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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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how are you holding up sushi


Not well! I appreciate you asking though.


Uhh okay I guess. Adapting to ex-NEET isn't easy but hasn't been horrible so far. I'm kinda frustrated with a lot of things. I haven't had time to watch a show or play a game in weeks and I feel like I'm rotting inside.


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I wake up, I do art, I read, I play video games. Over and over, that is all my life is. I hate doing art, it takes up time I could've spent reading instead, but I like my art style and I don't want to hire someone else to do art for me so I stick with it. I hate this baka hobby. I wish I was playing for the Washington Capitals instead. I'm not holding up.


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I have two assignments I've barely worked on. Another assignment for college and a 400 page book I haven't even finished reading. I have to go to work on Friday too. I hate my job but I can't quit until I get a place somewhere else which means writing some more applications. There's no food. I need to go to the store and buy it all. It's all coming on at once. I just wanna scream.


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anytime, I really care about you


Just got a certification. I'm actually going to try for another one this year. Still, it doesn't mean I have a job related to the cert, so I think I'm just doing okay. I'll be doing great if I can get that extra cert and if I can learn some other stuff. I'll be doing amazing if I manage to get a new job by the end of the year, but I'm pretty sure companies cut back during this time. Still, better than usual, I think.


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I'm not even holding on. I'm just strung up by a thread till I find the right exit. In mean time however short it likely will be I hope to make things better for others.

That's what audiobooks are good for.


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not doing the worst for the first time in a while. there are still things going on that aren't great, but i think im doing okay.
i wish the best for you other sushis


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My boyfriend is coming over so I'm really happy about that and glad I get to spend time with him. My financial situation hasn't been the greatest but otherwise I'm doing good. It's kind of sad that everybody around me (including myself) are struggling financially/career-wise. It really isn't right what's going on.


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I have descended into a meth addiction but my Sodium Nitrite will be here soon and the certainty of a clean end brings me peace.


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May your rest be peaceful, kind sushi.


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not feeling too good sushis. worried about doing bad things.


That's your issue tbqh


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dont do bad things!!!! do good!!! i know you can!!


I'm fine. Thanks for asking.


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really shit office job, alcohol problem, in love with a girl who doesnt care about me , etc. missing fellow sushis.. ive been on and off on here since 2022


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mood swings.. introspection makes me want to kill myself.


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Not too bad!! Got my city license to start my new job. Ready to start a new chapter in my life.


I found out rotating coffee and tea works better than just drinking multiple cups of the same in a row. Feeling a little better, still quite sleepy recently. I haven't left apartment in more than 7 months and still can't. Because of military draft. I'm not going to fight for this country, or for any country whatsoever. Involuntary NEET is a thing nowadays. Otherwise, it's fine: plenty of things to do and still not enough time for everything I'm interested in.


>I haven't left apartment in more than 7 months and still can't. Because of military draft.
that's awful, stay safe sushi


That's probably just the L-theanine from the tea. It makes for a calmer, steadier buzz than caffeine by itself.


Made some progress but I can feel myself falling back. Confused on a lot of things in life and some part of me makes me want to stop progressing and accept the present. TLDR, okayish.


Tired. Zzzzzz


Started a new job last month after being laid off for a while and thought that would change up my life a bit but really things are the exact same except now I need to sit in the office sometimes.


How did your assignments go, Hope you're doing better now


This is the life. I wish I could just get a new job and it's just the same thing in my life.


I managed to get them all done and read through most of that book too, enough to fake knowing about it. As soon as it was over, I ended up getting three more assignments dumped on me. I'm just gonna take it easy for the next few days.


I'm feeling blue.


da ba dee da ba di

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