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/lounge/ - sushi social

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170 days left… what are you planning to do with them?


finally go to college! get an education and stuff. though that's most likely just gonna be what keeps me busy while i work on what actually matters to me (computers, music, computer music)


left until what?


the heaven stairway incident


i cant wait


Stairway to Heaven was made years ago, Led Zeppelin beat you to it


end of the year! now its 167 days…


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I'm planning to remain a useless piece of shit for the remainder of the year and laugh in the face of everyone who tells me I should consider getting employed again.



Job Market is fucked anyways, those who have their own business knew a thing or two all things considered


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>those who have their own business knew a thing or two all things considered
Those suffered the most in the last couple of years though…


You can't be fired, or laid off, off your own business though, can you?


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You can easily not make any money with your business though.


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This… Is the mindset of a champion!
I like the cut of your jib, kid.


On the bright side, if you don't make any money from your own entrepreneurship, it's most likely you're doing something wrong, and you can fix that.
You can be an excellent employee, but that just doesn't guarantee having a stable job and that you won't be fired.

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