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/hell/ - internet death cult


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Air bubbles and dissolved air in fluids in IV bags,tubes and syringes is being injected into people.Strokes and deaths.


You know, if you kept this down to just a post every two weeks, nobody would mind. Sure, you can respond to people if they reply to you, but your vanguard of shitposts needs to be quality over quantity or you'll crash and burn.

This one was kinda gruesome, not as jokey as the others. I like the creative direction you're taking with this series of posts, I hope you listen to my advice because you have talent and I want to see what else you can come up with, when the time is right.




I would also like to apologize for not recognizing what you were trying to do sooner. I thought you were a spambot, not an artist.


People are being annoyed, idiots, apartments, papers, morons, ink wasters, loners, virgins, dipshits, bottom feeders, toilet scums, mouth breathers, unemployed, ei collectors, shampoo non-users, greasy hairers, severus snapers, crooked nosers, cockroachers, mouldy food collectors, I saw you going through the garbage outside-ers, seaweed wrap, rotten eggs, balding, impotent, ball-less, hamsters.


Not great. You need more -ed words, you only have the first section, plus it doesn't relate to anything in the thread. That's the problem with jokes online, they get told once and are then doomed to become memes.

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merorin was here, you guys are california rolls
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I didn't tell you about this place so you could troll it


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California seems like a place that would have nice sushi


It's ok I've heard. Hawaii has better sushi.


My experience in the bay area.
For high end sushi, it has some super fancy places like Sawa that are very well regarded.

For a little pricy but not high end, its about the same as anywhere, maybe a little better than $30 sushi meals I've had in the midwest, but its all frozen anyway, I don't think its inherently better.

There are cheaper sushi places that are super adorable. I love Happy Sushi in Sunnyvale for its Dos Spicy roll, which has spicy tuna, spicy crab salad, tempura jalapenos, and a hot sauce.


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that feel when no tempura jalapeños

feels hungry man

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One of the strangest dreams was where I was having sex with a faceless woman. She had pale skin and was sorta like pic related in terms of body shape. But again, she had no face and when I was about to penetrate her, I woke up. It was pretty hot, even though I like dark skin more than pale skin, a hot, sexy dream with woman is still hot.


Did the faceless woman also have to pee?


No, I don't really get why I woke up though. I am a virgin so I don't have anything to relate to as far as sex but that makes no sense because all of the foreplay of me licking her and sliding my dick over her pussy.


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Whenever I'm about to have intercourse in a dream, I can't get a stable erection, even in lucid dreams, so stick with cuddling most of the time which is pretty enjoyable for someone, who has no physical contact to other human beings in waking life.


Here he is
The biggest douche in the universe
In all the galaxies

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God it would be cool if this story was for real. Post other clickbait goodness ITT


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Chinese heiresses are getting married,wedded,betrothed,wifed,dowries,bridal veils,home-making and becoming vastly wealthy,well-to-do,rich,loaded,upper-class,pecunious,elite,comfortable,genteel,Rolex,Swiss bank accounts,tax evasion,offshore, and cuisine.


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This meme will be the one to rule them all. I can feel it.


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and the actual bots will love it

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This girl is strong as hell.
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Sorry man, I tried. I even gave it a couple extra days. Now we're on to the next stupid thing.


why is this spammer only in this thread? weird.


thanks for posting that .gif, I've been using it to check up on how gay I am. Every 4-5 days, just clicking on it, watching it, asking myself how I feel about it. Still very berry gay, but we must remain ever vigilant against thoughtcrime, so my routine remains.


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This girl was wrong as hell.
RIP James Hetfield's mom.


More ghost bumps, huh? Dirty ghosts, sneaking in here to steal jobs from hardworking American shitposters. Have a bump.


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I hate it when I'm reading some shitty news article about some dead asshole and they can't actually come up with any reason this stiff had to live or for us to care about them, so they come up with the same old generic shit you could say about anyone "[deader] was [at least one trait that's supposed to be positive], liked [thing generally agreed to be enjoyable], and [at least one of his close genetic relatives] was sad."

The only real sad thing here is how absolutely superfluous and cookie cutter the majority of humans lives are. Hell even getting some mention in a newspaper after you die is more than most people will accomplish, most people's lives don't even amount to that much.


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I feel you, the common threads visible in all of our lives make them feel less meaningful, but I would be careful to rank garnering the attention of others as an accomplishment. I am more accomplished than Chris-Chan will ever be, and I'm just some sushi roll you probably won't hear from ever again. Have a nice life by the way.


>>I am more accomplished than Chris-Chan will ever be, and I'm just some sushi roll you probably won't hear from ever again.
Fair enough
>Have a nice life by the way.
You too mate.


There's been so much edgy stuff around recently. Society is dumb this death would be a sweet release that. What is going on?


The whole purpose of these ads is to inform people who might care about their old colleague or school mate, but weren't in touch enough to get contacted directly by the bereaved.

