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/hell/ - internet death cult


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take this as a gift. you'll need it sooner or later.

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Serves you right, underage.



>got banned from 4chan

>one more reason to pull the trigger

You need to stop using the internet.


Imagine being 18 and behaving like that.


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They did you a favor friend. The glory days of 4chan have been gone for about a decade now, this site got too big for it's own good.



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Oh my darling, oh my darling,
oh my darling, Sushi Girl!
You're so comfy, you're so comfy,
you're so comfy, Sushi Girl!


I always knew the hanna barbera characters where the spawn of hell.

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I regret becoming a programmer. I should've chosen to be a park ranger or something instead. Too much time in front of a screen is bad for you. But it's too late to change now.
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>But it's too late to change now.
with that attitude it definitely is.

kinda pointless giving work advice without knowing your situation better except to say that you have friends, colleagues, and family who know your story better and might be able to help you out.


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I resonate with this. I try to vent online but turn it into an artform. I think there is something beautiful about the freedom to arrange letters to show what i want.

But I do feel there is a great work of destruction to be accomplished. Novelty is lacking, reality is crumbling, broken, I grasp at the centipede of logic, thrashing, fucking itself, eating itself alive.

morality is an injection of chocolate into your veins.


sometimes venting can help in the sense that you are not alone in your angst and struggles

being shot down for having feelings or being sad sometimes can be equally harmful as negative thought loop hug boxes imo


It's easier to change careers from programmer to park ranger than the other way around.

If you try a new line of work and don't like it, or lose that new job at some point, you will still have that valuable programming experience on your CV.

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In this thread I shall assemble some big ABC's and some little abc's. I shall not do so to present evidence to prove a point, but rather I shall prove that I do not wish to prove a point.

I destroy the drawers of the brain, and those of social organisation: to sow demoralisation everywhere, and throw heaven's hand into hell, hell's eyes into heaven, lto reinstate the fertile wheel of a universal circus in the Powers of reality, and the fantasy of every individual.


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Morality has determined charity and pity, two balls of fat that have grown like elephants, like planets, and are called good. There is nothing good about them. Goodness is lucid, clear and decided, pitiless toward compromise and politics. Morality is an injection of chocolate into the veins of all men.


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We want novelty. We are human, we are amusement, impulsiveness, and vibrant attempt to crucify boredom.

At the crossroads of the lights, alert, attentively awaiting the years.


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I have no right to drag others into my river, I oblige no one to follow me and everybody practices in his own way. But the door remains open to the possibility of wallowing in cushions and good things to eat.


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Notes From The Wired (Redlight Manifesto)

everything in the universe has a frequency, a resonance.
everyone in the universe has a private trap, that only they can see
I will wish you luck but first I will say 3 things:
1. I hate phrases and people who spout phrases. But mostly people who spout phrases.
2. I hate small talk and people who constantly small talk. But mostly people who constantly small talk.
3. I love justice, truth, and true comradeship, and all of humanity on an equal footing.

I know, greater than those who would consider themselves cultivated and decent, what is sublime and beautiful!

I live, or love to fall into the common routine, that which is life.
I despise, or hate with terror any form of eccentricity in myself.
I am more highly developed because I love to be the most cowardly and slave-like.
Not only do I fancy this, but I am in fact the most coward and slave-like.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


sushichan sushichan sushichan sushichan sushichan sushichan sushichan sushichan

spent two racks on a new game
mai waifu luh do cocaine


I checked his verse on Gucci Gang and what the fuck, amazing something so low effort is selling so well. Marxists won.


Yea… the Marxists are the reason that Gucci Gang makes bank and not the people who like their music.

Here's a quotable, for every single record exec,
Get yo fuckin' hands outta muh waifu, nigga, like Malcolm X!


Music doesn't have to be complicated or have deep lyrics. The human brain enjoys rhythm. Basic rhythms are the most accessible for large audiences. It's not a book, it's a song. A song doesn't need to be meaningful. Instrumental music is proof of that.

I don't really like Lil Pump, but let's not pretend that every song has to be extremely intellectual.

Only liking "smart" music just comes off as boring and pretentious. I'd rather listen to fun and silly music. Not everything has to be super serious all the time.

Immortal Technique rubs me the wrong way. It sounds like he's trying way too hard to sound smart and well-versed in political issues when really it's just mediocrity dressed up with a thesaurus. Reminds me of Rage Against The Machine or Banksy. Political issues summed up in overly-simplified sound bites that sound good to dilettantes.


>It sounds like he's trying way too hard to sound smart and well-versed in political issues when really it's just mediocrity dressed up with a thesaurus.

That was the reason I posted a song of his, to mock the idea of "smart music". I used to love his raps until I realized he just talks big and isn't that clever. I'd rather hear "stupid" music than "smart" music any day.


I was half-serious, half-joking. I completely understand the concept of something being catchy.

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It's October. Let's talk about uncomfy, creepy experiences. Just today, I was at the grocery store with my grandma and this man starts asking me if I was racist and telling that I seem like a "cool guy" and he tries to separate me from my kinda slow walking and in pain grandma telling me that someone from Texas didn't have enough money for gas and that we should go together to get money for this guy from the ATM. This guy was super sketchy and I walked away back to my party, paid for our food and got the fuck out of there. I've been kinda on edge for the rest of the day. I'm fine with helping people within reason but the way he was trying to get me alone was horrible. What was truly scary was the fact that I'm sure he picked me because I looked weak, stupid, and easily to fool plus he talked about how the world is full of nothing but selfish people and I should donate money randomly because "God will pay you back" or whatever.

