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/hell/ - internet death cult


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Remember to keep it cozy!

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Where's the sweat?Feeling hot?Where's the tan? The soap's are causing a throbbing burning feeling in the face.39 million people are dying.39 million deaths.39 million murders.


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What's up soap man?


Goddamn soap murderers ruined my city.

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Testing my permaban

I'm not supposed to have one, but when I finally am permabanned I'll be ready to test the shit out of that shit.


Hmm, are you the dude posting porn spam in the strong as hell thread?


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Seems like Vince has a case of the Mondays.

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Nigged out


(rizon #sense_of_fun)
raid on gaia
hav fun

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People are being poisoned,burned,infected,numbed,blinded,crippled and balded by the shampoo,pills,mouthwash,nasal cleaners,eyedrops,beverages and food.
14 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




I think this is what's wrong with my hair and why I have an extreme case of dandruff. What exactly did you do to clear up your problem?


Also I used to way back when I was in middle school. I looked around the classroom and was like guys, I'm making it snow! Other kids instantly thought I was absolutely disgusting. One girl tried to report that I had lice and a nurse came in with gloves while making me sit to deal with her going through my head in front of the entire class. No wonder my social life is nothing now days.


Use a shampoo that doesn't suck. Something harsh, salicylic acid will burn your fucking flakes away.

I also used to rub olive oil in my hair, to kind of keep it moist and to glom up junk in my hair and on my scalp.


lmao shampoo is for nerds my hair is strong and grows an inch every week. also sometimes when i scratch it white flakes or something fall out, dunno what that's all about, but a nice party trick
just drink from pubic fountains

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What is this guy feeling? His facial expression looks complex.
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I think he is stoned


He's shocked and amazed by all of the strong and long girls in the next thread over.


He looks like he's wondering how he managed to piss off his girlfriend this time.


It looks like something sudden happened that broke his worldview and he is very upset and confused, like someone said to him 'nice nips' and he realised that he has never worn a shirt in his whole life and how could this have happened.


I lost.

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ynfg avtug jnf jrveq, vg jnf orpnhfr zl qernz jnf gur fnzr cerzvfr nf gur avtug orsber. v jnf jbexvat ng fbzr trareny pbaprffvbaf fgnaq ng n znwbe yrnthr onfronyy tnzr jvgu zl sevraq. jr jrer gur bayl gjb crbcyr jbexvat. zl sevraq unq gb freir gur sbbq naq v unq gb jneq bss rarzl snaf jub jrer gelvat gb qrfgebl gur fgnaq. gur srznyrf bs gur ohapu xrcg gelvat gb evc zl onyyf bss. gur ragver fgnqvhz jnf qrpbengrq va nccyrorr'f fcbafbefuvc. v qba'g xabj jung vg zrnaf, v qba'g sbyybj onfronyy ng nyy.


>gur srznyrf bs gur ohapu xrcg gelvat gb evc zl onyyf bss.
Znqr zr ynhtu.
V bapr unq n fvzvyne qernz jurer gur jubyr avtug V xrcg qernzvat va gur pbagrkg bs n erfgnhenag jurer nccneragyl V jnf gur znantre. Ng fbzr cbvag V jnf chyyvat gur jngre ba n sybbqrq ebbz juvyr V jnf qrnyvat jvgu n pbhcyr bs hacyrnfnag pyvragf. Gurer jnfa'g ernyyl zhpu fhofgnapr gb vg ohg gur jubyr qernz qrirybcrq va gung pbagrkg bs gur erfgnhenag. Jung vg zrnaf V qba'g xabj rvgure, cebonoyl whfg n fbeg bs onpxtebhaq va juvpu gb cynpr gur riragf bs gur qernz. Gur fhopbafpvbhf vf n fgenatr guvat.


ROT-13? Pfft, my reply is so secret that I had to use ROT-26.



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I want to have sex with black hanekawa.


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I want to have sex with regular hanekawa


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also jellyfish thread

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My chest hair is too thin and girly.

I'm never gonna get a bf
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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Oh my god, sushi, I'm so sorry.
I will weep for you and your perpetually itchy nipples.


meh fuck the people who judges your chest hair - you don't need them.


Thank you for your kind words of support, sushi.
I will always be a little shocked and disappointed in myself. I should have listened to my grandfather's advice on this and ate more bratwurst. That man was fuzzy as hell, even after chemo. I let him down, I wish I liked meat enough to have followed in his wisdom.


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I always wondered what people need hair for. Even transplantation is a thing nowadays. I would be glad to be bald all over. It would be easier to decide where my body ends and where the world begins, a common problem of my daily hassle.


A beard is nice in the winter. Going all Mumford and Sons really fills in the gaps of your cold weather gear nicely.

The rest of it? Doesn't seem to have much purpose.

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sushi/pol/ General
This general is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

The variety of comments allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse. As such, we explore potentially """uncomfy""" topics such as national socialism, 3DPD, black dragon rolls, california rolls, and how the jews are responsible for every evil in the world.

Please try to stay on topic.


Correction: "black dragon rolls" and "california rolls" should read: "?iggers" and "ℱaggots", respectively.


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Is Trump playing 3D chess with the gaming industry?

What is going to happened?

>President Trump to Meet With Game Industry Folks on March 8




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Admin can be reached at cuteboysmap@gmail.com

https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=2109503 ←- That's the map

Use the map to make friends or find another cute boy to be lewd with. Don't be shy! If you make a marker, the rest of the cute boys will make markers too. The map is updated and new markers are approved whenever I get around to it. Usually takes about a month depending on how many markers get submitted. If you need your marker edited/removed or have a question or something then just email me. Please include your marker's name and location in edit/delete requests or I will not respond to them.


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We were doing just fine without a general political thread.

>Correction: "black dragon rolls" and "california rolls" should read: "?iggers" and "ℱaggots", respectively.

Correction: Lurk before posting


Politics are poison.
Moved to >>>/superhell/234.

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