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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]
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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

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has anybody ever had a tough time getting yourself to do something important? if so, how did you manage it?


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You either do it or you don't. It's your life to ruin as you see fit.


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Has anyone not?!

>how did you manage it

If it's something I need to do once, like getting a job, it helps me to think about how there's never gonna be a 'good' time to do it, and the longer I delay it the rougher it will be. So regardless of how hard it is, I simply must force myself.

If it's something I need to do frequently, like going to work each day, I think forcing it is every single time is gonna be too hard, so it's better to prioritize making it easier. Which is easier said than done.


I used to just have the willpower for it, but it's gone now. I spent years forcing myself to do important things until eventually I snapped and now I can barely force myself to eat or even get out of bed. fells like it'll be this way forever now


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How is electricity so cheap?


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