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This is a genuine question born out of curiosity.

THE QUESTION IS: Why do you voice your laments, even though people try to avoid them? Why do you leave cries of others ignored?

There are popular threads on /hell/ which are echo chambers of crying and complaining, with majority of posts lacking any replies and every other post whining about the same thing as the last one.

I see this everywhere: live chat rooms, forums and real life. Sometimes the vent keeps the conversation silent for a while before moving on, sometimes the topic is just changed quickly, sometimes it gets shaken off with a "everything will be fine :)". Yet people keep crying and ignoring cries of others, often both.

I cry because I hope for attention and romanticized being miserable. I ignore people who vent because I often end up as receiving end of their (now annoyed) complaints due to me coming off as rude or crudely blunt.


I don't think most people in those threads are expecting or even really wanting attention. I think it's more about the fact that if something's been bugging you a lot, then openly complaining about it can legitimately help to get it off your mind - that's what "venting" is. It's not about attention, it's just about getting it out of your system.


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It takes a considerable amount of my mental energy to engage and support someone who is miserable, I don't have that so I ignore it. It's the same shit as blogposting. I don't care, so I don't reply. There's nothing I could say that would help anyways.

I find it annoying sadposting tends to end up everywhere I go. Pretty much every online community I'm apart of have people sad posting and trauma dumping in general chats. It kills the nice feeling of the community and freezes chat rooms as no one wants to post after someone talks about how they've been diddled as a kid or whatever


Sometimes i vent. I don't do it much because, like the poster above, I get annoyed when a board starts getting a lot of whinyposts. Case in point is l**nchan which I stoppe


Fucking screen keboard.
Anyhow, …chan which I stopped using because people would start opening whole threads to post stuff that should be on the vent thread. It really gets super annoying to see yet another thread that's essentially identical to 3 other ones. Worse even, sometimes these people won't take advice and will try and refute every reply that tries to be helpful.
So, yeah, I vent only when I am at a limit. And I don't expect replies, of course.


The hurt has to come out somehow. If you don't put it out, it will come out in another, more uncontrolled fashion.

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wouldn't it be *absolutely hilarious* if there was a trend similar to the infamous ice bucked challenge where instead of ice water influencers poured buckets of gasoline over their heads and set themselves on fire~?


are you a real clown girl?


I'd like to see them pour a bucket of demonic spirits from the netherlands

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i love your music pink girl very nice dear god real gang schlickin and gooning ginger monkey man we love him A-Mert and Cable aaa ily aaaa Mable good

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>Be me.
>Be poor and trans in America.
>Read rabid and dumb anti-Cuba propaganda from 2009 that is supposed to be an intelligent smear of Castro's pro-LGBT daughter's intentions.

>"Yet it’s difficult to point to any tangible benefits that Espín’s activism has accrued, other than a decision last year by the Cuban government to dispense free sex-reassignment surgeries."


>I'm sitting here knowing my government won't pay for my SRS so I'll never afford to get one, but at least Cuba is doing one thing right. I keep reading…

>"This is a policy of dubious merit that affects an infinitesimally small number of people, and is better understood as a propaganda tool rather than a genuine sign of concern for the plight of gays."

I feel my rage boiling over. I dropped my phone and laughed out loud at that out of touch U.S. loving writer who thought it's ok to downplaying trans issues as only affecting a few people while claiming moral superiority over Cuba. Laugh with me because it's the only therapy I can get.

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i feel like any op with the phrase
>I feel my rage boiling over
is by nature uncomfy.
I sympathise with you op, however this is not the place to post stuff like that.


ywnbaw lol


Americans are weird even for online standards.


why would you bump this kuso thread


>downplaying trans issues
What makes you come to that conclusion? It's a matter of fact, that only a small percentage of the population benefits directly from this kind of support. This does in no way downplay the merit of such support for the people in need of it.

On the other hand interpreting it as a propaganda tool doesn't make much sense either. If only few people are affected by this ruling, why even bother trying to win them over?

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I really want to be in a relationship where the woman is the breadwinner (I wrote this word so many times that I forgot its meaning), dominant in every aspect (e.g. earns more money than I would), someone I could obsess over as one sushi roll put it. But should I be careful what I wish for? I feel like I just need to wait a little bit more before I finish university, work on myself (mainly body), then put myself on the map and find a woman like that.

What are your thoughts? Sorry I didn't know where to post so I went to /hell/
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I don't think that there's too much to think about that itself, sushi! I'm honestly more curious about why you associate higher income with dominance than the fact that you want a breadwinner wife. In fact, higher income is the only thing that you associate with dominance in your post weirdly enough. Are you sure that you are actually looking for a woman who wears the pants in the relationship? You also seem to be apprehensive about going through with it for some reason, but you don't really explain why. Also, what will waiting longer or getting in better shape really do for you? It just sounds like an excuse to not really put yourself out there.
It sounds to me like you're a pretty normal person, sushi, so I wonder why you're so unconfident about this.

You have no proof of this. There are plenty of women who are looking for non-traditional relationships and most certainly will be respectful to their partners. In fact, more women probably find it admirable that a man wants something different out of life than just what tradition dictates. I think there are better places for people like you.


Well, this was one example. I'd also like to be dominated in the bedroom, as well as with her friends and mine. Why wait? Well, I'm in university, and I intend to move to a different country, so I was wondering if I can find that kind of woman there.
Sorry I came out indecisive, I really do want to have this relationship and marriage, and I want it to last.


