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/hell/ - internet death cult


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There is sauce on the floor. What you gonna do? Act like an idiot? Hide under a blanket and pray to the spaghetti monster for have mercy and meat balls? Roll around barking like a dog in hope someone will put a leash onto you, so you don't have to bear with your freedom anymore?


You gonna grip that shit and squeeze your lips after a bite in a lemon! This is you time to shine, baby. Get fuck up and kick that angst in the nut sack!


Shitting in the tub~~~


I drop sauce on the floor every day. Every day I have to clean it up. Make mess and try to clean it up; that's all I do.


And then there is this one guy, entering the room and starring at the floor, like he knows excactly what was going on in the last years.

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apt-get –joacim lovedeluxe && cowsay ":^)"

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I'm starting to understand why I drink so much. It's not just for fun or for the hell of it. I'm self-medicating for anxiety and depression. I know this isn't a permanent solution, but I don't know what else to do to cope.
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kratom is not an opioid, and has a relatively low affinity for the opioid-mu receptor in comparison to even tramadol, and there's not much literature behind most of what you listed, be careful..


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I stopped drinking heavily after something like that happened. The shame is still there, but the hangover was ten times worse. Later and until last year I was still drinking a lot to cope with anxiety, but never enough to get sick from it.

Anyway, congratulations OP, that's not an easy task.


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Exercise, my guy. I didn't like it at first but it really did clear my mind. Now I love it and look forward to the gym every day for the boost. Give it a month of two or three times a week and take it at least a little seriously. I guarantee you'll feel some improvement.


Would you recommend muscle training or just cardio?

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oc from me


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whoops th


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veru appealing shemai waifu nao

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do you guys have friends outside the internet or anything like that? if so:

go hug yourselves normies
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Elaborate? I don't think I implied anything of the sort.


What are you actually on about?


it's weird since when "normie" started to appear on /jp/ circa 2012, it was specifically meant to sound *less* bitter and cancerous than the alternative. like, we were over being resentful. it's not a big deal. they can do their thing while we do ours. then a few years later /r9k/ claimed it and managed to spread their stupid frog meme to the mainstream internet.
i guess i shouldn't be surprised, it's far easier to revel in self-pity and blame the world for your misery than it is to be constructive and take personal responsibility.

meanwhile i haven't heard "NORP" in ages


I think it should only be mentioned if it is necessary or contributes to the post, while mentioning it for attention shouldnt.
Didn't the "TITS OR GTFO" meme originally mean that your sex doesn't matter on the internet?


It was like, half that and half horny /b/tards just hoping that someone would actually fucking do it.

I always admired how chantrash could dovetail very noble purposes with very foul ones. It was always a delicate balance to maintain but we were so smart about being stupid.

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the first youtube video was released 02/16/2005, but what nobody knew was that it was a murder that happened in 1979.
-the amateur video shows moments before the murder of 3 girls by the man who was singing along with them.


this aroused me


fake and gay and go away


First youtube video was of a fucking indian guy at the zoo


the creator of youtube at the zoo
best piece of yt kino


fake but clip itself is pretty good

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Why does it feel like in the English speaking internet everyone take your words as an attack on their hobbies/personalities and instantly start being passive aggressive towards whatever it is you're saying?
Have you noticed the same? How do you deal with this phenomena?
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OP didn't say "everyone else is the problem", only that enough people seem to act that way that it can "feel like" everyone.

anyway the reason is generations of decadence and deliberate influence programs by hostile powers to undermine the spirit of western society, eroding any common sense of pride or fellowship and making everyone anxious, defensive and suspicious of each other. the internet used to be a haven for free expression and therefore a great way to relieve social stress and form unconditional bonds with people in this time, but since social media took over it's become even worse than meatspace. i can't think of much advice to give other than try to support smaller competitors to the major communication platforms wherever possible. donate to your local altchan today


There's an ongoing arms race to signal in-group status on the internet. Many conversations aren't really about the topics they're about in theory, they're just about signalling membership of a common group. This isn't some conscious thing or suggestion that some people are NPCs, it's something we've always done. It's just that on the internet the race can be launched into overdrive since we've got less non-verbal communication to work with combined with many more people interacting at a much higher pace.

I hope one day the web slows down or withdraws into smaller sites rather than the big social media companies we've got now, it should help calm people down within communities even if the various sites all hate one another. I don't think it's likely though.


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"what was that. Were you having a controversial thought?"


I really, really like this image. I will save it if you do not mind.
I wish I had someone that would rig an election to be closer with me (in a non creepy way).


What's your intention behind these "genuine" questions?
Because most of the time is "I'm genuinely trying to figure out why you're a tard".

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Why did the bean get homesick?
Because it missed its 豆.
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Okay fine you didn't like that one then howe aboute thise.
Why did Kenshiro never kick Souther?
Because he lost his Shu.


Okay maybe not many people in HELL read that so here's a knee-slapper from another manga
alright so
Why did Bucciarati grow up to be a thief?
Because he had sticky fingers.


How about something topical then.

An angry businessman wanted to complain about how his fish was being served raw over perfectly cooked rice, see. He thought, "MAN. That chef must be insulting me!" So he marched into the kitchen uninvited– where on meeting the chef, found out she was a woman.
"Of course, she must be one of those feminists." Satisfied by this knowledge, he smugly turned to march back out– only to slip on a soysauce puddle and hurt his neck. Lying there with the female chef apologizing, he decided it was time to 鮨.


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Why did Ass?


> yukky
I got that.

Spelling jokes in two foreign languages are tough.

I could add my mother tongue, but that would burst the ラーメン.

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what the fuck? why was my thread deleted? that was perfect /hell/ material. also since when is seisatsu the owner? what happened to my boy itamae-san?


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Itamae hasn't been the owner since sushichan was sushigirl.tokyo.

Itamae disappeared back then for a while and the site eventually went down if I recall correctly, with Seisatsu then recreating it as sushigirl.us to bring it back up as a clone. There was a /yakuza/ thread on it when sushigirl.us went live -

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is this where ntr belongs


ntr belongs nowhere


Pls bost de Ntr fren.

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