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/hell/ - internet death cult


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You ever just want to shoot people?


Are you okay sushi roll?


No. Everyone I know hates me. I deserve it, but that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.


Cops will fuck you if you do so I wouldn't do it


CNN Breaking News: sushi rollymous affiliated forum 'Sushichan' connected to shooter of the day, FBI alleges

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Was ghosted a while back for basically no reason
I think, even deleted her acc what do?. Also talk about being ghosted in general and give a homie some advice on what to do.
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Your wife was pregnant and you were cheating with some random on Second Life? You should have cut that off long before you felt "scared" or it bled into your real life. Sad as fuck.


There's usually a reason why it happens even if you don't find out. One of the reasons I quit hanging out with my friend is disillusionment with that person. I saw them taking advantage of people and I decided I couldn't trust them anymore.


It's somewhat jarring to me as to how second life drama can be so serious.

>or has a massive impact on your RL

Generally when I ghost or have been ghosted it's to people I only know irl..


Time to get a better class of friends…


Make today the best it can be…

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How come people commit into relashionships and later find out maybe you're not so sure about all the promises you made? I feel hurt for how much the human heart is warped sometimes.


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Because you get drunk on love and while you do mean it, that state doesn't last forever. Sometimes the thing it morphs into is compatible with the things you said at first, sometimes not. Sometimes it ferments, sometimes it rots, sometimes all signs of activity stop. Some people learn to not lean into it too hard too fast, some people have low tolerance for love-chems. Some people think mistake losing the intensity of that initial falling head over heels for losing feelings altogether and chase the next new-crush opportunity that falls in their lap.
You've probably been hype to make plans with someone while drunk on booze/beer and not felt up for it at all when sober. Same thing, different modes of inebriation. It's not personal, it's just hard to preemptively think outside of curent frame of mind.


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boys are fucking trash t. boy

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Minimum wage isn't enough to cover the cost of living in America. There are currently 870,000 people in America who make minimum wage. That doesn't even count people who are working under the table, paid less than what people say on the books, people who don't pay taxes, undocumented workers, people who are paid barely above minimum wage (but still don't earn enough), etc.

Companies paying employees less than the cost of living costs taxpayers because then they have to support programs like foodstamps/EBT/etc. And many people voluntarily put money into soup kitchens or food pantries for poor people. But instead of getting mad at the companies that don't pay people enough to get by, the average person gets mad at the poor working class, who, despite working, don't make enough to make ends meet.

The American Dream used to be having a 2 story house, a wife, 2-3 kids, a dog, a car, and a picket fence. Now? The American dream is being able to pay rent and not starve.
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You can as butthurt as you want over the fact that sooner or later there'll be more Indians who speak English than native Anglo speakers and how the language will change because of that.


>The underclass relies on an upper class
>to do specialised jobs
Debatable, but go on…
>and give them employment
Seize the means of production and they won't have to!


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Being poor sucks but money management can help a little…


>but when you can barely feed yourself and make rent at the same time while working two jobs, it is hard to see more than what is right in front of you.
I think this is a larger problem than people give it credit for. My uncle was homeless for a while and it really taught me how dynamic of a state poverty is. It's not just going to the same shitty minimum wage job day after day, it's an unstable cycle that's constantly shifting out from under their feet. There's always something.
I wonder how much better people would be off if these jobs were simply stable. Would the routine help to make life more comfortable and devote energies to getting to a better place?

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>/hell/ has discussion

So I can't wait for winter to come. Everything will be slippery and the homeless will freeze to death. Ever wonder how the nordic countries have so few homeless people?
Also there will be ice fairies. Just like last year. For sure. Mhm.

Secret handshake out

ps I keep reading the new topic button as new york
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what the fuck


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summer came really late for sushichan yeah?


biggu bakku dayo


CIRNO is cute


love this fucking webm

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Should I go commando? Why or why not? I can only think of positives (easy on the balls, have to do less laundry).


Op here, I decided to go commando. I will report my findings back in a day or two. feels very nice


You're going to end up doing just as much or more laundry since there's no barrier between your balls+butt and pants anymore


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>Should I go commando?
>Removes underwear less than five minutes later
Wow, op is already on the fast track to enlightenment

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I miss lizch so fuggin much bros
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Even the posts are back now!



You realize that loli is crying because of cum in her mouth??


She just doesn't like yogurt sushi roll. But it's good for her so she's doing her best to eat it anyways.


her ice cream melted

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Would you smash this?
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Before reading this thread, yes.
After reading this thread, no.
After thinking for a while… maybe.


Honestly not really.
Hips too smol, thighs too smol.


yes, of course , but god i would much rather get "this" inside me


Meatless Monday. May I get a vegan version?


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I would rather throw it on the roof.

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Why do i feel this sense of impending doom? i think ive gotten things figured out and i can clearly see what i need to do to live a good life, but i feel with every step i take, with every month that passes, with every changing season, im only awaiting a brutal revaluation bound to happen in my lifes time. Like a day of judgement, a day that breaks all logic and bends reality. the answer to all the problems that life has.

I feel like im going to meet god. Like we are going to meet god, and transcend into a higher being.

Am i crazy sushirolls? does anyone else feel it?
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Woops, I completely misread >>1152 and got a little carried away.
Hopefully there's still something worth reading in my crazy tired person ramblings.


That was interesting enough to remind I should buy or find the necessary to grow herbs to bring more joy into my food.

Your feedback part is interesting, but I'm already too drunk to add something of value about it. I can fantasize about hermit life and hide it all I want, I'm an empty shell without the validation and recognition of the few people I adore



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We all have our own psychic plane. My message to you is not happy or sad, but I see that I can drop my anchor in fertile ground.

I see how you can transcend. Adjust your plane automatically by slowly cleansing the trust in unity from your veins. I know what I'm talking about, because I have experienced the trembling and awakening.

I have no right to drag others into my river, I oblige no one to follow me and everybody practices in his own way. But the door remains open to the possibility of wallowing in cushions and good things to eat.


I *feel* tired. Everything is dross.

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im really in hell


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Oh lord, get the water black dragon roll!



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