[ kaitensushi ] [ lounge / arcade / kawaii / kitchen / tunes / culture / silicon ] [ otaku ] [ yakuza ] [ hell ] [ ? / chat ] [ lewd / uboa / lainzine ] [ x ]

/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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• Files Supported: webm, swf, flv, mkv, mp4, torrent, 7z, zip, pdf, epub, & mobi.
• Embeds Supported: youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, metacafe, & vocaroo.
• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1649532526232.png (1.31 MB, 749x800, boom.png)


itt: pictures you REALLY like.


File: 1649754172519-0.jpg (292 KB, 1440x900, 1366738803001.jpg)

File: 1649754172520-1.gif (76.89 KB, 864x496, 123908fj4vn894.gif)

File: 1649754172520-2.jpg (470.78 KB, 1280x912, 1433515269001.jpg)

File: 1649754172520-3.jpg (716.68 KB, 1366x1025, yokohama.jpg)


File: 1649755682570-0.png (1.26 MB, 1920x1080, 1649113340975.png)

File: 1649755682570-1.jpg (1.51 MB, 2834x4361, 1648393166035.jpg)

File: 1649755682570-2.jpg (224.22 KB, 1280x720, 1436276711277.jpg)

File: 1649755682570-3.jpg (205.94 KB, 708x1000, 1648957395419.jpg)


File: 1649780660594.jpg (183.83 KB, 983x1280, EwYaL1sWYAc2LbV.jpg)


File: 1649799542313-0.jpg (59.86 KB, 783x960, 6112fc5aff5a8e987af7675b64….jpg)

File: 1649799542313-1.jpg (33.41 KB, 397x566, 1507330753453.jpg)

File: 1649799542313-2.jpg (139.23 KB, 1000x1439, fit battle.jpg)

File: 1649799542313-3.jpg (645.48 KB, 2048x1365, Vash the Stampede.jpg)


Very cool pictures!


File: 1649847787035-0.jpg (1.17 MB, 1920x1920, 1639463532421.jpg)

File: 1649847787035-1.jpg (4.78 MB, 4800x3200, SittingOnTheKeel_photos_v2….jpg)

This is a thread I REALLY like.


File: 1649901196215.jpg (109.41 KB, 1024x786, kot.jpg)

first post in this imageboard, favourite board so far :D


File: 1649915263686.jpg (116.53 KB, 630x768, have you seen him.jpg)

welcome, glad to have you!


File: 1649945433964.jpg (58.58 KB, 600x524, 1649638751693.jpg)

welcome here!


File: 1649953843380-0.jpg (52.11 KB, 256x393, 54d0bc3ff0ce81d51fdf65daa9….jpg)

File: 1649953843380-1.jpg (490.85 KB, 833x1000, 1591818619460-3.jpg)

File: 1649953843380-2.jpg (1.31 MB, 3072x2048, 1634203276146.jpg)

File: 1649953843380-3.jpg (542.76 KB, 2048x1536, 1640287108438-0.jpg)


File: 1649954092861-0.jpg (38.54 KB, 369x259, 6c589fad5cd3ef4b18337f7e3f….jpg)

File: 1649954092861-1.jpg (16.35 KB, 500x375, 1619556159326.jpg)

File: 1649954092861-2.png (504.58 KB, 1080x1080, 1628558075595.png)

File: 1649954092861-3.gif (333.57 KB, 297x285, 1631859321230_4.gif)


File: 1649954310565-0.jpg (61.62 KB, 500x500, 1325599447663.jpg)

File: 1649954310565-1.gif (361.31 KB, 300x300, InifinityOsaka.gif)

File: 1649954310565-2.gif (315.4 KB, 473x326, DrawnRainCoffee.gif)

File: 1649954310565-3.gif (117.76 KB, 200x200, 1492903024840.gif)


File: 1650000913126-0.png (1.06 MB, 576x768, yn5hpzidqwh51.png)

File: 1650000913126-1.jpg (137.46 KB, 1200x1080, E39CQL5VEAQcRuN.jpg)

File: 1650000913126-2.jpg (337.56 KB, 1464x2048, FGp0tclXsAMkKys.jpg)

File: 1650000913126-3.jpg (127.72 KB, 1000x1000, FICS2H0aIAANgCM.jpg)


File: 1650026974717-0.jpg (98.35 KB, 720x960, catceilling.jpg)

File: 1650026974717-1.jpg (40.55 KB, 900x900, cat violence.jpg)

File: 1650026974717-2.jpg (175.58 KB, 900x960, coelhoserio.jpg)

File: 1650026974717-3.png (1.41 MB, 1305x512, fluido.png)


File: 1650062339473.jpg (71.06 KB, 1024x768, ComfyNightApu.jpg)


File: 1650293157250-0.jpg (101.24 KB, 1078x1348, 1626890665943.jpg)

File: 1650293157262-1.jpg (50.09 KB, 750x845, 1632603846392.jpg)

File: 1650293157262-2.jpg (31.54 KB, 706x675, schrodingers_nice_box.jpg)

File: 1650293157262-3.png (831 KB, 1079x1921, 1647484839758.png)


File: 1650294116971.jpg (51.12 KB, 500x500, 94f6ccffd8db0753d1f752a5c4….jpg)

There's too many images that I could put in this thread
So I'll just post them infrequently as I think of them

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