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Heya sushis! Our ability to learn and grow is limitless if we allow ourselves to try. Show off what stuff you've been doing and what stuff you've been learning!


The last time I played chess was in 3rd grade. I had gotten into it again 2 months ago and so far I have gained 400+ ELO from the 100 I started at. It has been really fun to see how much more I have learned about the game, its strategies, and the fun I have had playing with other people.


Sometime ago I realized that video game medium gives an infinite amount of control in world creation. This thought bred an urge within me to try my skills in game development. This past week I got a model of cute girl, an ugly walking cycle, few props, and implemented basic maneuvering. Nothing else, really. There is an idea for arcade-y style of gameplay, but I will share that once something is presentable.

Do not remember last time I was this overwhelmed. Probably mathematics in university… which might prove finally useful.


I would love to see your game when you've made it sushi!

Math is its own brain-garden thing, no? What maths are you doing?


After being on and off about learning to draw, I’ve been trying to take it more seriously. Still haven’t made anything worth sharing. Will upload something soon


I needed some basic transformations, thankfully my 'puter does them for me! Having some knowledge helps. Soon I will start tinkering with kinematics, and that might be challenging. You will hear from me in a month!


I'm excited to see it!

Making a whole game engine is very ambitious! I'd love to see your progress then!!


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i have a trip to Japan in a few months so i've been speedrunning Japanese. it's the first time i've tried to learn a language but honestly it's been fun. i can read hiragana fully and some katakana so it's fun and motivating to come across Japanese in the wild that i can now suddenly read. once i get Japanese to an acceptable level i also plan on learning an instrument, i have both an acoustic guitar and a keyboard that i can learn. i love to sing so an accompanying instrument will be very fun!


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no… i am not making an engine - math stuff is still useful for moving the actors in game


How did you learn to read so fast? Can you speak it well? Did you use comprehensible input?


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i started off using straight duolingo courses. but as of now i use a combination of duolingo, self-made flashcards, following japanese social media, watching anime, listening to japanese music, and reading japanese children's books. also, chatgpt is a great resource for language learning i've found. it can answer grammar questions, provide context, translate words/sentences, and even give suggestions. i find myself asking chatgpt questions as i would with a japanese teacher. i put in probably around 6-8 hours of study a week and i've been working at it for a month and a half or so.

i wouldn't say i can speak it *well*, but i can speak enough to navigate my way through simple conversation as a tourist. my current hurdle is not only expanding my vocabulary but also memorizing verb conjugation and compartmentalizing different levels of politeness as i am not a very professional person irl lol. i've never tried learning a language before, it's pretty fun! i hear that the original JP pokemon games don't use any kanji so i want to try playing through a gen1 game in japanese. do you know any other languages sushi?


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Tip: learn phrases rather than individual words.


what makes you say that? not saying you're wrong just wondering the reasoning behind it.


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Not a big deal but I've been customizing the launcher in my tablet and I wanted to show off.


looks awesome, I love the aesthetic


that looks sick sushi roll. very cool.


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Not that sushi, but learning phrases rather than the individual words can help you learn the speech patterns that are in use in your target language. Depending on how alien the grammar is, not following these patterns will make what you say sound like mumbo-jumbo at best or give it a whole another meaning at worst.

For example, if somebody ever asks you "How do you feel yourself?", there is a chance that they are Russian, and so they probably don't mean that in any touchy-feely lewd way. They're wondering if you're okay. The verb "чувствовать" (feel) requires an object in Russian unless it's used in a statement on whether some thing can have feelings at all. To give you another example, the direct translation for the Russian way of saying "I have a dog" would be "At me is dog". "Иметь", the would-be equivalent for "have", is little used for anything other than abstract concepts in Russian, and what dictionary you'd use would probably skip on this.

Other than words that don't really have a translation and have to be arranged and used in a specific way, there are sometimes new, unfamiliar grammatical structures. Learning the phrases gives you an opportunity to try them out and, unlike what you can construct from the individual words, these phrases are definitely going to be 100% correct, saving you from the grammar trap. Although somewhat familiar from anime, Japanese, a language that doesn't belong to the Indo-European family, will surely provide you with many pitfalls and unknowns.


If I may add my own opinion, in my experience to learn words isolated from context is to set yourself in the path of failure, it is the bruteforce method, the method of the brute forcing a dictionary down it's throat. I don't mean to be rude, it just happens to be the most popular method. Words without context do not stick, whereas a full utterance is the true basic unit of speech, it does a far greater job in showing the kinds of associations these words have, whether they are used a verbs, nouns, or other parts of speech, and plenty of nuance, they are less boring and pointless than going potato: patata.
Words are not isolate entities.


