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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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File: 1589185910831.jpg (18.93 KB, 480x480, 1587860597454.jpg)


Uh oh. I have a Japanese test in a few hours. Wish me luck sushis


good luck sushi roll, I've got a digital systems exam that I didn't study for in the morning


pog, I'm making flashcards right now. Gonna get some sleep before I get up for the test, good luck sushi


How did it go?


I think I passed at least, but I butchered the sentence part.


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you did your best, that's all that matters


<3 tanku sushiroll
How's school going for you?




Good luck on your test S.


I hate to be the one to tell you this, but I think there's a possibility that the test might be over by now.


Life never stops testing you sushi roll








Lapland Winter (no Russians allowed)


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Did you at least remember how to write the kanji for seppuku?


Queen of Quality Season



Isekai Ojisan 異世界おじさん


File: 1658843350077.jpg (480.43 KB, 2731x4096, FYgrPV6acAAaig2.jpg)

At didn't think much of that OP when I first heard it but now it really grew on me

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