I hope no one else fell for his tricks. And on the very low chance there was a Texas man with no money and stranded near the store, I hope he is okay. Fuck scammers though.
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Oh man, I'm the OP, that reminds me of another uncomfy experience. I was at work and a customer calls me looking for a certain item. I get a cordless phone but I think I either misplaced it or couldn't use it so I used the corded phone and had to walk away. Once I found the information they needed I picked up the phone to hear the guy being verbally abuse to his girlfriend talking about how he is the man. I freeze since I'm not sure how to approach this at all, after a few minutes I say, "Hello?" and then tell the guy what he needed and I get, "Okay, thanks buddy!!" All cool and everything even though I just heard this girl shouting "quit it!" and him being really terrible. It was just terrible.


I had a shituation like that once too. Customer came to my counter to complain about the treatment he got from one of my coworkers a few days earlier. I don't exactly remember what his real complaint was about, but throughout going on about "our new contrymen", so it made me wonder if his complaint was about the treatment, or about his golden brown skin and exotic accent. Told him to leave and not come back until he had fixed his attitude.

I was scared about how my boss would react when he would find out, but turned out he was totally cool with it.

If it weren't for some of these abusive people, retail work could be pretty enjoyable.


One of the best tricks is to just stay in motion. Keep walking to wherever you were going at a good pace, don't stop and talk to them. Just today two younger guys walked up to me outside a check cashing place asking for cash for bus fare. I said something along the lines of "Sorry I can't a coworker borrowed some cash from me today good luck bye" and got in my car; they never got a word in edgewise. Terrible as it is, I'm asked for money from strangers on a near-daily basis and I'm almost entirely desensitized to their plight. It's hard enough for me to get along without giving cash to everyone who asks.


A little advice about the hallucinations:
When you wake up, keep your eyes closed at first and move around. Rolling back and forth a couple times is good. I haven't woken up to a hallucination in months but I used to get them all the time. If you do have one, just get up and ignore it instead of staring at it.
Lastly, don't be afraid to see a psychiatrist about any of this, especially if it gets worse. They're around to help and won't force anything on you (unless you're dangerous).


my worst experience was alcohol withdrawal syndrome
nothing beats delirium tremens and feeling of dying
well actually I was literally dying, not just "feeling" it

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My roommate is accusing me of conspiring against him, even though I'm not. What should I do?

Here's the thing: he smokes weed. I do not give a shit that he smokes weed. I don't snitch on people for something like smoking weed. I overheard him saying he thinks I am trying to get him caught. He mentioned that he thinks I am scattering ashes somewhere (what?), sending him a letter (it sounded like scam mail, but he's blaming me for it), etc.

I have had a lot of roommates before, but none of them have ever been paranoid like this.

Also: he didn't say this stuff to my face. I am kind of shy and anxious so I don't really talk to people much, except when it's really necessary. I just overhead him complaining about me.
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I have two roommates because I'm a broke millennial and cost of living is cheaper when you share rent and utilities. So yes, I kind of do need to live with other people.


Do you need to be living with him, that's what I'm asking. Who has the place and bills in their name and is there anyone who you could move in with or move into his spot with 30 days notice?


this is what weed does to people. Can you try to get a new roommate?


I would let him explain his worries in detail, then point out that there is no reason for me to plot against him and no profit and finally would offer to go out of his way as much as possible, if that makes him happy (passive aggressive threat). He might overthink his behavior, depending on how close you are.

Also >>1740
If he is smoking heavily every day, that could really be a cause. I remember fleeing to the bathroom when the door bell rang in my green days.


For some people, weed can trigger schizoid paranoia and even full blown schizophrenia.
He has simply smoked too much weed and needs medical attention. If you can't get him to care otherwise, you should actually snitch.
This type of stuff can ruin lives, and I've seen it happen many times in my own family.

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Air bubbles and dissolved air in fluids in IV bags,tubes and syringes is being injected into people.Strokes and deaths.


You know, if you kept this down to just a post every two weeks, nobody would mind. Sure, you can respond to people if they reply to you, but your vanguard of shitposts needs to be quality over quantity or you'll crash and burn.

This one was kinda gruesome, not as jokey as the others. I like the creative direction you're taking with this series of posts, I hope you listen to my advice because you have talent and I want to see what else you can come up with, when the time is right.




I would also like to apologize for not recognizing what you were trying to do sooner. I thought you were a spambot, not an artist.


People are being annoyed, idiots, apartments, papers, morons, ink wasters, loners, virgins, dipshits, bottom feeders, toilet scums, mouth breathers, unemployed, ei collectors, shampoo non-users, greasy hairers, severus snapers, crooked nosers, cockroachers, mouldy food collectors, I saw you going through the garbage outside-ers, seaweed wrap, rotten eggs, balding, impotent, ball-less, hamsters.


Not great. You need more -ed words, you only have the first section, plus it doesn't relate to anything in the thread. That's the problem with jokes online, they get told once and are then doomed to become memes.

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