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/hell/ - internet death cult


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this song


i thought this was the old yt vid of blue foundation - Eyes On Fire -zeds dead remix- i used to listen to when i was a lot younger. that song always brings back memories of some early Minecraft servers i used to waste time on. good times



Coming across this thumbnail again startled me physically.


I can't stOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOop

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i ate too much~!


i wanna poke that belly.

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I heard this board is very comfypilled.


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Strange, I'm not sure where you got that idea from…


Hey check this out,


I'm pretty sure it would work better if it was made out of Tungsten but shows what I know.

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See you tommorow! Or in 4 years heh
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someone like her…


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Say Sei



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Hey wait a minute..

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i have lost my mind and i am insane now. why is everything ai


It's just the current hype. Soon you will not be able to tell the difference anymore between AI generated and handmade stuff.


New technology is exciting, people want to try the new stuff as it comes out. Probably large-scale commercial incentives too, but for the average person, I think it's just a neat and mysterious thing.


turns out this was just a quick bit of ol' psychosis. everything is not ai now. but the question i leave u all with… can u tell what is and what isnt? ooooo

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 No.3277[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

When was the last time you was in love?
I mean butterflies in your stomach and all that weird stuff.
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4-5 years ago, never again :weedsoldier:


I had like a gf that I kissed and held hands with like 14 years ago but that was it. I never really felt romantic love for anyone besides maybe extremely mild infatuation




Never gang!


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Like 10 years ago, I don't remember exactly. And it didn't work out coz the person moved out of the country. It broke me for a good while. Now I don't even look for it.

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 No.2942[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I have major gender dysphoria and its certainly a drag on life, and I just want to rant about it, and you guys are all nice (oh yeah so fair warning this is just me going on about my problems, also this may be really long and I don't know if there's a character limit so this may be multiple parts).

I'm just never going to look or feel right, I don't think. Because I just happened to be born with this mental illness. As a kid, I always liked to imagine myself as a girl for some reason. In internet circles I'd pretend I was a girl, for no real reason other then preference. It wasn't like I was doing it for kicks, saying I was a guy after flirting with someone, i really just liked being a girl instead. I lived in a pretty liberal area, so I found out about trannies by middle school, and by age 14 i was pretty sure I was one. Unfortunately, I was a very early bloomer, and puberty hit me really hard. I was 5'10" at 14 and only kept growing, grew facial hair in middle school, broad shoulders, square jaw, everything. And I hated it as much then as I did now. I grew my hair out and to this day have real nice hair with perfect curls but that was kind of the end of things I actually liked about myself. With my frame, nobody ever really mistook me for a girl, even from behind. Guy friends I had that were super short or just feminine in general got mistaken for girls without even trying or wanting to and I felt really jealous. When I was 15 I started having friends call me "Abby" online and told them about some of this. I started getting that feeling of "being a women trapped in a man's body" people talk about as opposed to "being a man that want to be a woman," a change you don't really notice until it happens. That felt pretty nice. Every now and then, when I was home alone, I'd sneak into my sister's room and wear her clothes and look in the mirror for a while. I stopped because it felt like I was doing something perverted even though I wasn't attracted to women (more on that later), but it felt nice to take pictures of myself in dresses, even though I deleted them afterwards. but…yea. I just really hated being a man. Sometimes I would curl up and stare at all the hair on my legs and nearly have a breakdown over that.(Part 1/?)
96 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Coming in here to say the path is up to you and you really, honestly shouldn't listen to altchan users when it comes to medical advice. See a therapist, they'll know better than anyone.


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The entire notion of "transgender" is inherently bigoted, it's rooted in homophobia and sexism. There is no such thing as a man who expresses himself "as a woman". A man who wears makeup is expressing himself in one of the many ways that men can, and by insisting that he's a woman, or even by allowing him to insist that he's a woman, you're actively reducing the number of ways men are allowed to express themselves. You're saying "no, men aren't allowed to be beautiful or wear makeup. they have to become women if they want to do that". You're saying "no, girls aren't allowed to cut their hair short or play sports. they have to become men if they want to do that". Enforced conformity is all it is. It's no different from an oppressive traditionalist purity spiral. If you actually cared about these people you would want them to love and accept their bodies and their actual, true selves. They aren't transgender. Nobody is. There's no such thing as "transgender". They're just afraid of society bludgeoning them to force them to get back in line. So instead of changing their behavior to be more socially acceptable for men, they think they can change their bodies to be more socially acceptable for their behavior. Do you not see how that's the same problem either way? People need to stand up and say "men can wear makeup and women can have hairy legs and it's not taboo". They should never, EVER give in to the society's bigoted demands by changing their bodies to look more like the opposite sex, which never works by the way and always results in monstrosities. If you don't see why actual LGB people are against transgender ideology you're either a bad faith bigot or you have zero empathy.


tell me you've never actually interacted with trans people without telling me


While I agree with some of your points, I think you are narrowing down the motivation behind changing sex to social acceptance, which might not be the driving force behind a major part of these cases. For example in my eyes an equally important factor would be to establish a personal gender identity and live up to it. This form of identity is heavily influenced by perceived gender roles, just like ones value system will be influenced by parents, teachers, ones broader social group, nationality and then again things that separate you within these groups.