And a good way to learn phrases are…?


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That’s awesome! I’m planning on going in June, wbu? I am mostly hitting southern japan, going from Tokyo all the way down to Kyushu.


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i see. that does make sense. i was going about it all wrong then. i was trying to learn individual words and imagining building the sentences like blocks. that's fair enough then. japanese does have some very different sentence structuring so you two are probably right. thanks sushis.
i'm going at the end of March! i'll be flying in to Tokyo and also mostly hitting southern Japan. outside of Tokyo we plan on going to see the shrines in Kyoto, doing some nature walks, and going deep sea fishing off the coast somewhere. i'm not fully sure of the itinerary yet but it's going to be a blast regardless.


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Honestly, I can't recommend anything in particular. For the past 8 years, there have only been a few times when I actively tried to learn a language, and these periods never lasted longer than a few months. There used to be booklets and videos that would introduce to you the language that is useful in a particular situation or place (airport, train station, hotel), including the relevant phrases. ChatGPT can probably generate these phrases for whatever topic you want and be useful in other ways.

> i was trying to learn individual words and imagining building the sentences like blocks
So long as you learn what the words mean, the context in which these words can be used and how to build sentences with them, it's a valid approach. The language learning books when introducing new words and grammar rules/patterns usually have you read a text that contains them and then ask you to build some sentences from a limited set of blocks so that you or your teacher can check if you get it all right. However, the rules these books offer end up being just a subset of language. There is this https://clok.uclan.ac.uk/1531/1/elt.ccp101.full_1531.pdf situation, for example. The only real way to go beyond memorizing the countless limiting rules is to read and listen, write and talk, and do it a lot. And that will take time. Years, in fact. There is no silver bullet.


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Learning the blocks of a language is good to start. I think sushis are recommending phrases because languages are a tacit knowledge like learning to swim or dance or play a video game where you need to be "in" the language to learn new stuff through it. I've learned in my own experience that comprehensible input and immersion are the absolute best way to acquire a language.


>i was going about it all wrong then
Nobody's wrong because nobody knows how to study and nobody teaches you, I suspect educators proactively truncate our early learning abilities. You learn how you learn as you go, in effect, learning.


>i'll be flying in to Tokyo
Enjoy the stay there. What in Tokyo are you interested in?


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besides the obvious of going to Akihabara i'm really interested in the food, the city sights, the nature, honestly just kinda taking in the culture in general. one of my favorite aspects of travel is experiencing how people from all across the world live their lives. might sound a bit lame but i'm excited to even just take the trains and walk the streets and appreciate the differences that native Tokyo residents experience daily. really puts into perspective how big the world is! as an American i'd love to try and chat up some locals but from my experience most places (including Japan?) are weird about talking to strangers so i'll have to act with tact and hope i can stumble upon someone less reserved.
>>17778 >>17779 >>17788
fair enough. i seem to be doing just fine with learning individual words and grammar so i was surprised the sushi said to focus on full phrases. i don't think it's a bad idea though, i'm going to make some flashcards of common phrases i can think of or maybe sentences that accentuate the differences in English and Japanese grammar. i've been watching youtube videos on comprehensible input which helps with this as well. a mix of both full phrases and individual building blocks is probably how i'll move forward.


I've learned absolute pitch (for C, D, and E)!!!
They said it was impossible, that I was "practically tone deaf", but I did it! Look at me now!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAH


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Reviewing javascript (difficult, beginners are advised to start with something simpler like COBOL).

Got to the end of chapter 2 of javascript.info (of part 1).


what is an absolute pitch?


Its when you can tell which note a sound is on a piano just by hearing it


absolute power…


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Imagine if you will studying your craft for a little over a decade. After deciding you want to be the main character of the japanese dub of House MD, you take precautions in order to make the transition from one language to another. But in doing so you realize most of the vocabulary is different, with a sizeable portion of it not being a direct katakana equivalent or even based on latin or anglo schools, presenting unique vocabulary. Imagine then that not only have you to complete your studies in this faraway lunar language, you now have to learn specialized vocabulary just to be a functional working member of their society, in what amounts to redoing your studies all over again.

Such spurious leaps of the imagination may seem absurd in our world, but they are commonplace – in the I WANT REFUNDS zone.


it certainly seems like a bad decision was made somewhere along the road.


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Reviewing regex.


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Javascript objects fully mastered.


Mostly doing firefighter training. Trying to spare as much time for fun as I can, but that usually just turns into staying up way to late.
Found a cool game yesterday that I'm pretty into: https://corru.observer


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Javascript's "for each" no longer presents any challenges.


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lets go!

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