These women exist everywhere, but some societies look down upon it, which discourages these women from being open about it. So depending on the country, these women might be harder to find. Also if you don't speak the language of the country, finding any partner is going to be difficult.


>some societies look down upon it
Harsh truth I'm afraid, but I won't let it get to me
>speak the language of the country
No worries there, other people have told me I speak their language really well :)


Best of luck to you then! And I'm sure you know, but be prepared for a lot of time spent searching, and probably going on dates that end up going nowhere. Such is just the reality of dating. Remember that getting closer to finding a partner is never time wasted. It is simply time spent.

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There are lots of different strange romanticization and aesthetics for different things that involve parasocial activities, certain behaviors and characters. Is there any aesthetic for, for example, 2 am gas station worker? Tech Support worker? Etc.
Or such aesthetics are not that interesting and people should not care about popularizing such niche things?
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So Lain is really just like a streamer?


Vtuber Lain is something i do want and do not want at the same time Xd It would be 100% trash content streamer or something like Muta but a girl and not an Indian


only way to do a Lain vtuber right would be if she was full AI, like Neurosama


Dead inside Neurosama? Sounds cool


Aesthetics are decided upon influences and natural preferences. Finding the essential parts of these and expressing them is the core work of artists. When asking why is x not popular, the first approach would be to ask, what does x express, what are the essential parts, that outline and describe it? What do people cherish, what is irrelevant, what is adjacent to the appeal?

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Generations of people have been, and continue to be, inspired by pervasive violence: namely anorectal violence. Many perpetrators of this violence against one or more others especially in public pornography have not faced severe punishment despite both 1) the high likelihood of anorectal injury to a receptive person due to anorectal fragility, and 2) the significance and potential severity (even lethality) of resultant traumatic consequences. What arguably should easily be considered incriminating behavior worldwide is commonly featured in public pornography, in many cases being sold for profit and far too often serving as an example to be copied. This situation is both one of the greatest injustices and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence in the modern era. Facilitating factors include prevalent (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation about anorectal topics, which are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with anorectal violence and to spread disinformation quite effectively.


please ignore this post
/lounge/ is for comfy posting and fun, this poster is lost


Not really, no. People addressing the issues covered seriously and effectively would increase the comfiness and long-term fun (i.e., quality of life) of many people who'd avoid having to deal with various health issues that could be one or more of embarrassing, unpleasant, serious, and chronic.

Furthermore, I'd be comfier and have more fun if I had a greater pool of potential fap material (I wrote about an aesthetic anus fetish for a reason), but that doesn't really matter; it's quite insignificant by comparison.

Perhaps addressing the matters documented would even be comfy and fun for some. They won't know until they try, right?


Wow, so you still exist.


nolifes do what nolifes do :/


Long time no see, did that date go well? Are you on vacation still? As a side note, for such topics we have /hell/, since there are indeed people who do not give a crap and do not wish to see your work. :P

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careful what you wish for


le ebin monke paa ::DDDDDDDDDDddDD

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>Are you not the guy who whined on lainchan that people sage?
No, I haven't actually been on lainchan in a couple years. In fact, I've kinda been taking a break from imageboards in general lately, but even before that I hadn't been on lainchan in a while.
And yes, I realize that everyone uses sage, myself included, but I wasn't really talking about just using sage when appropriate, I was moreso talking about the concept of sageing every single post you make (and I know most people don't do that, because if that was the case then almost every post on the site would be saged). I still think that it tends to stick out as a bit odd when a post that most people wouldn't sage is saged, but I'll admit that calling it pseudonimity was probably a bit of a stretch.
In any case, I wasn't actually upset about it or trying to police anyone's behavior when I made that post, I was just a bit curious and I guess I just thought that it would be an interesting conversation to have at the time. Sorry if I came off as rude.




I wish i was dead


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Wrong. Soicaca board


Nah I was the one that got sensitive because of the guy I mentioned on lainchan. I guess I still had that thorn lol.
Once I saw a poster on wiz saying he saged every post he made because he never felt what he said was particularly important or insightful.
I usually sage whenever I don't add to the conversation, or just funpost. Which is most of the time.

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This is a weird one, sushi rolls. For my whole life I've only been attracted to girls, but the other day as I was going through bad music from childhood I ended up on one of those terrible boybands meant to seduce little girls, the main singer was warbling some shit about love and suddenly for no reason I just fell for him really hard. I watched many more of their videos (cringing at myself immensely but I kinda liked it), thought "that was weird" and went to bed. Ever since then though I've been fantasising constantly about boys and kissing them and dating them. Seeing my friend soon and I'm scared I'll act really weird because now I have a crush on him I guess. Just wondering if any sushi rolls have experience with this? I don't want to feel like this anymore, if you can help me not be gay by sunday you will have my eternal gratitude.
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You were repressing it, nearly everyone is bi and maybe soon you're realize you're trans too.


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Sounds like sushi found his peace :)


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I found a Japanese furry artist who makes a lot of mtf. Is there a good thread or image board for this stuff? I feel like I've been missing out by hanging out in non-furry friendly places.


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Honestly that mangaka's point kinda does resonate with me. I really do want to know how the other gay relationship would be in experience reality, and fetish stuff just isn't the same thing.

I'm by no means gay, but I simply can't help but wonder what it's really like to be dating a man.

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