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I just think it's fun to know who we are in terms of moral alignment through DnD's Alignment System. I'll show you mine first!!!


Also, if you don't know what's your alignment, then this test is for you.



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True Neutral also but I'm a bit all over the shop.

My autism kicks in with questions like "27. You have accidentally committed a crime. Do you:" Depends what type of crime, how I feel about it and other specifics.


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Identical scores across evil and neutral alignment… fits me very well. Good test.



Dude why are you tied between True Neutral & Neutral Evil????? (O_O;)


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Weren't hugged enough!


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it would seem im also true neutral, but this was not what i was hoping to be perceived as
can this curse be lifted !? perhaps an elixir of love


i also got true neutral!


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I got true neutral. I didn't think I'd get it, even though I always thought that was the most based alignment.


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sometimes it's hard, but I try to be kind


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A lot depends on the context, indeed.
> Would you give up a promising career to aid the family in time of need?
If I hate them enough to not refer to them as my family, then probably there is no reason for me to help them at all.
> would you slip a poison into your king's drink?
Depends on if I hate the king. Being able to slip something into the king's drink implies a position of trust… But what if one day both love and respect are turned into hatred and disdain by his acts? Although, even then there is a chance that that I'd only attempt to resign from my position.
> Steal what food you needed to survive?
Stealing food… but from whom? If it were from that guy who'd somehow gotten a huge stockpile of it and was then trying to sell it at a sky-high price, not only would I steal from him if I could, I might well be willing to share some with the others, too. But I would never rob a thin-to-the-bone little girl of her tiny piece of bread. Although, who knows. A man on a full stomach and a man starving are two different men. The starving one might end up not only eating her bread, but devouring what little meat remains as well.

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