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/lounge/ - sushi social

don't forget to smile :]

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Today OP got caught singing in the woods. What's up with you?


Really? Thats kind of cute, sushi. Were you just humming a song while walking or fully committed?



I always get kinda embarrassed playing my Japanese music really loud with my windows open whenever I come to a stop sign or red light in town, but I just keep my eyes forward and jam out
Well this video is a blast from the past.


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In the middle I guess, idle but still loud enough and with all the words and notes in place. The atmosphere was like in the beginning part of a fantasy book and I just kind of forgot it wasn't by some remote mountain village and there might be other people around. Wasn't cute, but thanks for making thinking of a reply 10x harder lol

You just love to bring suffering into the world, don't you sushi roll?

>I just keep my eyes forward and jam out
That's the best way to handle this stuff, honestly sushi you're the definition of cool.


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Have made a Tinder account. Just as I thought, it's made me more depressed. Most people the people on there are more shallow than I thought.

The search for interesting people I could shed my sushi rollymity for continues. I have to find some different place…


Isn't Tinder a hookup app? You'd be better off using a platform where common interests are priority instead of attraction. Wish I had an example to give, but I only know of Omegle - which you won't get long-lasting friendships out of.

I'm jealous. The last time I went into the woods, I got chased out by a bee. That was a year ago and I haven't gone innawoods since.


The problem is that there's no place to find people based on common interests that would have a bigger userbase (and also wouldn't be branded as a hookup/dating app, as I don't believe you should start any relationship that way).


Yup, relationships from there usually don't stay. It's impossible to make an account too, so it'd have to be a miracle to actually meet someone worthwhile there.


Keep in mind that people tend to have more shallow profiles than they actually are. Most people feel pretty uncomfortable putting their real self out there, so they tend towards the safer side of things.
Although, this is my experience gathered from apps besides tinder.


I know, I know… some introverts have problems with describing themselves, especially in good light, so they either don't write bios at all, or make them quite uninteresting.
Seems to happen even on apps designed for introverts where you can't even upload an avatar.


I used to get embarrassed doing that but after years of practice I'm actually good enough that I just sometimes break out in loud operatic song while I'm walking around in public or driving with the window down. Ganbare!


I like to find music by going through YT channels that just upload random songs they like. The channels are often just obscure songs so I go in with the mindset everything they upload is obscure. So sometimes they upload popular music without me realizing because I don't know anything about pop culture. Due to this confusion I've called arctic monkeys a 'cool obscure band' in front of music nerds.


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Tbh I feel embarrassed after 50% of conversations anyway, but if we're talking specific times the worst thing I've ever done was a few weeks ago trying to hit on my friend by giving her a pinecone. I realise that doesn't make much sense on it's own, but it didn't make much sense anyway and recalling it in full is psychological masochism.

Heh awesome


Well I haven't heard of that band either so at least you're in good company here.


I always get embarrassed when attractive women swarm around me and compliment me on my handsome looks, muscular physique and large penis


Why the Japanese at the end?


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The Japanese are known for their relentless and unbreakable spirit. It is said that a single utterance of the incantations "ganbatte" or "yareba dekiru" can power them for 72 consecutive hours.


You samachan rolls are alright.


I've actually had this happen, sans large penis, it sounds cool but it's just really unpleasant. Girls please I just want to play my nintendo in peace.


>sans large penis
I hope you find your large penis soon, it sucks to be without it.


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I told a waitress "you too" after she said to enjoy my meal


If I were to mention every embarassing thing I ever made, I could sell a book OP


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So you asked her to have dinner with you? She must think you're pretty cool sushi, did you kiss yet?


y-yeah, exactly that…
We aren't married yet though so we can't kiss


The day was going well, me and my hot girlfriends had this strong guy ambushed from every angle, but later I found a large penis in my soup and I had to hide it in my shirt so my mom didn't see


>at a party
>didn't want to go but I can't say no
>at the party, standing next to "friend", girl joins to talk to friend, friend leaves, i'm there standing in silence with girl, already feel like shit
>anyway couple minutes later I got to take a wizz
>ask someone where it is
>tiny potty under under stairway outside of which are many people
>Can't back down now
>go in
>walls are really thin
>can hear people talking quietly
>start pissing in spurts because nervous, as in starting with pressure and then suddenly stopping
>fuck I'm pretty sure all these people can hear me
>try to hit the side of bowl so it doesn't make any noise
>pee is going all over the toilet now
>finally get it all out after couple minutes
>wipe toilet
>wash hands
>shamefully walk away
not bad


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I saw some old acquaintances today and realised I look like a child. I wish I either looked like an actual man or an actual woman, I probably just don't have enough hormones or something.

