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/hell/ - internet death cult


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sushi/pol/ General
This general is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

The variety of comments allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse. As such, we explore potentially """uncomfy""" topics such as national socialism, 3DPD, black dragon rolls, california rolls, and how the jews are responsible for every evil in the world.

Please try to stay on topic.


Correction: "black dragon rolls" and "california rolls" should read: "?iggers" and "ℱaggots", respectively.


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Is Trump playing 3D chess with the gaming industry?

What is going to happened?

>President Trump to Meet With Game Industry Folks on March 8




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Admin can be reached at cuteboysmap@gmail.com

https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=2109503 ←- That's the map

Use the map to make friends or find another cute boy to be lewd with. Don't be shy! If you make a marker, the rest of the cute boys will make markers too. The map is updated and new markers are approved whenever I get around to it. Usually takes about a month depending on how many markers get submitted. If you need your marker edited/removed or have a question or something then just email me. Please include your marker's name and location in edit/delete requests or I will not respond to them.


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We were doing just fine without a general political thread.

>Correction: "black dragon rolls" and "california rolls" should read: "?iggers" and "ℱaggots", respectively.

Correction: Lurk before posting


Politics are poison.
Moved to >>>/superhell/234.

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I have a boyfriend for the first time ever!

all i can think about when im not with him is how much i want to be cuddling together

my entire life is 24/7 comfy right now :)

how long do you think i should wait before introducing him to my parents? We've been seeing each other for 3.5 weeks now.
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Oh yes, antisemitism is the perfect disguise for anyone out to destroy Europe. Blame all of the wars you start on them, use the preexisting prejudice against them to sow fear and discord.
I do enjoy the selective memory all heretic sects go through regarding their false prophets. Women in Presbyterian "churches", for example. They love John Knox. Bring his treatise on women rulers up to them. Deer in the fucking headlights. I almost feel bad for them.
there's nothing comfier to me than heretic-bashing. They ruined the world.


I'm afraid the FAQ disagrees with you.
>Stay comfy~! Uncomfy topics should be obvious, but include politics, misogyny, racism, gay-bashing, ranting, insulting people's hobbies, intentional flamebaiting etc. and will be locked and moved to /superhell/ most likely.

Can we get this over with and banish this thread to /superhell/?


What are you talking about, Europe has already been destroyed and not by the 'anti-semites'.
What force do you think made these obviously corrupt doctrines spread to the plebeian masses like wild fire?
If you still trust in the Vatican II counter church - just to let you know its been long over run by Free-Masons.
Free-Masons if you didn't know are a cult of Luciferians if you have ever read Morals and Dogma.
What's interesting is how their "mysteries" are really just derived from the kabbalah and the Talmud.
Sedevacantists are probably some of the only true Christians left tbh.


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1st of all refer to my previous post >>1327 but add an 's' in nerd
2nd of all you cali rolls are being quite uncomfy, stop it and take it to some other place (4ch/8ch)
3rd funny how everyone is talking out of their asses instead of providing evidence


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why do people want to die

why message me, of all people? i worry so much, but theres nothing i can do.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


> i worry so much, but theres nothing i can do.
That's the point, Sushi. The guy wanted you to feel that way.


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Nah, they probably don't know how to deal with the situation. The message behind this is essentially "I can't handle this alone." Also whoever was saying that must have great trust in OP.

>why do people want to die

pain and grief in the present, lack of hope for the future, leading to fear for even worse conditions in combination with the inability to change things eventually resulting in despair

serious topic is serious


this is absolutely not true. three people I know have made attempts on their own life and all three of them contacted people as they were ending it. they want to die but they don't want to die alone. and in some cases they want to be talked out of it on a deeper level. one person who attempted on their own life did it during a call with a loved one and was talked down into calling for help to save them before the drugs took effect. in other cases they want to say goodbye to someone they think won't be able to stop them.

this is what makes it so shitty when people do it for attention. because it's something actual suicidal people do too.


These are both excellent posts. Good work, rolls.


>it is most likely a cry for help or they just want attention
Which one of these isn't worth your time to provide?

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>walked in the kitchen to get some tea
>see my parents
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Forever the image of the bowchicka wow wow burns in Sushis mind.


According to Norman Mailer and Shia LaBeouf, you did the right thing, OP.

Congratulations, hipsters think you're cool now. That's the real tragedy in all of this.


what's the big deal, your parents fuck
where the hell do you think you came from dude


The devastating thing is that OP is a test-tube baby

Who was fucking his mom on his kitchen table? Darth Plagueis?



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This webring is comfy and all, but where do people discuss anime nowadays?
4/a/ is so bad that it is the same as /v/ now


tohno /an/ is alright. Other than that I think it's more interesting to talk on smaller IRCs or similar.


