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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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do you feel happy today sushi


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yes and you shall now too goodnite and good morning


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not particularly but I'm not sad either


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Today was absolutely beyond wonderful! The weather has finally warmed enough I could go on a walk again. I bore witness to nice art, listened to wonderful music, and have had many fruitful discussions. I am very happy!


i hope it only gets better <3


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I haven't really felt happy in quite a while sushi
Its like everyone is constantly breathing down my back, even though theres not really a reason to be anxious all the time
I wish I could have just a moment of peace


I've been feeling almost exactly the same lately sushi roll. Maybe it's something in the air. I need to go out and sit in the woods for a while, but it's too dang cold right now.


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me too, times arent bright it seems
i hope nothing catastrophic happens to anyone


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Downloading all of the music from one of my favorite bands today. A small joy.


I feel a bit anxious but optimistic. I'm worried about my future and shitty life skills.


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I'm pretty happy. I went out job searching and talked to the manager of a local Gamestop. He was a really cool dude and I got to know more about the job and stuff. He asked me my name and said he'd be on the lookout for my application. I hope that even though I don't have any retail experience, I can get the job. I don't want to be a NEET anymore, it's very depressing. I need to buy my own car so that I can start going to college. I want to be a professor someday, or something like that.


best of luck sushi!


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Thank you!


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i talked to a nice person today. i put time into my hobby. i am getting lonely but also a bit happy that i can still experience being carefree. but my roommate got sick recently and i also learned how great it feels to be someone people can trust and depend on. i might be a little confused. thats what happens when i am left to my thoughts for too long


i hope things get better for you and your roommate, sushi. also its nice that you put time into your hobbies. i hope you get better at them

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