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Just applied for my first job, pls hope for the best sushirolls!!!


Good luck sushi roll! What did you apply for?

Job interviews are hell, but do enough of them and you will find a good place. Just be suspicious of any red flags and make up your mind beforehand, what's important to enable you to keep the job once accepted and be well. Try to meet the people you will be working with. Even the best job can be ruined by incompatible colleagues.

If you get a bad feeling during the interview, from the people, atmosphere, working conditions or answers to your questions, it's better to keep searching. Even with a perfect interview, it's only a 70% chance the job is good, so any points deducted from this first impression makes it already a gamble.


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Huge hope!!! Keep going!!! In no time you will see freedom correlates with increased revenue!!!


Chaika! Front Page?! 2024!!!


I have an interview this week. I hope to get this seasonal gig.



Really? I hope it goes well for you lol, praying for both of us :3


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I just got fired the other day


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They didn't fire you. You fired them.

Enjoy the summer.


Idk what to do with myself. I'm broke and friendless and now I have nothing to do every day. I don't even feel like getting out of bed.


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Sounds like you need to find yourself another place of employment then.


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likelihood of my getting fired tomorrow is high. theres a chance im just overthinking but i've fucked up repeatedly despite being reprimanded multiple times prior.

ive fixed those problems over the past few days but i fear it's too late


Nah I'd rather not. I have some cash saved up so I'm gonna NEET the rest of the year.


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good choice.


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>I'm broke
>I have some cash saved up

The pseudo-interactions I have in this imageboard are the type of stuff that keeps me up at night.


If all I had is some money to survive I would consider myself broke too.

Hope it went good for you!


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Implies no social or hobby prospects from the now vacant time derived from losing one's employment, nor the necessary funds to even allow suggesting developing either of those options. The only logical solution then is to seek further employment, to accumulate the funds to pursue other more self-fulfilling endeavours. Hence >>18948

Then >>18977
A six month sabbatical, in it the implication of a self-fulfilling endeavor (or more), undermines the premise established in the previous post, which means >>18943 was the sensible option all along and this entire exchange was for naught.

It's only logical then to enjoy the summer.


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thanks sushi, we ended up having a bunch of tech issues yesterday which was pretty stressful to deal with. because of that + still needing to do my usual duties the meeting has bee delayed. i'm more optimistic but still worried.


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funny, my manager set up a meeting tomorrow
either i lose the job or get a raise, we will see


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got a raise! not a big one, but it just means my position got a little bit more stable. previous year was not too good for my company, was really worried about getting fired and reduced my monthly spendings to quarter of what i earned. i am quite happy with this minimal lifestyle and will continue it, best things in life are free anyway.


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it happened yesterday, i have been fired. getting a decent payout since ive been with them for a few years + had some annual leave saved. might go to japan for a few weeks and look for a new job when i get back.

congratulations! i hope things continue being well for you. i have some pretty bad spending habits so i'll need to look for something stable to support myself, the minimalist lifestyle seems nice from the outside.


ah, thats too bad! but you dont seem very concerned? hope thats the case! you got this!


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and cute images too


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Do your jobs have handbooks, sushis? Ever had a handbook with a job?


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it is what it is, im young and have plenty of savings from the years ive been working already. it's something ive been anticipating for months at this point. im still concerned about what im going to do moving forward, it's scary. for so long i was in the same cycle, highschool and work on weekends. then when i graduated my hours increased so i was basically just working or at home.

the thing im worried about the most right now is having to tell my parents, as the agreement with them was i'd be allowed to stay at home as long as i was in education or working. which assuming i follow the above stated plan i'll try to do both on arrival back. i've got a lot of thinking to do.

thank you for the well wishes.

had no handbook, closest thing was a binder we dubbed the "Customer Service Bible," it just had a list of every product/item we offered with details of what it is, prices and such. though it was barely used as things changed so often and the info in it was never updated.


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Proud of you for taking a stand and firing them. Tell your parents you're going to take advantage of the timing of their firing to take a well-deserved trip to the Japan for purposes of leisure, study and networking (comiket is fast approaching).


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I go for my trip and the thread stops getting responses. Thanks for motivation sushi, I got back a week ago now and the time has passed in the blink of an eye. I bought a bunch of stuff and am yet to sort basically any of it. (only gone through my doujinshi so far, but have a bunch of misc stuff and figures to go still)

Will need to start looking for a job again soon enough, but it's good to be back here. I hope everyone has been well.


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Tell us about the trip! (and also how the job hunt is going!)

I just ended a 5-month long unemployment streak, the job market where I live is hellish right now. Funny, after 60 applications, 20 interviews, and 4 failed job starts, I am finally back to the place I originally left.


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Welcome back from Japan! I dearly hope the time you spent there has given you ample opportunity to kick back, have fun, and think deeply-but not in a troublesome way as to give you trepidation-about your direction. This isn’t to prod too far, though, I’m curious whether you have completed considering taking up a job and school, together? In any case, I am working and waiting for October 10th, which will be the date I fly out to receive training for NCCC. Slightly more than a month remains!

You have returned in situ, but changed. How do you feel?


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Overall the trip was good, though there were a number of stressful days. First time traveling alone so I guess that was to be expected. Mostly hung out in the Tokyo/Osaka areas, met up with some online people to go drinking and hang out a few times.

Comiket was very fun but very busy, I liked the variety of stuff on the first day, but I spent the second exclusively going through the Touhou booths. Managed to get a bunch of merch for my favorite character.