I'm doing most of my weebposting at Samachan these days, although I used to spend a lot of time on Tohnochan.

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This car is faster than yours.
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i dont like red cars


me too. theyre the fastest tho


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No it isnt


there is something about Twingo that makes me rage internally
probably the smug eyes


>watches one episode of wangan

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image reply

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Despite all the amazing shit on the internet, we take it completely for granted. We stay in their PC puddles like facebook or twitter. We laugh at memes made by chans almost a decade ago, and never come up with anything original ourselves.

The tight knit community of old just don't exist anymore, well at least not on the surface web. It's just become to saturated with common people who can't utilize the internet. People who don't understand both how amazing and untamed the internet is.

Let me put it to you this way: The internet is like the wild west. The IRC's, the communities you speak of are the cowboys of the internet. The people on facebook and twitter are the carpetbagging city folk who want to make everything clean and safe and 'civilized'. They've built railroads (facebook, twitter, tumblr) and pulled barbed wire (PC,moderated forums, web monitoring by gov. agencies) across the internet to make it safe and cushy for them.

You and me are cowboy apprentices who came sometime before the railroads and barbed wire ended the west. Soon the wire will parcel the land and the cowboys can't roam anymore, and the internet will be parceled out like ranching land to big businesses (google, microsoft etc.)

Enjoy chans while you can. We all know the regeneration of this community is not good, the userbase will dwindle and die out.
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>I feel like these fears account for some of the elitism that really flared up in the past few years, and led to a lot of the un-comfy xenephobic behaviors. The racism is pretty disappointing though, and isn't really funny when it's indistinguishable from all the other semi-ironic political crap that's everywhere now.
>As much disdain there is for the whole idea of chans as a 'secret club', to some people like me it really was something special, and ceased to be special when it hit the mainstream. Again, this is just my random thoughts and experiences.
I wholeheartedly agree. While it might seem foolish at first glance, I kind of miss the old "sushi rollymous is legion" thing, minus the angst angle. It was a really unifying idea that permeated race, religion, and gender in the sole idea of being a united faceless entity of internet weirdos, script kiddies, anime and video game fans, etc. "Hivemind" and "groupthink" have pretty negative connotations but *chan without identity politics differentiated it from reality and separated it from the rest of the internet from its inception to somewhere around 201X.

I've been frequenting a few smaller imageboards outside of sushi and I have to say that interesting and active discussion these days is particularly hard to find. I'm not a fan of the 8gag posting culture that seems to be seeping everywhere where people make empty, angry/bitter/holier-than-thou posts that somehow are supposed to be regarded as objective truth because of that holier-than-thou attitude. Somewhere along the line, being rambunctious and wild on chans (mainly 4) turned into being an obnoxious, predictable bore who could only babble about botnets and rattle off canned "[x] is spyware/a meme/for freetards/etc." phrases.

I don't think the idea of the "secret club" is something to be looked at with disdain, and I don't think it ever was supposed to be. 4chan was an incredible place when I was lurking in '06 before Chanology hit; I had never been on a website like it despite being a YTMNDer before and thinking I was in some secret part of the internet while there. Both of those websites to this day have never been replicated for me in terms of sheer uniqueness of the userbase, and every day I'm a little more sad that the pendulum of life hasn't swung back to those wonderfuPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I agree that it's gotten hard, but I'm still a bit optimistic about it all, and I like to think this centralization will end some day. Consider stuff like neocities, the *chan fragmentation that's been going on lately, people getting savvy about privacy, and tiredness in general from all the noise going on. I like to think we're still passing through, and in a few years things will be better.
After all, we're in here, aren't we? musing about how to fix this, so not all is lost.


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Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts… A graphic representation of data abstracted from banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding…


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>they'll look at you like you shot a kitten and lynched it's corpse at half mast over Buckingham palace.
The face is even worse when you tell them you don't have any social media.


I think that it may be the case that imageboard userbases are growing, but not as fast as userbases for more "mainstream" or "consumer" websites, this giving the impression that they are shrinking (because their proportion is shrinking, even if the absolute amounts aren't).

There may also be a level of imageboard/small chan userbases being "spread thin", as the sheer number of chans increase and communities fragment and splinter.

Ultimately though, without actually looking at data, all of this is just conjecture. (And I think it would actually be an interesting project to acquire and organize all of that data, though some of it is probably hard to obtain. How to you measure the number of unique visitors to imageboards in general, for example?)

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Could you explain the joke please?


my favorite live steamer said it once and people laged so it must be funny, whicj is why i said it because saying things that funny people say makes me fubby


its funny bc you can tell it even annoys Joel now


Hi I'm Medamaude and I'm real stupid



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