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/hell/ - internet death cult


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8moe is down for me.

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 No.14[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I just wanted to post some stuff I've been thinking about chans. There's no special point I'm arguing.

As far as I am concerned 8ch has been taken over and destroyed. I was just looking at some screenshots of some older 8ch stuff today: that whole story about the bank robber, people having fun with copypaste before racequeen, all the fan art about nomads travelling from 4chan and rebuilding. It was nice to remember back and think about what a good run we had. I feel like none of the new alt-alt chans have any hope of being close to what 8ch was and that's a shame.
More than that thought I'm starting to feel like the imageboard medium is a dead end. I asked myself what do you even get, today, out of an imageboard that you don't on reddit or something else. They're heavily censored these days, I find that the mods on these create-your-own-board sites really abuse their positions and remove far more than they should.
Maybe it's wrong to focus so much on the free speech aspect, the main purpose of chans is to free people by removing the assocation of their post from their identity. That is the key. What do we gain from that? Frustratingly a great deal of noise and incessant meme posts is one of the results. It's too easy to drag down the level of discussion.
The cultures are often based on paranoia and distrust to the point that spending too much time on a chan can leave you unable to interact and integrate with non-chan people. Not to ignore the enojable side of it: all kinds of chaos, fun. a place to learn about extremes thaht you would never normally see (gore, fetishes, horror stories, …). but I see the creation of OC drying up. Memes used to churn around pretty regularly, but now how long as pepe the frog been going? Also the weird meta-awareness and understanding of memes and propogation has created a weird new irony to everything. The innocent playfulness has been lost.
What would you like to see in the future? How can be change the medium itself to enable better more creative communities to form?

Some interesting articles on chan culture (got any more to share?)
- http://kazerad.tumblr.com/post/96020280368/faceless-together
- http://thebaffler.com/salvos/new-man-4chan-nagle
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damn, everyone posting in this thread should kill themselves


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Perhaps it is fate then. After the exodus one of the first threads I landed in on 8ch was one of the same sort. Why chans have reached their end in the vastness of the internet. Now, six years later, stumbling upon this thread, I realize I have found the right place.

et mornië utúlien
sinomë maruvan tenn’ umbar-metta.


stupid comic still kinda gets me ;_;


I'll still contend that the modern web is infinitely more negative than the old. People were rude and edgy back then, but they usually didn't take it that seriously. Nowadays, everyone is dead serious about everything, and it's exhausting.

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wew how yeems doin death to ohio


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duder is epic

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Since we are here at hell anyway why don't we talk about God or Gods and such? They don't even have to be real, they can be higher archetypes you identify with or interacted with somehow, I'm not really pagan either, or anything at all.

What Gods have you met or interacted with? Or what higher archetypes have you explored in your mind or identified with?

I have always been avid about the west past and present collective conciouness, even if it's about exploring the east and even if it's exploring the east via west lens via the internet culture. Recently i took hold of my life again and this Éris Goddess just keep taking me everywhere and distorting my world and paradigmas non-stop, Its been the most chaotic fun i had in my life even if it's quite rough. It was all a ride from Her to the dual and non dual of existence and it was pretty neat. Biggest God experience a friend of my had was first talking to Ganesha while tripping on ayuhaska or other friends that met God throught their Anima either on rituals, DXM or LSD, others just connect by more collective methods like neopaganism or even throught themselves like Absurdism or Nihilism. Other people relate experiences about Gods or archetypes along identification or synchronicity. There are even talks with ideas of monotheistic Gods, coming in form of a Father God of all or Mother God of All or even Gf of universe. I just want to have fun talking to you guys and see what comes out.
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I met Eris too once while meditating. She embraced me, not sure why. Guess she was just in a good mood that day.


Hatman seems like the same type of hollow archetype that lowly spiritual creatures dress up to inflict fear on victims. There are some archetypes like this, of course not discrediting how those archetypes keep coming back with appearances alike on different cultures at different times. I guess an example of those on older times would be the boogeyman, who is said to take the kids and blah blah, more recently would be the slenderman who does the same, but it's just from a photoshop competition, even then there was a case of two girls sacrificing another girl for slender on usa. Those archetypes are hollow, but vivid in children's mind who are afraid of them, lowly spiritual creatures use this opportunity against them.


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It's pretty funny how Eris went from a disliked greek goddess to the Goddess by the discordians since principia discordia and then more and more influential over the years, even getting a dwarf planet named after her in 2003 and random pop culture representations lol
Yesterday I was meditating to enjoy some of the geometry from the comedown of a DXM trip and saw her slicing her throat and the cut morphed into an eye over the middle of her throat, don't know what it means, but it was pretty.


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No way!
Eris sold me weed, I love that friendly lady


Yes I worship the Goddess, Kalisti desu

When she first came to me she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. She does have a nasty side though. But what can I say, I like sweet and spice

Eris has her own official ImageBoard btw, uses the Discordian calendar and everything.

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People are being hugged,kissed,held,smiled,loved,nights out,costumes,appreciated,company,talked,cleaned and pleasured by nurses,friends,bunnies,school girls,teachers,siblings,pilots,sukeban,monsters and robots. Hands up shirts, breathing on faces, hands and bodies being pressed onto people. Love and happiness.
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Government is stopping me from spreading the kindness pandemic because of the other pandemic


What is the original version of this copypasta? I know I recognize it but I can't remember what stupid thing it was originally about.



Keep that filth in /lewd/


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Oh yeah whose gonna make me? Check this out

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In Germany ninjas are called Nin-nyaa :3


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Why is this in hell?
Phone posting is a lot less comfy than I thought it'd be. I don't understand people that prefer phones for browsing

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This is nice board
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3 sucked on release and even after all the patches it received it is still way worse than 1 and 2. Those two are just lovely.
Anyway it made me happy to meet somebody else that knows those games, therefore dinner is on me!


fuck munch


+1 for fuck munch


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I got banned for ban evasion even though I wasn't lole. Mods either thought or pretended I was Catfish for an excuse.


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I really like her shitpost reviews.


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Уровень самоубийств среди мужчин не падает….

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I can hear it


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It's yuyuesday


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ya website sucks


i am full of ANGER


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no more comfy
this is angry board now


I don't even remember what I was angry about
Right now I'm just tired


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no more angry
this is tired board now


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