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/hell/ - internet death cult

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a few years ago i was pretty into anime. i had figurines and posters, and had the patience to keep up with airing stuff too. but since around 2013 i just haven't really had the patience to watch anime anymore. i tried going back to a show i really liked, haibane renmei, but this time the flaws of the show (i.e. the second half) really stood out to me a lot more.

and while i still really like manga, i feel like i dont have the same high opinion of the industry as a whole. i'm not one of those miyazaki type anti-moe snobs. i actually really like a lot of cute SoL stuff, but i feel like a lot of the stuff i read nowadays is more entertaining than artistically profound. could a work as good as YKK come out in today's environment? i like the mangaka's new stuff like Kotonoba Drive, but it seems so rare nowadays. maybe it's just not being scanlated. even stuff that is a bit deeper like shojo shumatsu ryoko seems like yuribait.

i get that there has always been low quality trash. maybe it was always this way, and it just took me this long to realise it.

or maybe i'm just being a hipster, now that anime is a bit more mainstream than it used to be.

i suppose its natural that tastes and values change over time, but it's a bit sad when i realise how much time i poured into this interest. did i really waste all this time on something so trite? i'm at the point where i can't remember what drew me to it in the first place.

anyone else had any similar experiences?
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>There's like one studio that isn't very afraid to experiment (Science SARU) and that's pretty much it.

I was a huge Yuasa fan for ages, it seemed like everything he worked on was great. But I haven't really liked anything he's done since Yoru wa Mijikashi Aruke yo Otome back in 2017. Lu Over the Wall from the same year felt rushed, as Did Ride Your Wave from 2020. Has he lost the magic touch? Compare the stuff he's doing nowadays to this scene from Mind Game–it just seems a lot less ambitious.


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I don't care for the website itself, it was the only one with a definition of "webgen".

There's one more Yuasa show in which you can see his influence – Devilman Crybaby from 2018. It really had Kemonozume vibes.

Unfortunately, Yuasa's and Choi's studio (Science SARU) started making "family-friendly" anime in the vibe of Ghibli (so yeah, the two movies you listed). Eizouken was quite good, but it definitely wasn't a typical Yuasa show.
Willing to bet that's part of the reason why the guy's taking a break from the industry (he effectively resigned from being SARU's CEO after Eizouken).
He's still working on that Inu-Oh thing… the premise doesn't speak to me very much, so we'll see how that one turns out.


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i feel like this is reflected in the subject matter of a lot of shows. isn't the industry oversaturated with either isekai type fantasy shows or high school SoL or drama shows? not that these settings are inherently bad, but is there anything with a more original setting or premise, e.g. paranoia agent, texnolyze, cowboy bebop

maybe its more the tone than the subject-matter. shows these days seem like they're aimed more at being entertaining or relaxing rather than actually exploring interesting ideas…

but i'd love to be proved wrong! what are the most interesting and original shows/manga/whatever that you've seen in recent years?


>isn't the industry oversaturated with either isekai type fantasy shows or high school SoL or drama shows?

The situation with isekai got bad enough the major light novel competitions stopped accepting isekai entries.

I think drama and SoL won't stop being popular.

There has also been a major peak in yuri shows recently, for whatever reason.

>a more original setting or premise

I've been hearing Made in Abyss was pretty interesting, still haven't seen it, though. It's supposedly darker than anything that's come out recently, is said to have a good worldbuilding. I think I'll watch it soon.

Houseki no Kuni was pretty good. I don't think I know a show with a similar premise.

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She looks sad. Doesn't she like the bird? Did it kill her family?


It's whispering curse words in her ear


what a colorful birdie


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One could say he uses some colorful language.

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do the secret boards still exist?
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mmm, double rotation


I raise you one flying duckboi

>it’s a stock photo which makes it meta


If it wasn't a *secret* you would probably know about it by now


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your beauty she took
your poetry she sucked out
your madness she purged
for she said she'd take your child
and now you are hollow
you call yourself a warrior, but
who needs hollow men?
she'll leave you hollow
she'll leave you
who needs hollow men?
but, you call yourself a warrior
now you are hollow and
she'd take your child for
she said she'd purge your madness
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yes he is a he, but he could as well be a she. but he's not, and that's a good thing. i don't care anymore. i used to, but i don't anymore. i don't have the capacity to imagine anything beyond what's been provided. the framework he's provided is a feminine abstraction, a silhouette. but i know it's not true. then again, i don't care. i used to, but not anymore. this feminine silhouette is as fake as he is. because, as far as i know, even He could be fake. that actually worries me. not as much as it used to, but it still does. i don't even know if he is real. he could be. i'm trying to find out, slowly, the same way i tried to find out if he is a he or a she, or a he trying to come off as she. that i ended up finding out. but what good does it do if i don't even know if he's real. that's what i'm trying to uncover now. it might take some work. i hope i manage to. give me a couple of weeks, maybe. facades are paper-thin, they always crack under pressure, over time. His facade is paper-thin, i can see right through his cold demeanor.


what to heck is this post

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Thread for posting what you had for lunch. I had a breakfast burrito with tots and iced coffee.
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I think you're good. I didn't eat until 2pm but I still counted it as lunch. What did you have today?


Ah in that case I suppose I'll count my meal as lunch then. As for me some rice, chicken and fruit. It's rather simple but has enough energy and protein content to get me going throughout the day until I get some dinner.


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Mmm chicken and rice sounds delish rn.


I had a late breakfast in a cafe, a bunch of fried food–eggs and beans and sausages on bread with tea. Had some ready-made lasagna that I reheated for a late lunch later in the afternoon.


Yes..YES! My mouth is watering

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soypsy browndady

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