…then again I'm cuddling a toy cat as I write this so maybe it's what I deserve


I know how you feel, a couple of days ago I was at a fancy wedding and a really really pretty waitress was offering everyone on my table wine, then she spotted me and asked in a peach flavoured sea glass voice if I'd like some apple juice.


I was uploading something through soulseek and due to my internet occasionally cutting out, they weren't able to conmplete their download and aborted it


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The opposite happened to me a while ago. Bought some small fireworks and the lady at the checkout said "oh your little boys are going to have to much fun with these." I nervously laughed and said "yea I guess so". A couple of the employees said similar things about buying fireworks for my sons while I was browsing.

I'm way too young to have a kid, let alone multiple kids old enough to play with fireworks. I guess I just have that old man energy.


at least you will age well desu


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I have a group chat with my cousins and little brother were we just joke around. On my brothers birthday they thought it'd be funny if they made a collage of all our inside jokes. Stuff like "sushi rolls brother wants to fook sushi roll", a yaoi comic they found funny, etc. They sent it to him using instagram chat along with other normal "happy birthday!" videos.

So my brother was showing the normal "happy birthday" videos to my mom, but since Instagram auto plays between videos she saw the collage by accident. That was worse enough, but she was so disgusted she stopped the car and asked my brother to show the collage. She spent a solid minute looking and asking us about the collage. I manage to make them delete the story and labels it's disappearance as "story's expire!".

I think the most embarrassing part is when it get brought up randomly and I have to dance around the topic. My mom also thinks the cousin who sent it, they're a literal 4.0 GPA perfect kid, is some punk society failed.


Sorry about your mom, it sounds like you have some cool family though, I'm jealous


Tell her to chill the heck out and that it's a joke video.


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You did a Disney princess?


Do you ever repeat random stuff under your breath without meaning to when you're alone? For me usually it's something like "fuck fuck fuck fuck" but also it can just be whatever's on my mind. Earlier I did it with "massive boobs massive boobs massive boobs" and I coughed at the start of "boobs" which made me yell it really loud.


Yeah, all the time, more and more in public too. Sometimes I wonder if I'm losing it.


I don't repeat things, but i do sometimes just talk to myself in public, full blown conversations, as if someone was right there and i was chatting with them.
I feel like it's rehearsal, i'm practising talking about things because I'm so bad at talking in an "improvised" way. So when/if i have to talk about it again to someone, it sounds better and less clunky and i don't sound as retarded.

Very embarrassing if someone catches me practising though.


Whenever I feel like I've successfully contributed to a conversation, or say something that people have a positive reaction to, I always end up continuously thinking about the thing I said, repeating it over and over in my head. I always worry that I'm going to accidentally repeat it again out loud, which would be really embarrassing, but that hasn't happened yet.


Not really without meaning, but I do sometimes tell unnecessary thoughts/awkard memories that pop up to fuck off (or equivalent) out loud under my breath.


>Whenever I feel like I've successfully contributed to a conversation, or say something that people have a positive reaction to, I always end up continuously thinking about the thing I said, repeating it over and over in my head.
Holy shit roll, I do that exact same thing as well, except I have a habit of muttering it under my breath. A few times I've been caught doing it and it's super embarrassing but I'm quite relieved to know I'm not the only person who does this. I wonder why I do it too, I have no idea where I got such a habit…


I do this too!


But what does it mean


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I can't balance on two wheels


It means you're proud of yourself! I often think of jokes I told that landed well much later on and chuckle to myself. It's very normal.


Oh yeah, I can't ride a bicycle and I'm almost 30. Can't drive either (can't park the car specifically, so I know I'll fail the test).


It's really not about balance - once the wheels are spinning they really do the balancing for you. Learning to ride a bike is mostly just learning how to get moving in the first place, everything after that is easy.


That helps; now to get that into muscle memory.


i became so afraid of saying "you too" inappropriately that i decided to just start saying it intentionally to people who wont remember me and then laugh about it. its very fun.
i also respond to menial reasons to be right back such as to get food with "good luck". others laugh at that one with me


I always ask my frens to wish me luck when I go to get some water or brush my teeth or whatever.
I'm sure we'd get along well together!!


This happened once when I was in college and was riding my bike somewhere. While I was stopped at a light, a girl from one of my classes, who was on foot, recognized me and started a conversation. When the light changed, I automatically started riding away while I was in the middle of a sentence, without even thinking about it until I was already pretty far ahead of her.