Old people use to check the newspaper for familiar names. If they can connect a name to a face, they usually remember the time they spent with this person as well, so there is no need to write a résumé.


"I'm not like the other people! I'm unique and special" -Everyone, including OP, probably.

In fact, it's not hard to be unique. There are so many combinations of things in our lives that the odds of someone else having the same job, taste, skills, life experiences, etc. is pretty much nil.

If someone asked you 33 yes or no questions about yourself, there would be 2^33 unique combinations, or over 8 billion. And there's more than just 33 yes or no decisions in life.

But uniqueness shouldn't be conflated with quality. You can have a meaningful life even if it isn't super different. Conversely, a different life doesn't necessarily imply that it's good.

Just enjoy your life and stop giving a shit about whether you're special or not. Life's too short to give a shit about dumb things like that.

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Tell me your secrets! I wont tell anyone, so it will be a secret between us. We will be conspirators of the internet death cult.

I prefer sniffing on books over reading them. They just smell so delicious.
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Sorry, I'm different. I've mostly accepted that it's not going to happen, but thanks anyway.


No problem. I know it's a shit spot to be in, no matter what decision you end up making. As always, we're here for you sushi


I don't know if this is who you're talking about but >>>/lounge/3895 is me.
As it turns out, I won't be getting on it soon after all, mid-2019 is looking to be the earliest. Oh well!


Ah shit. Don't count your chickens until their titties grow out I guess. Good luck to you, though :)


Lmao, yeah, thanks sushi

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Recreating various outside crisis situations or not results in invisibility and speed,altering you and reality,personally affecting reality,your mind returning to the past(time travel).People who are acidic,nervous,shitty and others are being assalted,bleeding and puking acid.They're hungrily pulling and grabbing peoples sleeping genitals,thirstily turning peoples places into a hotel/outhouse and anally attacking colon cleansed people .Surrounded by the future,the past and nightlights,barking dogs,abductions,disappearances,suicides,murders,cuts,suffocations,draining energy.Being pulled towards the future or the past along with your iron coins and other materials your in contact with and surrounded by,people are disappearing,people are being replaced with clones,robots,etc,people travelling back in time are being attacked,getting into accidents or sending messages.People are travelling to the future and to the past.Aliens,people are visiting and sometimes leaving this world,which worlds and times are they from?They're stealing peoples DNA,cloning,growing,making and using the clones.The souls of the dead and others are travelling into other peoples bodies to be young and healthy.The things in the spectrums that have the opposite affect of the things in the spectrums that cause aging,retards,sickness,etc and there's the others in the middle.Some people know other peoples thoughts and are communicating telepathically,interuptions,influencing,scolding,interference,torturing and controlling peoples minds and bodies and murdering and bothering other people listen to the sounds similar to the heat bug and electronic sounds.The soaps are killing people,the nerve and skin damage and where's the sweat and tan,feeling hot and sick?The soaps are turning peoples faces and necks into hideous monsters.Peoples bodies are being damaged and aged by the shampoo,soap,working,rubs,creams,pills,people,food,beverages,etc.Air bubbles and dissolved air in IV bags,tubes and syringes is being injected into people,strokes and deaths.Operating table and bed murders and people being numbed by the dentist.People are communicating with other people through nightmares.People are using other people to say their thoughts.Your superstitious,nature's,etc examples,stuck in this nest.They're waking people up again and again and people are waking up in this place and they're causing other sleeping problems and deaths,picking,poking,prodding,digging people with medical instruments.The TV creeps anPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Hey Sushis, how many people burn alive every day?

Is that something that science has quantified? Can we pull up any people-burning studies on scihub? How many people burn to death without being reported? How sad and lonely, to burn to death without anyone there to record it for LiveLeak or lol at you.

I hope my death will at least merit a chuckle or two, whether or not it involves fire. Maybe I'll be dying in my sleep with a booger hanging out of my nose, give me something nice and undignified like that and I'll die a happy man.


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It is okay to burn with passion.


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What if I have a passion for getting burned?

Like, should I use shampoo? Seems like that worked for that schizo guy two threads down, but I don't want to go bald….

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I have certain states of mind and certain things can click me into different states.
Songs and images do this especially often.
Sometimes I'll listen to a particular song and it will momentarily revert me back to the feeling of when I was at school.
Trains and stations are probably my favourite one. They make me feel elated sometimes
This is essentially "back when life was good" (even though I know my mind subconsciously blocks out the bad) moments, and I really treasure them. Though it's often incredibly wistful.

Anyway, Gondola is very good at inducing these feels sometimes, so that's why I like them.

Sorry for semi-offtopic.


Gondola is cool and stuff, but how is this related to the topic? There is also a gondola thread in /lounge/.


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I made a shitty gondola doodle


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I like it, sushi :)

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