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/hell/ - internet death cult


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Would you smash this?
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Before reading this thread, yes.
After reading this thread, no.
After thinking for a while… maybe.


Honestly not really.
Hips too smol, thighs too smol.


yes, of course , but god i would much rather get "this" inside me


Meatless Monday. May I get a vegan version?


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I would rather throw it on the roof.

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Why do i feel this sense of impending doom? i think ive gotten things figured out and i can clearly see what i need to do to live a good life, but i feel with every step i take, with every month that passes, with every changing season, im only awaiting a brutal revaluation bound to happen in my lifes time. Like a day of judgement, a day that breaks all logic and bends reality. the answer to all the problems that life has.

I feel like im going to meet god. Like we are going to meet god, and transcend into a higher being.

Am i crazy sushirolls? does anyone else feel it?
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Woops, I completely misread >>1152 and got a little carried away.
Hopefully there's still something worth reading in my crazy tired person ramblings.


That was interesting enough to remind I should buy or find the necessary to grow herbs to bring more joy into my food.

Your feedback part is interesting, but I'm already too drunk to add something of value about it. I can fantasize about hermit life and hide it all I want, I'm an empty shell without the validation and recognition of the few people I adore



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We all have our own psychic plane. My message to you is not happy or sad, but I see that I can drop my anchor in fertile ground.

I see how you can transcend. Adjust your plane automatically by slowly cleansing the trust in unity from your veins. I know what I'm talking about, because I have experienced the trembling and awakening.

I have no right to drag others into my river, I oblige no one to follow me and everybody practices in his own way. But the door remains open to the possibility of wallowing in cushions and good things to eat.


I *feel* tired. Everything is dross.

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im really in hell


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Oh lord, get the water black dragon roll!



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My infinities were killt.
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It was I who killt the infijitids


d*ng you thanatos.


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I has a snout
to slurp thy infinities.
And the void will be mine.
will be all mine.


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Infinities have now changed to something else.


Marvel vs Capcom : Infinite

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All glories to Lord Bune, the Duke! I praise his name, Bune!

Wehl Melan Avage Bune Tasa
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sushi roll no, haven't you heard what happens to all those people who tried summoning succubi?!


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well, don't those people die after having sex? i want a boyfriend for life!


Just don't try to summon anything ok? Trust me on this one.


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With the boss's permission I'd like to make BUNE the resident demon of sushichan. He's so handsome!


Can Bune be my friend?

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How are you doing my fellow kekerinos, dont forget about our 20 year plan to save western civilization with frog memes, lets own the libs by destroying UKIP brothers, for liberalism!


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It's a real shame…

He still has some good ideas but way over stretches his importance and intelligence. I think all the years being at the top of the anti-samurai platter YouTube fuck mound went to his head. He got stuck there, didn't evolve; thus is just horribly out of touch and by extension immeasurably cringey. I have a friend who unironically wears a Kekistan shirt in public, I'll try cop a pic.

He should just go back to making more low effort videos and not take him self so seriously. The fan art is awful.

Necromancer when Sargon?


I like his videos but jesus, he needs to take a break and stop doing politics.


Sargon's problem was getting into politics. It is very obvious he has no idea what he is talking about much of the time, especially when it comes to US politics, where he is a fish out water who tries to talk the talk, but falls on his face every minute (that's a lot of idioms). Anyways, he used to be somewhat comedic, when he used to do TWIS, but after he stopped doing that and going really hard on the identity politics, it's very hard to take the guy seriously as he has some very conservative stances on identity politics, many of which aren't even relevant in the country I live in (despite him thinking so).

Politics are not at all /comfy/.


Internet politics hurt


And you bumped this year-old thread to say this?

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or barefoot? This site has jeffrey campbell shoes, which are actually a kind of art deco high heel

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For me it's basically this >>367

A footjob is really degrading because she doesn't even want to touch you with her hands. Then you add in some verbal humiliation.

Feet are also just kind of pretty to look at, along with hands. They're both very unique parts of the body


It's the complete opposite for me. I love me some girl feet but it's still going to be me having my way with them rather than getting submissive. It's like boobs, you can grab and lick them while you're pounding away. Same with feet if you're (both) into it. Even better when it's been a warm day and they actually get shy because they've been walking around a lot or something. If anyone's gonna be submissive, it's the girl. Being in charge gets me going.

I appreciate the foot

Barefoot Japanese women? Sign me upppp


Can anyone vouch for Shoes Like Pottery?
I like the look of them and their unique manufacturing process but I'm scared they won't last long


>unique manufacturing process

I can't read moonrunes, pls explain.


barefoot easily beats any shoe that isn't zero drop. still i try to be barefoot as much as possible

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obligatory body text just to post this image with text


harassment is appreciated btw


are you okay sushi?

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Tfw a friend induces bad feels

>getting drinks with friend

>starts talking about this grill I used to be friends with and had a huge crush on
>they're still friends
>been 2 years and I'm over it but avoid her like the plague
>"yeah she got back with her ex. I know you two will end up married though once you're both done being idiots."

My question is, is this the kind of opinion that normal people feel comfortable voicing? It seems completely over the line to me and really headfucked me.

Also pls delete thread if annoying social bullshit isn't allowed
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who knows amiright which is worse,

1)people who turn everything into a huge pseudo-political rant / repressed-and-unrecognized-frustration-vent

2)people like you mention which i don't really know how to characterize

3)people that post sage off-topic stuff because the anti-christ told you not to use toothpaste.

4)people overly concerned with social conformity even at the expense of correctness, who also talk about 'normies,' as if being overly-normal wasn't also a psycho-emotional disorder.


I'm gonna say #1


I feel the same way sushi. One of the reasons that I like the culture of Japan


Weird, Japanese hate their own society.


But I'm not Japanese, am I though?

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It felt good


Group poop
Poop soup
Poop in a loop
Snoopin on poopin
Woop there's the poop


im gonna do it


bouta poop, wish me luck


i am pooing

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