This is one of my only embarrassing memories that actually makes me laugh when I think about it, instead of making me want to die.


Spinning is gyroscopic? Don't know why I never made that connection before.


I remember sitting in a bus that was fairly packed at night, minimal lighting so it was especially dark inside. With nothing else better to do, I was messing around with my camera and decided to send a picture of the floor, telling my friend I was on the bus coming home. Well for whatever reason the light setting was enabled (honestly have no idea how this happened, I never turn that on) and I didn't notice so I ended up flash banging the whole seat row in front of me. Happened years ago, still keeps me up at night.


Yesterday I went to a nearby cafe while waiting for my driving test. All the tables were occupied so I thought I'd sit together with a girl who also waited for the test. We just sat there for half an hour and talked for less than a minute. Pretty sure she found it creepy that I'm really fidgety when in public.

She ended up paying the drink for me after trying to do so myself.


I couldn't sleep at all last night because I kept thinking bad stuff about me. I ended up looking for "girlfriend ASMR" so that I could sleep.
It helped a lot.


chances are those "music nerds" exclusively listen to popular music from after the 60s anyway. there's always a bigger snob.


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Was acting out fighting game animations in my living room. With the screen door of my apartment open. I'm not entirely sure if anyone saw me.


Apparently, my floormates have heard me singing vocaloid music in the shower for months.


Today is day two going cold Turkey on nicotine. Im glad I got drunk enough to throw my vape in the trash last night because I keep reaching for it purely instinctively.

Ive been smoking a lot of mugwort when I get cravings, which historically is what sailors would smoke at sea when they ran out of tobacco. Its non addictive so its a good replacement while im dealing with the worst of it.


ganbatte roll

it's not exactly analogous but I'm trying to cut down on my habit of drinking alone myself


I wish you the best of luck, but really cant offer any advice as thats one of the ways im dealing with cravings 😖. Alcoholism runs in my family but luckily its never really affected me. I was a pretty heavy weed smoker but had to stop when I had covid and now im around a month without weed also. It feels like im purging myself of every bad habit.

All I can think to say is you replace one habit with another one. Maybe see if you can become interested in tea or something.


Fighting game animations are fight moves, they probably just think you're a deadly warrior. I wouldn't worry about it.


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Doing martial arts well is fine; embarrassment is the temporary


No no no, you don't understand. I wasn't shadowboxing, I was full on throwing hadokens and Potemkin busters. Nothing that looked like a real sport or art.


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The other night while in a sleep call with crush,I had a bit of weed and played a bit of TF2 before bed. Long story short, I was too immersed in the game, made a bunch of weird little noises for a solid 5 mins, with my crush hearing all the noises.


People still play TF2? That's nice to hear.


Was in a call with friends playing it when I saw this post, haha. I guess it's more occasional games for nostalgia as opposed to regular play.


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Never give up, keep on trying …


When I made a Tinder account I put in my bio "Tits and freedom is all I seek" in 3 different languages.
I had 0 females like me but I was decently popular with the guys.
Not sure why tho..


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Bought about $20 of groceries, and my card came up $0.21 short. I had to ask to remove one of the items while the other people in line watched me fumble to say "sorry, I don't have 21 cents…"


I got caught buying tons of lacrosse equipment for no reason. The store slave girl asked me what I was going to do with all that. I told her I didn't know. She gave me this dumbfounded look. "Why?" I just shrugged and said I had no reason. At that moment, a ball rolled off the huge pile of equipment I was cradling and rolled off. There was no way for me to stoop down and guess what? She didn't even help pick it up. I didn't even end up buying it.


There was a career fair & one of the recruiters wandered away from their booth to take selfies by himself on-campus. He was all alone until I walked into the building. Mid picture we made eye contact & he probably realized how silly he looked, so he looked down and put his phone in his pocket. It was bizarre


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A few weeks ago I was talking to a cat outside and a neighbour I hadn't noticed gave me a look like I was crazy (he didn't see the cat).


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I sing moonlight dentetsu


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Embarassment is weakness.
Embrace the cringe, let it flow through your veins and oxidize into a strength where no one can tell you the rights or wrong of this world…
Become. Unstoppable.


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The most embarrassing thing I've done is stayed in a relationship with a loser longer than I should have only to get dumped by them because I "demanded to much", flossing teeth daily & getting out of academic probation. It's embarrassing because I pretended it was happy in front of my friends, so I cringe when I think of telling them about all the disrespect I put up with.
On the flip side I finally wake up happy everyday because I know I don't have to deal with my Ex anymore ToT


the trash takes itself out.

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