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/hell/ - internet death cult


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5 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i want boytenryuu to fuck me so bad


Damn he's so hot. You got more?


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y'can look up mikoyan on e-hentai
his girltenryuu is as good, he is bisexual heaven
god I wish more artists drew guys like this, completely girlish traps are boring


Hmhm, I don't like the "draw a girl and say she got a penis" style. Manly or slightly manly traps are the best indeed. And thanks, will look him up


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Fuck it.
I am in bad mood for almost 2 weeks now, and this shit happens every fucking year at the same time (mid January until mid February).
>changing my mood but every night I go to sleep feeling depressed
>not productive
>bad shit happens at least once a week
>i become super sensitive and emotional
>and on top of all that i think i am falling in love with one of my only girl friends

Not sure what to do. Should I just wait or make some moves. I hope this ends soon.
7 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Tell her how you feel before your friend tells her.


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Playing violent video-games helps me when I'm in a mood…


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The more violent, the better!


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Have blood splatter everywhere!


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Sometimes you just wanna break stuff

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the NPC meme is just a millennial/zoomer rebranding of solipsism, also it shows a lack of empathy

it's easier to call someone an NPC than it is to try and understand that they have a unique perspective and their own life experiences and that they're just as valid of a person as you are(blow it out yer ass)
73 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You're not even talking with each other, you're talking at each other.
Just stop already.


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can we just punt this thread over to superhell already


Oh fuck off.

Unsure if that is needed. Can't push a thread to superhell every time this guy finds something left or centrist leaning hidden between each paragraph.


In all honesty, I doubt this meme makes people think twice about themselves.
To the people being called npcs, it's just another right-wing buzzword that will be ignored. As for the people saying the meme, they also won't reflect on their own views. If you view your opponents as mindless cattle, you're not going to take their views seriously and challenge your own views.
You could say that the people being called npcs maybe should reflect on their views, but the people calling them npcs aren't saying it because they want to change their mind. They say it because they aren't worth talking to in the first place, which is why they're called npcs. It's used as a politcal insult, and people will take it as a political insult instead of criticism.
Ultimately I don't think the term really does any harm. It's just a reflection of the current political climate. Nothing new or insightful is being said. It's just a more effective way to say the same thing.


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take this as a gift. you'll need it sooner or later.

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4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Serves you right, underage.



>got banned from 4chan

>one more reason to pull the trigger

You need to stop using the internet.


Imagine being 18 and behaving like that.


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They did you a favor friend. The glory days of 4chan have been gone for about a decade now, this site got too big for it's own good.



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Oh my darling, oh my darling,
oh my darling, Sushi Girl!
You're so comfy, you're so comfy,
you're so comfy, Sushi Girl!


I always knew the hanna barbera characters where the spawn of hell.

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I regret becoming a programmer. I should've chosen to be a park ranger or something instead. Too much time in front of a screen is bad for you. But it's too late to change now.
3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



>But it's too late to change now.
with that attitude it definitely is.

kinda pointless giving work advice without knowing your situation better except to say that you have friends, colleagues, and family who know your story better and might be able to help you out.


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I resonate with this. I try to vent online but turn it into an artform. I think there is something beautiful about the freedom to arrange letters to show what i want.

But I do feel there is a great work of destruction to be accomplished. Novelty is lacking, reality is crumbling, broken, I grasp at the centipede of logic, thrashing, fucking itself, eating itself alive.

morality is an injection of chocolate into your veins.


sometimes venting can help in the sense that you are not alone in your angst and struggles

being shot down for having feelings or being sad sometimes can be equally harmful as negative thought loop hug boxes imo


It's easier to change careers from programmer to park ranger than the other way around.

If you try a new line of work and don't like it, or lose that new job at some point, you will still have that valuable programming experience on your CV.

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In this thread I shall assemble some big ABC's and some little abc's. I shall not do so to present evidence to prove a point, but rather I shall prove that I do not wish to prove a point.

I destroy the drawers of the brain, and those of social organisation: to sow demoralisation everywhere, and throw heaven's hand into hell, hell's eyes into heaven, lto reinstate the fertile wheel of a universal circus in the Powers of reality, and the fantasy of every individual.


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Morality has determined charity and pity, two balls of fat that have grown like elephants, like planets, and are called good. There is nothing good about them. Goodness is lucid, clear and decided, pitiless toward compromise and politics. Morality is an injection of chocolate into the veins of all men.


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We want novelty. We are human, we are amusement, impulsiveness, and vibrant attempt to crucify boredom.

At the crossroads of the lights, alert, attentively awaiting the years.


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I have no right to drag others into my river, I oblige no one to follow me and everybody practices in his own way. But the door remains open to the possibility of wallowing in cushions and good things to eat.


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Notes From The Wired (Redlight Manifesto)

everything in the universe has a frequency, a resonance.
everyone in the universe has a private trap, that only they can see
I will wish you luck but first I will say 3 things:
1. I hate phrases and people who spout phrases. But mostly people who spout phrases.
2. I hate small talk and people who constantly small talk. But mostly people who constantly small talk.
3. I love justice, truth, and true comradeship, and all of humanity on an equal footing.

I know, greater than those who would consider themselves cultivated and decent, what is sublime and beautiful!

I live, or love to fall into the common routine, that which is life.
I despise, or hate with terror any form of eccentricity in myself.
I am more highly developed because I love to be the most cowardly and slave-like.
Not only do I fancy this, but I am in fact the most coward and slave-like.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


sushichan sushichan sushichan sushichan sushichan sushichan sushichan sushichan

spent two racks on a new game
mai waifu luh do cocaine


I checked his verse on Gucci Gang and what the fuck, amazing something so low effort is selling so well. Marxists won.


Yea… the Marxists are the reason that Gucci Gang makes bank and not the people who like their music.

Here's a quotable, for every single record exec,
Get yo fuckin' hands outta muh waifu, nigga, like Malcolm X!


Music doesn't have to be complicated or have deep lyrics. The human brain enjoys rhythm. Basic rhythms are the most accessible for large audiences. It's not a book, it's a song. A song doesn't need to be meaningful. Instrumental music is proof of that.

I don't really like Lil Pump, but let's not pretend that every song has to be extremely intellectual.

Only liking "smart" music just comes off as boring and pretentious. I'd rather listen to fun and silly music. Not everything has to be super serious all the time.

Immortal Technique rubs me the wrong way. It sounds like he's trying way too hard to sound smart and well-versed in political issues when really it's just mediocrity dressed up with a thesaurus. Reminds me of Rage Against The Machine or Banksy. Political issues summed up in overly-simplified sound bites that sound good to dilettantes.


>It sounds like he's trying way too hard to sound smart and well-versed in political issues when really it's just mediocrity dressed up with a thesaurus.

That was the reason I posted a song of his, to mock the idea of "smart music". I used to love his raps until I realized he just talks big and isn't that clever. I'd rather hear "stupid" music than "smart" music any day.


I was half-serious, half-joking. I completely understand the concept of something being catchy.

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