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Have you ever been scared at work? I've realized now that I'm the adult I can't run to anyone else if I'm alone on my shift…


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I hate work, I wish I could just passively earn money through something valuable but I've made nothing thats worth that value yet. But working retail and barely having money is painpeko.


every day brother


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Scared for my life? Never. Scared for my career? Every other day.


very much so. i've only worked one job and despite being an adult for a year or so by the time i finished working there i was still very much the youngest and seen as the child by many. i'd often go to others for assistance if i didn't know how to deal with a situation/customer. i remember one time very early on when i was working there, i was maybe 15 at the time? i was trying to assist someone and they were getting increasingly hostile towards me so a coworker intervened and had me start helping someone else while they dealt with them. if i were to start working again now i worry that i wont be able to as easily ask for help as i am now older and wont have an existing relationship with those coworkers.


Suddenly.. thousands of sushis online and posting! Wow!


It certainly takes both parties for help, but I hope you find help if you leave your job


I've been scared at work, but that was because I had a homeless guy nearby my workplace at the time who constantly made passes at me and would hang around at night (I worked closing shift). None of my co-workers even cared either, and I'm not the kind of person who could really defend myself unfortunately. I was glad to leave that job. Otherwise, my main issue with jobs has been anger rather than fear. I don't handle authority well, which is kind of ironic given my background, and I tend to not keep jobs for long because of that. I never really lash out, but I do usually end up quitting because I hit a point where I constantly fantasize about physically harming bosses/co-workers and I haven't found any other way to cope with that yet than just removing myself from work.


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A few times, yes. A few weeks ago one of our mentally ill clients pulled a gun, and we had to negotiate with him to put it away. One very racist client threatened to attack our staff, and had to be escorted off the property. Every other day or so there is a crime committed in the parking lot, most are just drug deals so I turn a blind eye. Not my business to intervene on. However, a few coworkers have gotten their car broken into or stolen. I caught a guy red-handed trying to steal my cala converter.

I'm the last one out of the building, and by then it's well after dark. So if anyone tried to mess with me, I wouldn't be able to call for backup. It would be lights out for me.

You should probably speak with a healthcare professional about that.


>You should probably speak with a healthcare professional about that.
I agree, but uninsured + chronic employment = very difficult to get reliable and affordable treatment.


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I understand, as I've lived in very similar circumstances. But if you're in the US, there may be community health clinics that you can visit for free or very cheap. I visited a community mental health center to get treatment for only $5 per visit, without insurance, because city subsidies covered my visit. You may have similar options. I would recommend going to local healthcare facilities in your area and asking in-person if there are options for uninsured clients, they may have more options than you would think.


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Same. I'm often scared of losing my job, when I make the slightest mistake or need too long for a task. Other than that I'm mostly frustrated, if I have a noticeable emotional response at all. This has gotten better with my current job, but it still happens now and then.

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