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 No.1944[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Group screaming thread

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I respect the authority of the Fujiwara and Ainu and the Takeda


what is this
it look like britain
but north american vibe


it's the main menu screen of life is strange 1 lol


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you know what's weird, i own the game, ive beaten it, i thought the tree models looked exactly like the models ingame, but the stark white cliffs in the image matches more with the cliffs of england (dover) than it does the PNW (see pic) and i didnt remember the school tower being that huge. im looking at more images and the perspectives ingame aren't really making a lot of sense to me when comparing with this img
anyway sorry for hijacking your thread op. i agree with,, that too, or whatever.


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I also respect the Fujiwara

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Why aren't you on a vpn?

A vpn keeps you sushi rollymous on the internet.
It bypasses any school, home, office or country blocker.
It keep you un-banned from any website.
It keeps the government from spying on your internet activity.
It allows you to view region locked content from anywhere in the world.

If you like your freedom, I suggest you get a vpn http://sushi rollyourself.club
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This thread is sponsored by BrapVPN (give us your money), we protect your data so that your ISP doesn't see it. We do, and you have no idea what we do with it (give us your money), but you can trust us because we're taking a side on a made-up issue. But hey, Japanese Netflix amiright!!!! (give us your money)


all vpn are scum. and they keep your logs to give for fbi.


i had an expressvpn with like a years left of usage but as soon as i tried connecting here, it failed to connect somehow :( waste of my good money havent tried since then because reasons



>A vpn keeps you sushi rollymous on the internet.

lol, vpns don't help sushi rollymity as much as you'd like them to

>It bypasses any school, home, office or country blocker.

VPNs are good for circumventing blocks by a school, ISP, country, etc., and for keeping your traffic hidden to WiFis and MITMs and things like that, but..

>It keep you un-banned from any website.

No? Sure, IP bans maybe, but most services restrict IPs that belong to datacenters and most VPNs user datacenters. Most people have dynamic IPs anyway which makes IP banning pointless anyway. Even if none of that was true, what… how would this stop account from being banned I genuinely don't understand your reasoning

>It keeps the government from spying on your internet activity.

Governments can do more than just track IPs or whatever LMAO

>It allows you to view region locked content from anywhere in the world.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


A VPN is just a bonafide proxy at this point

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Hey, I just bought a VR head set but there are hardly any good games for it. Are there any good gender morph media or body swaps I should check out? So far I only found one Japanese body swap video filmed in VR180 (of a lesbian.)

I regret making the purchase like a dumb bourgeoisie, but am coping while I scour the internet for use cases. Metaverse and VR chat kind of suck, and I haven't found any other great VR games, but at least I can still use it to watch porn videos from the female point of view. (Which are mostly crap since they just lay on their back in the same position every time, and the camera doesn't move while performers do sex acts around them.)


Play VRChat, it's literally 80% men in anime girl avatars.


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Eleven Table Tennis and The Thrill of the Fight are two games that make VR worth it for me. Still returned it, as it would make me a complete shut-in. I bought a bike instead, to have a reason to go out.


what kind of headset do you have

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it's tea time


i really dislike you


I really dislike you more!!


i wanted to tell a rude guy to "suck my dick, black dragon roll"
he was white and i'm a girl

he would've been so bamboozled


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I was meant to turn all this footage I have into a mobie or at least a music bideo, but I couldn't even manage that, weh

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this is all just a silly endeavour .. time to move on


you can't return to where you never left


i want to move on too.

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i deleted all my friends and even blocked my nb-friend.
now i can be calm and recover.


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nice! i have done that as well. the only habit disturbing my peace is compulsive posting but i am working on it. enjoy life op!!


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I did this about 1 year ago. Pushed most all friends and family away, under the assumption that I would be more happy not having these weird social obligations and rules I can't understand well enough. Always leaving me feeling awful after just about any interactions. I don't think I'm happier, but my life is simpler.

Oh was it rude that I didn't remember to bring up X when I was talking to them. Oh I haven't actually ever tried to talk to this person of my own volition. Oh I actually don't know what it feels like to like someone, every person is just tolerable.

Bar my parent and one friend with who we can, and have naturally stopped talking for a over a year come back to it and it's like nothing changed.


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Very cute artist. Thanks for posting.


Recover for what?

Solitude is like a drug, it can bring you closer to yourself or god, but it will also take you further away from anyone your ever knew in person. Cut off your internet too! This will protect you from disruptive influences on your venture into the yet unknown.


It's to emotionally disconnect myself. I was holding onto some people too strongly. I need to be distant, it's very important for my self-preservation, otherwise they could hurt me and stuff.
I think I'm getting better already, I feel like I'm distant enough now that I wouldn't be too hurt if they died or left me, even my lover.

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do you believe in strawberry elephant


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you believe in strawberry elephant
eye believe in myself

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I can't wait for winter. For some reason there are less people on the streets than during summer. I much prefer cold weather, because I can wear many layers and hide myself from the curious eyes.
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I personally prefer cold weather over warm weather.
If its a 90 degree day out you can only strip off so much before it becomes socially unacceptable.


It's the opposite in terms of population where I live because of the warm climate. But I still hate summer, if it was cloudy and rainy long enough it'd be fine though
I think if I acted like a california roll it would be unacceptable yet not surprising


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I live in a muggy forest city, but I have a preference towards colder weather. So I welcome winter, just because I can turn off the constant AC. I keep my apartment a steady 15C.


california roll


Autumn is the best. You get no people on the street, the nice feel of rain on your face and the occasional gust of wind to pull your collar up. Winter has no smell, but autumn has all the smell. In conclusion autumn is better than winter.

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