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/hell/ - internet death cult


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File: 1728561685741.jpg (623.74 KB, 2048x2048, 73460316_p1.jpg)


i deleted all my friends and even blocked my nb-friend.
now i can be calm and recover.


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nice! i have done that as well. the only habit disturbing my peace is compulsive posting but i am working on it. enjoy life op!!


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I did this about 1 year ago. Pushed most all friends and family away, under the assumption that I would be more happy not having these weird social obligations and rules I can't understand well enough. Always leaving me feeling awful after just about any interactions. I don't think I'm happier, but my life is simpler.

Oh was it rude that I didn't remember to bring up X when I was talking to them. Oh I haven't actually ever tried to talk to this person of my own volition. Oh I actually don't know what it feels like to like someone, every person is just tolerable.

Bar my parent and one friend with who we can, and have naturally stopped talking for a over a year come back to it and it's like nothing changed.


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Very cute artist. Thanks for posting.


Recover for what?

Solitude is like a drug, it can bring you closer to yourself or god, but it will also take you further away from anyone your ever knew in person. Cut off your internet too! This will protect you from disruptive influences on your venture into the yet unknown.


It's to emotionally disconnect myself. I was holding onto some people too strongly. I need to be distant, it's very important for my self-preservation, otherwise they could hurt me and stuff.
I think I'm getting better already, I feel like I'm distant enough now that I wouldn't be too hurt if they died or left me, even my lover.

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