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There aren't any blue foods, except a few fruits and artificially died foods.


just checked - even blue cheese isnt really blue


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Many people eat lobsters, and there indeed exists blue lobsters although they are very rare.


Huh? It says they are endemic to the US.


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I really need a classical fantasy RPG.. there is Avowed coming, but it doesn't look too good. Sucks, because I played Pillars of Eternity and the world portrayed was absolutely my favourite thing about it!


I got kicked out of a student club today. No explanation given. I never talked about controversial topics. Last time I was there, I talked about Doom with some other guy. Why are normals so difficult?


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I hate starving artist trope… its too common…


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Well, I mean yeah, of course it is. Because a lot of artists are starving, and they are writing about their personal experiences.


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I was thinking of real life artists, not in fiction, hehe.


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It's not really a trope if it's in real life then is it? It's just a trend.


Super cringe of them and a definite red flag on their end. Instead of talking to you and mediating or even giving you a second chance or just a warning, they boot you from the club. You should report them for that lol. For what? No idea. Do it anyways since school staff > student clubs every time. Bonus points for getting reinstated to their dismay. Still, it shows their lack of character to do that to you, so sorry that happened to you sushi-chan. :(


>gotta go to the office tomorrow
>can't fuggin' go to sleep




Reminds me when Randy Feltface set up that exact question to answer with: "Blueberries are purple!" Nah, I just looked at the wikipedia article. Totally a dark blue. Not a "slushi blue", but it's blue.


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I like goth music but I don't like a lot of goth music with male-singers because the lyrics are all "you're a dark and mysterious girl, you're so dark… and mysterious. yeah. so sexy, yeah, my dark and mysterious girl" and nonsense like that. Who is allowing these people to make music? If I were their bandmates, I would've kicked them out of the band for writing drivel like that multiple times.


>there are no blue foods
>proceeds to mention blue foods in the same sentence


They might be blue on the outside, but there's no way to extract that blue without mixing it up with the purple on the inside. Overall I would say they are more purple for that reason.


Honestly, I think both opinions stand on their own merit. I say blueberries are blue because they're blue on the outside while you say the purple on the inside counts as well.


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I have a love/hate relationship with culture. I used to think there was something charming and relieving about comfy imageboards, otaku culture, indie gaming, and hackers. Nowadays I just feel even more spiteful and negative towards everyone and everything. I'm tired of this life. I wanna hug Punxsutawney Phil. Can I at least hug him and tell him my sorrows?


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Do you know what the word "except" means?


my partner's dog passed away today. I really loved her (the dog), she was really special (the dog).


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i am so terrified of passage of time. it was almost half a year ago when i watched frieren and relayed my experience here. the mere thought freezes me. how come it was so long ago?


It gets worse every year. The older you get, the shorter each year seems in comparison to the rest of your life.


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Who cares, civilizations last longer than our lives, species last longer than civilizations, planets last longer than species and suns and galaxies and so on.
We're nothing in the grand scheme of things, may as well just seat ourselves comfy in this ride called life.
We are all going to the same place in the end.

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