I also spent a lot of time figure hunting and found a lot of less popular items I've wanted. Mainly 2000's trading figures. Mostly Ooshima Yuuki sculpts, but I got a few others as well. Item I'm most happy about is the Shinyokohama Arina trading figure I stumbled across in a Suruga-ya for an amazing price (at least compared to what you see her for online). That store also had the Yumeno Sumika figure from the same sculptor so I assume one person came in to sell them both.

Haven't started job search yet, just been exhausted since I got back. I haven't given too much thought about the simultaneous school and work. I think I'll start working again first, then if I think I can handle the load I'll look into education as well.

If you have any questions about my trip or what I got feel free to ask! I'm not great at remembering stuff when I think of it as a whole, so I like when people ask specific things.

Congratulations on reemployment~
I hope the place works out for you. Do you mind if I ask why you left the first time and what lead to you coming back?

Only a short wait left! Not sure what NCCC is, but you seem excited so I hope the training opens opportunities for you!

im also very tired while writing this so i apologise if anything doesnt make sense….


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Sucks. I hate it.

Gah I'm jealous! Wish I could go to Comiket some time. And yeah, take your time job searching, sending out applications and doing interviews can be a full-time job on its own some time. Pick up any good Touhou stuff?

And yeah for your question, it was just a series of unfortunate events. I had a quarter-life crisis after realizing that I've been a cook for 7 years, and if I don't get out of my career path now, I'll be in a kitchen for the rest of my life. It culminated in a mid-shift mental health crisis, which lead to me immediately leaving the business. I promised myself I wouldn't go back to the kitchen, and that I would find a better job in trades. Finished trade school, got my certification, but it did fuck all for me. The job market here is completely fucked, and I couldn't find a job. After about 5 months, I ran completely out of money, and am facing homelessness. So I called up my old workplace, breaking my self-promise. Because I'd rather be a liar than starve to death.

I feel like death. I put everything I had into improving my life, to breaking out of the lower class. But the world said no.


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>Pick up any good Touhou stuff?
I did! I'll try and list a few things here, might take some photos and post in one of the dead figure threads in /kawaii/.

I picked up a bunch of Touhou stuff but the items I am happiest about are a handmade Yuyuko plush, Marisa and Reisen sofubi figures, Magical Maid Sakuya figure, and the Liquid Stone Kanako GK. The rest of the Touhou stuff I got was mostly minor things like keychains, pins, and other assorted items.

Your situation isn't ideal. I can't really offer good advice as I can't relate to your exact position, but I'll try and give a few of my thoughts.
You tried but ended up where you started, but you put in the effort.
> if I don't get out of my career path now, I'll be in a kitchen for the rest of my life.
I don't think this is true. Even if you have to stay in this job a while longer, you have the ability to get another job, sure it didn't work out the first time. But who's to say it won't work out the next? I'd start applying to other places slowly while working and just hope to be lucky. Don't give up hope! 頑張れ!!!


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Welcome back to the land of the free. I've been much like myself, the best. I see you have already devised a pretty decent comeback plan. Take your time and win when you're ready.

>Magical Maid Sakuya figure

Talk about a blast from the past…

Think about it this way: if they took you back so promptly after you left them, they have you in good standing. You've proven that you can be a good asset in this place, which means you can do the same in other places when the time comes.

Right now, you're sitting on top of a spring. You took your time to compress it further, adding more potential energy into that system. Something will click and all that energy will be released, flinging you up high, the more you compress that spring, the higher it will fling you.

>if I don't get out of my career path now, I'll be in a kitchen for the rest of my life

The problem with having a career is that it'll always get you stuck somewhere for the rest of your life. There's no escaping that. What you have to figure out is some form of balance between money and fulfillment. Do you find that balance in your current workplace? What was it that compelled you to go to trade school? Did whatever you pick up promise a better balance?

I honestly wish I could give you better advice. I had a moment of prescience when I was really young and so managed to avoid the worst, but would what I devised then be applicable to someone in your situation now? I don't think so.


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Nah, there's no such thing as "balance" when you work in a kitchen. I have neither money nor fulfillment. It's got a demonic hierarchy. You either stay a line cook making dogshit pay or clamber your way up to management where your life gets sucked away through call-ins, late hours, and having more responsibilities shoved onto you by the higher ups. The reason I had this crisis was by realizing most of my coworkers were 10-20 years older than me, and had no education or work experience necessary to go anywhere else in life. And that's going to be me too.

But if I can't have money or fulfillment in a kitchen, at least I could find a job where I have money. I went through trade school because I figured education was the ticket to a better job, but nope, turns out 5 years experience is. And I can't really get 5 years experience if I can't get hired in the first place.

I just wish I could get out of this fucked up cycle. I've been broke my entire life, and I just want to be stable.


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That's a hella complex situation to say the least…

>I figured education was the ticket to a better job, but nope, turns out 5 years experience is.

Not exactly. It certainly helps, but this is something that, depending on the trade you picked, can be bullshitted through. The first way is through networking with teachers and colleagues when learning. The second way is through internships, usually part of the course but you can go for internships after your learning journey and pull off the same thing (it's work for no money for a couple of months, which might make things even more difficult in your case though). The third way is through "freelancing". Sure you didn't work for a company, but if your chosen trade so permits it, you can get your work experience like this. The employment ads may have some barriers like "5 years experience" or "fluent italian", but if you've only got 2 years of experience and your italian is B1 level, they might still take you. All they really want is you to prove you're capable at what they want you to do and usually getting the interview is half the battle won. If a place is desperate enough and there's not enough people applying, you've got a fair chance.


I'm not going to be able to get a job until I'm 30 and I worry all this studying will be for nothing

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