laugh at me. Even my immediate family does this. My coworkers role me up because they think it's funny. Every time I try to make a legitimate point shout something or have a real meaningful conversation with another person, they pass me off as just a schizo. I'm not a person anymore. I'm a goddamn zoo attraction.

And that's just the social consequences. Having schizophrenia is a nightmare in its own right. I can't sleep at night because I hear people scratching on my door, even when I do sleep I am tormented by nightmares. My perception of reality is so distorted that I genuinely feel as though I can't communicate with people like a real human. I need therapy so bad, but no doctors in my area are available. So I simply suffer, and my brain continues to rot away.

I need to decide when I've reached the point of no return so that I can kill myself while I'm still sapient enough to do so. But it's playing with the prisoner's dilemma with my own life, which could never be easy.

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>dont talk throughout the day
>decide to talk a bit
>come home
>realise that the something i said is retarded
>berate myself
is cycle of day


I like talking to strangers though, no pressure who cares if you mess up, nobody


Don't let your anxiety stop you from talking to other people OP! You're supposed to keep going at it! We can learn from our past talks so that we can get better at it as time goes on. You can do it OP!

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We need to Marie Kondo this douchebag out of the Kremlin.






L post shawty


>>4012 i have better things to do


This is a no Marie Kondo thread mkay?


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this is a simulation, welcome to your new home. i hope you enjoy your stay.




moshi moshi


If you have any complaints about unexplained percieved sinking, knock on the appropriate designated query surface and talk to your simulation attendant about it.


which surface is the query surface!?!?!?

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