The emphasis here is on being influenced. People will go against the grain, if the values and behavioural patterns imposed on them don't feel right. This of course takes constant effort and removes a lot of support, but do you really think that changing ones sex with all the operations, medication, legal shit and social stigma is the easy way out?


>hetero-patriarchal society constructs category of "woman"
>if you challenge that category, you're homophobic and sexist.
in fact it is you my friend who are sexist. You claim that you're in favour of gender non-conformity, but you refuse to challenge the categories of sex/gender and assume that they are transcendent rather than the truth that these are socially constructed, and that they have been constructed in patriarchal societies to serve the interests of patriarchy.
>A man who wears makeup is expressing himself in one of the many ways that men can, and by insisting that he's a woman, or even by allowing him to insist that he's a woman, you're actively reducing the number of ways men are allowed to express themselves. You're saying "no, men aren't allowed to be beautiful or wear makeup. they have to become women if they want to do that".
In fact, the only person who is strictly enforcing behaviours or reducing the ways one might express oneself is you. Why are you so invested in limiting the possibility space for people, ie "yes you can wear makeup, but only as a man who wears makeup".
>you would want them to love and accept their bodies and their actual, true selves.
I would like you to explain what an "actual true self" is, and why it is necesarily static and fixed. Your approach is missguided individualism, you are convinced that each person is an island seperate from social forces, and in doing so you have missidentified those social forces as unchanging essential facts of nature. To put it simply, if a "true self" is anything it is ever changing and flowing.
> They should never, EVER give in to the society's bigoted demands by changing their bodies to look more like the opposite sex
You have made a few errors here. First of all, you fail to understand that in this case, you are the person who is strictly enforcing gender categories. You talked about some basic gendered behaviours such as playing sports or wearing makeup, but have failed to explain why your logic of free desire and behaviour with regard to gender expression shouldn't extend to taking hormones, changing your name, or asking people to reffer to you be certain pronouns. Secondly, you have assumed that sex Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Beginning of this year I had gf, circle of friends in my current city, circle of friends back home, job I excelled at, was about to finish my studies.

Now I am all alone, getting panic attacks in crowds. Lurking on 4chan… playing games. I did not even collect my diploma.
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No, the very first post calling it an issue is about porn:
I agree that the total anti masturbation/anti sex movement is flat out wrong and ill advised. I think masturbation without visual aid is actually healthy, and it is rather difficult to do that to the level where it really impedes your life. If anything it is much more similar to actual sex in my personal experience.

Being addicted to porn is still a real thing aside from this. I said it before, it is probably possible to keep it at some kind of reasonable level, but if you find it is eating away at you you probably would feel much better if you just kicked it.


To reply to the posts above - yes, I meant purely porn as the problem.

Turns out my friend was heavily reliant on drugs at the time. I talked to him in person and decided it is not good to keep him in my life. He is currently in rehab.

I am mentally and physically at my lowest. It seems like I just cannot enjoy life.. cannot find love.. cannot even go outside. And while me being a shutin is relatively a new experience, the other two is something I have been struggling with for as long as I remember.

There are still some people that care about me, but I just don't want anybody to see me like this. I can only turn them down.


>I can only turn them down.
If they really care about you, they will be glad to have you explain yourself to them and ask for help or advice.
Being asked for help from a friend feels good, because it signals trust in your experience and exposes their vulnerabilities. Don't hesitate to reach out!


I seem to have toned down my porn usage to the point that it does not affect my mental state. Of course, I have been on the drug long enough to wire my brain towards enjoying certain disgusting content, but that is slowly fading back to normal. Porn addiction, while a big problem, was just one of many.

I still have no one to talk to in real life. I can drown out the loneliness by begging for attention on the Internet, but that is pathetic. Yesterday, I turned off all the devices, and the silence was overwhelming. Maybe if I were not that goddamn ugly, I would just go outside, but right now, every look towards me would crush me.

I am full of spite and regrets and its only right that people would leave me. I have never cared for anyone, and people near me were just devices to temporarily fight off being alone. I thought I faked compassion well, but yeah. It was always like this. I cannot be genuinely happy for anyone. I wish everyone the worst and for them to join my misery.


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I can't believe I have written this only two weeks ago. All of this was and remains true, but sometimes it does not concern me as much. Sometimes it makes me suicidal. It is weird how my mental wellbeing fluctuates.

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