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/hell/ - internet death cult


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Are you an incel? If not, what do you think about incels?
41 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I'm far older than you, you fucking lying normalfag california roll black dragon roll piece of shit fuckface.



>I'm far older than you

Oh, I see the issue…


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Well, this didn't take long to escalate.


I regret making this thread


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why was it suspended out of interest?


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Honestly I don't even remember, it's been a while since it happened. It was up for the longest time and when I checked on it several months back it was sent to the twitter gulag along with my old personal account, perhaps because they had links to each other. They nuked my personal account because I called a prominent public persona a filthy whore. Easy come, easy go, kouhai.

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An imageboard's heart of it all is it's very own random content, if the random content is gay, the rest of the place can also be condoned as gay.


Why are you apologizing if you're condoning us?


Do the sudoku, california roll!

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Going to eat them.. When they grow of course..


reportet to authorities

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A girl who has been suffering from a disease that was sent out by her father is loneliness. She is trying to find solace in the hospital, but things are always about the opposite. In the first episode of this anime I watched a movie titled "Hokuryo Sudo", and even though the original ending was quite good and the characters were all likable, there was just no way that the second season could have been a better show. After all, this is a show based out of a movie theater. A movie theater is an environment where people go for the movies. It's not a good environment because you're not allowed to go in, the theater is all-night. After all, the people who go to the theater are the people who are playing the role of the audience. The movie is very much like any other anime when it comes to music. For this anime, all the characters are in different genres that are all different. Some are more different, some are more different, but their voices and personality are all the same. There are an endless number of ways to look at the characters, which is why they're so different. They're not really there to represent the real life, they're there to represent this kind of life we have in our reality as people. Their voices are all about the characters, not just something you hear in the real world. The only things that are not true about this show at all is its story line, because everything is based around the characters that are based on some kind of real life, this person living in a real life as a normal human being who has this kind of life and is in this world. The entire thing is based entirely around their personalities and their interactions, and they are made to behave completely different than ordinary people. These are all different things, yet these people can't really be seen in the very real world, and that is why the show is so completely ridiculous. If this show had some more realistic approach, then it would be something that I would want to see more of in this medium. It's a show that uses realistic and realistic people, something that's also used in a lot of anime. But this does nothing more than create a world where people go for the stories based on these characters without even getting to the actual reality of actual people. This is what made all the characters different from other live action anime, that people like for more like realistic or realistic. The show is so bad that even "Shou Yuuki is not a real person" would be considered an imprPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Took me a while before I realized this was computer made.

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So I need some new members for my Discord server.
And here's the link https://discord.gg/hKFcWxc.
And also invite other people for your other stuff here. Stay safe.


there is a thread for this.
It's literally in the first page of the kaitensushi catalog. Not trying to be uncomfy but cmon now.

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I think I'm schizophrenic
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Advice from someone who's been through it: Get an outpatient appointment ASAP with a psychiatrist. They won't hospitalize you unless you are seriously symptomatic or a danger. Don't hide symptoms, but it may be wise not to mention thoughts of self-harm, harming others, or suicidal thoughts. Ex. If you're hearing voices say so, but don't say they're telling you to hurt yourself, and when they ask if you're going to act on what they say, always say you know better.

It can take months to get an outpatient appointment (do emphasize you need one as soon as possible), so if you're having serious psychotic symptoms or are experiencing a loss of control of your mind, bite the bullet and go to the hospital. You'll have more rights as a patient who came there voluntarily as opposed to someone who was committed. It will suck, but stay there until you get a medicine that brings you 90% of the way back to normal. Again, do not hide symptoms. The right medicine WILL let you stop fighting for control of your mind, WILL make you stop hearing voices, WILL get rid of 90% of your hallucinations, etc etc. A lot of people get discharged early on wrong/ineffective medicine, and that's a huge mistake. Cooperate with your doctor, but do let them know if a medicine disagrees with you or isn't helping. Don't be afraid to push back. One doctor diagnosed me with an anxiety disorder, when I had no history of anxiety - my anxiety turned out to be 100% a side effect of the medicine.

And remember, no matter what's going on in your head, you are 100% responsible for your actions and WILL have to deal with the aftermath. Don't do anything stupid.



OP, it's been a month, how are you doing?


Also interested. I feel like I don't have a great grip on reality at the moment, and when I go out in public, I feel like everyone is watching me (could just be my really bad social anxiety). I've been feeling this way especially after a bad acid trip. I'm not sure how to figure out if I'm not just an hypochondriac.


schizophrenia can be pretty fun when you learn to tell the voices to fuck right off. it can even be useful.

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i want boytenryuu to fuck me so bad


Damn he's so hot. You got more?


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y'can look up mikoyan on e-hentai
his girltenryuu is as good, he is bisexual heaven
god I wish more artists drew guys like this, completely girlish traps are boring


Hmhm, I don't like the "draw a girl and say she got a penis" style. Manly or slightly manly traps are the best indeed. And thanks, will look him up


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Fuck it.
I am in bad mood for almost 2 weeks now, and this shit happens every fucking year at the same time (mid January until mid February).
>changing my mood but every night I go to sleep feeling depressed
>not productive
>bad shit happens at least once a week
>i become super sensitive and emotional
>and on top of all that i think i am falling in love with one of my only girl friends

Not sure what to do. Should I just wait or make some moves. I hope this ends soon.
7 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Tell her how you feel before your friend tells her.


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Playing violent video-games helps me when I'm in a mood…


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The more violent, the better!


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Have blood splatter everywhere!


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Sometimes you just wanna break stuff

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the NPC meme is just a millennial/zoomer rebranding of solipsism, also it shows a lack of empathy

it's easier to call someone an NPC than it is to try and understand that they have a unique perspective and their own life experiences and that they're just as valid of a person as you are(blow it out yer ass)
73 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You're not even talking with each other, you're talking at each other.
Just stop already.


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can we just punt this thread over to superhell already


Oh fuck off.

Unsure if that is needed. Can't push a thread to superhell every time this guy finds something left or centrist leaning hidden between each paragraph.


In all honesty, I doubt this meme makes people think twice about themselves.
To the people being called npcs, it's just another right-wing buzzword that will be ignored. As for the people saying the meme, they also won't reflect on their own views. If you view your opponents as mindless cattle, you're not going to take their views seriously and challenge your own views.
You could say that the people being called npcs maybe should reflect on their views, but the people calling them npcs aren't saying it because they want to change their mind. They say it because they aren't worth talking to in the first place, which is why they're called npcs. It's used as a politcal insult, and people will take it as a political insult instead of criticism.
Ultimately I don't think the term really does any harm. It's just a reflection of the current political climate. Nothing new or insightful is being said. It's just a more effective way to say the same thing.


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